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[–] rumschlumpel 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

hehe, "Spektrum"

ja ist eigentlich unangebracht ...

[–] rumschlumpel 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Maybe 3:1 or 5:2 coffee:milk. I don't like my espresso blazing hot anyway, so the lower temperature suits me fine.

[–] rumschlumpel 25 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (4 children)

That makes about as much sense as asking whether people actually like coffee. There are so many variations of "coffee with milk", and they're usually prepared without latte art.

Personally I don't really like steamed milk anymore, I'll either drink my coffee without milk or with cold milk. Heated milk has a peculiar flavor that's distinct from cold or room temperature milk, and at some point I started disliking it. Also, it has to be cow milk for me.

[–] rumschlumpel 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Währenddessen werden im Deutschen die meisten englischen Begriffe mitsamt der Orthografie übernommen, aber trotzdem nicht wie im Original ausgesprochen (abhängig von den Englischkenntnissen des Sprechers).

Die Japaner haben übrigens auch eingejapanischte deutsche Begriffe, relativ prominent z.B. baito/arubaito von "Arbeit" (was wohl idR sowas wie "Teilzeitjob" oder "Minijob" bedeutet). Witzig, dass die Japaner unser Wort übernehmen, während wir dafür selbst zum Englischen greifen, insbesondere wenn man bedenkt, dass Teilzeitarbeit in Deutschland sehr häufig vorkommt im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern (z.B. an der niedrigen durchschnittlichen Wochenarbeitszeit der deutschen Arbeitnehmer zu sehen).

[–] rumschlumpel 16 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Journalisten und Politiker sind vermutlich deutlich billiger als Anwälte (sofern keine Korruption stattfindet). So ein jahrelanger Rechtsstreit mit unsicherem Ausgang ist sehr teuer.

[–] rumschlumpel 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

"easier to use" shouldn't really matter for Particularly-Good-At-Archery-Man. It's not like a bow is a particularly slow weapon, either (medieval archers were probably doing about 10 shots per minute), and you don't really need the additional power of crossbows - medieval war bows were able to kill armored knights, they were pretty much only limited by the archer's strength. Whether you need high power pretty much depends on the setting - if you're mostly fighting against human thugs who maybe wear a protective vest you don't need extremely high draw strength. If the setting is more fantastical, why WOULDN'T "particularly good at archery" include absurdly strong muscles that make the additional power of crossbows unnecessary?

[–] rumschlumpel 3 points 3 months ago

TIL the movies lied to me! I vividly remember John Rambo stealth-killing a camp of enemy fighters with a bow.

[–] rumschlumpel 40 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (11 children)

The biggest advantage of bows in a gun setting would be stealth, can't shoot what you don't know is there. Makes the superhero stuff a bit difficult, though.

[–] rumschlumpel 20 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I'm fairly certain that most antilope-type animals have quite pronounced sexual dimporphism (e.g. in several species, the females don't have horns at all). Male giraffes are also quite a bit larger than female giraffes, though that could be explained away by the male being younger.

[–] rumschlumpel 89 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Its landlord, SRI Nine Market Square, in early 2023 filed a suit against X for more than $3 million in unpaid rent. SRI Nine Market sought to extend Twitter’s line of credit to $10 million as an assurance that future rent would be paid. Other vendors also have sued X for failing to pay its bills. But in January of this year, SRI Nine Market dropped the case, Reuters reported. It’s unclear why.

Sounds like he did follow through.

[–] rumschlumpel 20 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

Der IOC ist doch höchstens überrascht, dass die Bestechungsgelder so niedrig sind.

[–] rumschlumpel 32 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (4 children)

Als »enttäuschend« bewertete Unilever zuletzt die Performance seiner Eissparte. Eine Enttäuschung sei das Eis gemessen an der »ersten Priorität für unsere Marken – organisches Wachstum«. Eis soll nicht nur Geld bringen, auch nicht bloß immer mehr Geld, sondern möglichst viel mehr Geld. Und an diesem Maßstab scheitert es. Sondereinflüsse herausgerechnet, spielte Eis 2023 Unilever zwar 8 Milliarden Euro ein, das waren aber nur 2,3 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr. Dagegen legten die Unilever-Marken in den Bereichen »Personal Care« und »Beauty« (unter anderem Dove, Axe, Vaseline) über 8 Prozent zu, der Bereich »Ernährung« (unter anderem Knorr, Pfanni) um 7,7 Prozent und »Home Care« (Omo, Domestos) immerhin um fast 6 Prozent.


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