
joined 1 year ago
[–] jasondj@ttrpg.network 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

That’s actually a requirement?

Do they have to hold up the Holy Grail and yell out “Jewmanji”, too?

[–] jasondj@ttrpg.network 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

He faps himself to sleep thinking of the black kid he arrested.

[–] jasondj@ttrpg.network 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (4 children)

You shouldn't exist if you have to build your fucking country on the mass graves of the native people, and then you are so deep in this shit you have to develop tech to be able to apartheid them all behind walls and systems and bullets, starving and dying. No, an entity like that should not deserve to exist.

Just for curiosity, are you American?

Because you literally just described America.

[–] jasondj@ttrpg.network 0 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Just get a new car pleb.

Honestly Bluetooth in a car has been a must for me for like 10 years now. And having experienced CarPlay, that’s def next (especially for cars that support wireless and have a Qi spot. Thats practically magic)

[–] jasondj@ttrpg.network 1 points 9 months ago

Did you pay by the SLOC?

[–] jasondj@ttrpg.network 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Possible I’m wrong? I was going against the Distrowatch details since I was just looking at them a couple hours before I replied: https://distrowatch.com/table-mobile.php?distribution=ubuntu

I don’t usually “trust” vendor support for Linux though…Linux is usually a second-class citizen and “support” means there is either a single grey-beard or an intern that’s answering emails about it. Idk about StudioOne, but unfortunately it’s usually expected to not have feature parity or complete documentation for commercial software on Linux. IME, YMMV, etc.

[–] jasondj@ttrpg.network 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (3 children)

Ubuntu LTS and 23.x are both Xorg. Latest has Wayland. If 24.04 is to be LTS though, I don’t think they’d release it with Wayland as default. I’d think they’d switch to Wayland on 24.10 so there’s 3 more releases to get good before the next LTS build.

[–] jasondj@ttrpg.network 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

That’s not true. They understand money. Even a little Latin. Like “Quid pro quo” and “caveat emptor” and “tangunt liberos inepte”.

[–] jasondj@ttrpg.network 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Would’ve been better if you hinted that the mother was German too. Like, have him refer to her as “Oma” or something.

Like, idk about where, but in American English, if you’ve got a 1st-gen grandparent, a lot of English-only kids refer to them by the terms in their grandparents language. Especially Greeks, Germans, and Latin-Americans.

[–] jasondj@ttrpg.network 0 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (2 children)

No. Carbon neutral isn’t enough. We are going to have to go carbon negative.

We can’t just take hundreds of millions of years worth of sequestered carbon and dump it into the atmosphere and leave it there to re-sequester itself. That’s going to take a long time to reverse enough to even buck the current trend of global warming, if we were able to just go carbon neutral today.

Trees also don’t really sequester carbon for long. They die, and the carbon gets eaten by organisms and the cycle continues. Or it burns and most of the carbon is released instantly and only ash remain.

Coal only got there specifically because there was nothing evolved to eat lignin for a long time and dead trees piled up so high that dead trees on top ended up compressing their ancestors into it.

Crude only got there because plants and algae in shallow water died, mixed into sediment, rinse, repeat times a few million years, get compressed by the weight of all the layers above, and turn to crude.

The sequestration of ancient carbon wasn’t just by virtue of being plants, but what happened after those plants died.

[–] jasondj@ttrpg.network 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I’m sorry, I’m only a novice Python guy. Know enough to get two RESTful APIs to talk to each other and do some network automation or rudimentary Ansible plugins.

What’s wrong with if isinstance(x, str):?

[–] jasondj@ttrpg.network 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

A good stepping stone product, but netbooks weren’t destined to last long. Beyond the rosie tint of nostalgia, it was a pretty impractical device. Good enough display for DVD video, but no dvd drive or enough onboard storage to handle a selection of movies (at an acceptable encoding for the time, at least). Big enough to require a flat surface or a lap to type on but not powerful enough to justify it, and a very cramped typing surface at that.

Eventually they got replaced by tablets/convertibles, large phones, and ultrabooks. And all much better platforms in all ways, IMO.

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