
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] federalreverse 3 points 2 hours ago

The rise of right-wing in Europe can be directly attributed to the massive influx of right-wing conservative ideologues from the middle East pouring in.

You might want to think on this some more, because this seems like a bad take to say the least. The people coming from the Middle East to the EU are very diverse. In fact, it's a big pull that there's a lot more freedom here than in their home countries. Including the freedom to e.g. be openly gay.

Our societies have (largely informally) been segregating immigrants from the native-born citizens. We also didn't prioritize education about e.g. Islam. This void has been abused by organizations sponsored by autocratic nations to infiltrate or societies. That's one part of the issue.

Another is that xenophobia is privileged in all of our brains. And a third is that over the past few decades, our societies were reshuffled to make outcomes worse for poor people.

[–] federalreverse 4 points 2 hours ago

I see. That probably wouldn't have been my first thought but I see why you changed it. Thanks for the clarification & carry on!

[–] federalreverse 6 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) (2 children)

Online they are always frothing at the mouth at negative mention of Merkel and her shiti economic and geopolitical policy

You sound like you're doing wild stereotyping. But no, not every single German thinks the same way.

And you may not want to hear it, but while Merkel's policies often did a disservice to Germany and the EU, she did have strengths. Just compare her to the utter non-presence that is Olaf Scholz, who somehow snagged the chancellor's seat.

Has the public opinion turned on her within Germany yet or we still calling her auntie?

We called her "Mutti", i.e. "mommy". There isn't even a German word for "auntie" in German afaik. And I should k because growing up, I had a very motherly neighbor. We never had a special term for her.

[–] federalreverse 2 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

Barely related: I recently noticed the YouTube series Omeleto. You might like it.

[–] federalreverse 5 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) (2 children)

@0x815@feddit.org I got a report for this post, because it uses an "editorialized title, clickbait". I don't really agree with the report, so I will let the post stand and leave the discussion open.

However, we currently don't have a rule concerning editorialized titles. I'd suggest to avoid such titles, at least for the time being. (I find it entirely possible that you didn't change the title and the difference is to be blamed on an A/B test on the part of the source. In that case, please ignore.)

[–] federalreverse 2 points 2 hours ago

Da sagst du was. Das ist ein Panzer.

[–] federalreverse 3 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) (2 children)

Warum hast du das zensiert? "Ich bin gerade sehr Auto auf [dich] und stelle mir vor, wie ich dich schneemännere, bis du schreist" ist doch ein total normaler Satz.

[–] federalreverse 5 points 7 hours ago

So ähnlich wie die gotischen, aber weniger tätowiert.

[–] federalreverse 1 points 7 hours ago

Persönlich gehe ich auf Arbeit. Zur Arbeit ist aber auch in Ordnung.

[–] federalreverse 1 points 7 hours ago

"Ich geh ins Geschäft" ist definitiv in meiner Top 3.

[–] federalreverse 2 points 7 hours ago

Medizinforschungsgesetz schlaucht.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by federalreverse to c/dach

Frank Schäffler ist ein FDP-Hinterbänkler, der nicht nur mehrfach die GEG-Reform blockiert hat sondern zugleich auch via Thinktank Gas-/Öllobbyismus betreibt. Mir bleibt ein bisschen die Spucke weg.


ich🌖iel (feddit.org)
ich🐺iel (feddit.org)
submitted 2 days ago by federalreverse to c/ich_iel
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by federalreverse to c/dach

Der CEO der "Washington Post" soll kritische Berichterstattung verhindert haben. Was ist da los? Anruf bei Christian Fahrenbach in New York.

Ein ganz spannender Podcast über das amerikanische Mediensystem. (Ich war mir ein bisschen unsicher, wo ich das hinpfostiere, deshalb einfach DACH.)


Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán travelled to Moscow on Thursday (4 July) to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, only a few days after his visit to Kyiv, on a trip that earned him stern rebukes from EU officials and diplomats.

ich🚍🧒iel (feddit.org)
submitted 2 days ago by federalreverse to c/ich_iel

Danke an @the_fourth@feddit.org für die Vorlage

ich👂iel (feddit.org)
submitted 3 days ago by federalreverse to c/ich_iel

gesponsert von songtext.net


Zwei Ehepartner, die beide Mitglied der AfD sind, haben zu Hause über 200 Waffen anhäuft. Diese müssen sie jetzt abgeben, hat das VG Düsseldorf entschieden, weil die zwei wegen ihrer Parteimitgliedschaft als unzuverlässig einzustufen seien.

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