If you pick any random body part and look at it carefully, you'll come to realize that countless people who had this body part in a slightly different and thus disadvantageous shape, had to die in horrible ways so you could have yours in the shape that it is today.
They hit record levels every year for decades already. Nobody cared. I don't see how we could get out of this amalgamation of isolated short sighted short time goal optimizations, which makes it worse and worse.
Die Fertigstellung der Reparatur verzögert sich aus bürokratischen Gründen, denn das Ersatzteil darf nicht auf dem freien Markt gekauft werden, sondern muss aus Gesetzesgründen speziell angefertigt werden, vom Metall-Guss über die Veredlung, etc.
Quelle: Gespräch mit Forschern vor Ort.
Oh, der brain-drain ist ja schon voll im Gange. Ob die, die ins Ausland gehen, vor haben eventuell zurückzukehren?
As long as Russia has foreign oil sales they won't need to print as much money, lowering the chance of inflation rising uncontrollably.
We might actually see another hyperinflation.
Brilliant video!
Sollen es dann halt zudecken, damit man es nicht sehen kann.
Waking up from sleep mode mostly.
Health. :)