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[–] Saleh 4 points 1 month ago

Tradition ist unbestreitbar. Auch das Alkohol kulturell eine wichtige Rolle spielte ist unbestreitbar.

Interessant wird es, wenn man dieses Argument auch auf andere Substanzen anwendet. Dann fangen "Tradition" und "Kultur" plötzlich erst im 20. Jahrhundert an.

[–] Saleh 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Because you still had to watch things from poor quality VHS tapes on CRT monitors. Of course it looked different.

[–] Saleh 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Ich glaube nicht, dass es eine neue Chance geben kann, ohne dass die israelischen Offensivfähigkeiten durch ein Waffenembargo begrenzt werden.

Israel hat am Freitag seine "Offensive" im Norden Gazas ausgeweitet und Ärzte vor Ort widersprechen den Darstellungen über die Wiederaufnahme von Hilfslieferungen.

Netanyahu konnte wie im Artikel beschrieben seine Beliebtheit wieder steigern, indem die IDF hochrangige Hamas und Hezbollah Kader tötete. Die Siedlerterroristen in der Westbank haben sich im Verlauf des letzten Jahres zunehmend enthemmt und attackieren und vertreiben Palästinenser stärker denn je. Israel ist wirtschaftlich geschwächt und der dominante rechtsextreme Teil der Bevölkerung wird einem Wiederaufbau und einer politischen Lösung für Gaza nicht zustimmen. Wenn kein Krieg mehr geführt wird, stellt sich die Frage ob Netanyahu nicht endlich für seine Korruptionsverbrechen vor Gericht landet und verurteilt wird. Wenn Israel nicht mehr einfordern kann, dass es bedingungslos unterstützt werden müsse, weil es in existentieller Gefahr ist, könnte ein Aufarbeitungsprozess starten, der die Kriegsverbrechen und Menschenrechtsverbrechen wie die Folterlager untersucht und Konsequenzen fordert.

Der einzige Weg "vorwärts" für die Regierung Netanyahu ist dauerhafte Landgewinne zu erzielen, um den Rückhalt der Bevölkerung zu stärken und sich mit noch mehr Krieg vor internationalen Konsequenzen zu schützen. Deswegen erfolgt auch die Eskalation in Libanon. Deswegen werden UN Stellungen angegriffen, um die UN zum Rückzug zu bewegen und der IDF die Kontrolle über den Süden Libanons zu geben. Deswegen soll der Norden Gazas ethnisch gesäubert werden.

Es gibt keinen Grund für die Regierung Netanyahu aufzuhören, wenn sie nicht dazu gezwungen wird. Also es gibt viele Gründe, wenn man Menschenleben Bedeutung zumisst, aber das ist nicht Teil von Netanyahus Überlegungen oder den Überlegungen seiner faschistischen Regierungspartner.

[–] Saleh 4 points 1 month ago

Ich kann dazu auch den Ausschnitt aus dem Jung und Naiv Interview mit der Menschenrechtsbeauftragten der Bundesregierung, Luise Amtsberg (Grüne) von Dienstag empfehlen.

Der Ausschnitt ist auch in internationalen Social Media Kanälen auf große Resonanz gestoßen.

Während bei Russland oder Hamas zu Recht Kriegsverbrechen benannt und kritisiert werden, will die Menschenrechtsbeauftragte sich dazu bei Israel nicht "verleiten" lassen, sondern meint es sei gut, dass es dazu Untersuchungen geben. Das russische Massaker in Bucha 2022 hat sie dagegen sofort öffentlich als Kriegsverbrechen benannt, lange bevor es dazu irgendwelche Verfahren gab.

[–] Saleh 23 points 1 month ago (11 children)

Ein Glück ist der Artikel neutral formuliert...

So rechnet die Grüne Jugend mit ihrem abtrünnigen Bundesvorstand ab

Am Freitagabend nun trifft die Basis zum ersten Mal kollektiv auf die Abtrünnigen.

Weil es den Abtrünnigen nur um sich selbst, aber nicht um das Wohl der Grünen Jugend gegangen sei, sagen einige Redner.

Auch spannend, wie das Selbstverständnis einiger der verbleibenden Grünen Jugend ist:

»Glaubt ihr wirklich, dass mit einer linken Zersplitterung mehr linke Politik greifbar wird?«, fragt Quentin Gärtner. In einer Zeit, in der die AfD im Osten ein Drittel der Stimmen für sich gewinnen, müsse man pragmatisch denken, findet der junge Grüne aus dem Landesverband Baden-Württemberg. Wer linke Politik in dieser Zeit wolle, der dürfe sich nicht an einer Zersplitterung der Linken beteiligen.

Genau dieser "Pragmatismus" aka. AfD Positionen umsetzen, hat viele Linke von den Grünen weggetrieben. Sie sollten auch inzwischen gelernt haben, dass sie damit keine Stimmen von CDU Wählern abgraben können.

[–] Saleh -1 points 1 month ago (4 children)

The "coming world order" will be much more complicated.

We are going towards a multipolar world. India is in the mix. South America gets in the mix as the US declines. The Middle East could get in the mix if it wasn't consistently destabilized by the West and Russia.

The EU countries need to free themselves from aligning alongside the US or Russia, establishing the EU as a unified power bloc. Especially as "the West" is very much for sale with Trump and the other US Republicans, but also the US Democrats using Europe as an extension of US interests is weakening it.

It is in the EUs best interest to reestablish Ukraines territorial integrity. As the US lets itself get dragged into another great war in West Asia through Israel, US support for Ukraine will be getting less and pushing for a ceasefire on the basis of handing territory to Russia becomes more likely. Also the US setting West Asia ablaze with Israel will result in a new number of refugees that will dwarf the Syrian civil war and other crisis of the 2010 years.

The West is falling apart as the US declines. But China and Russia also aren't the best buddies and they no longer share the same ideology. Both countries are riddled with internal problems, most notably a huge demographic bomb. Same for the EU, not so much the US yet.

Best thing EU can do is grow together, establish not only a single market, but an united European army and foreign policy. The EU should also develop a mechanism that existing nuclear weapons in the EU, which now only is France, but maybe again UK at some point, become part of a joint European nuclear deterrence.

[–] Saleh 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I get that. But the game is "finished". there is no need for alterations. translating the assembler code into c++ in this way could serve to quickly get it in a format that is then compileable for other platforms.

[–] Saleh 16 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I have highlighted some of the Wikipedia Article in the 2022-2023 section. I recommend to read the 2010 and 2023 onwards section too. Every now and then there is some "banter" in words, but the actions remain consistent.

In February 2022, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel accused Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid of reinforcing "Russian propaganda", after Lapid said that Israeli officials "don't see a violent confrontation soon" between Ukraine and Russia. The Israeli Foreign Ministry summoned the Ukrainian Ambassador for an official reprimand.The Israeli Ministry of Defense also preemptively informed the Baltic countries of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia that it would not permit the transfer of Israeli-made weaponry to Ukraine, to placate Russia. Israel also rejected a U.S. request to sell the Iron Dome air defense system to Ukraine, citing the need to avoid conflict with Russia.

On 24 February 2022, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid spoke out against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, stating "Russia's attack against Ukraine is a serious violation of international order," and that Israel "is prepared to extend humanitarian aid to Ukrainian citizens."[3][114] Despite not repeating Lapid's condemnation of Russia, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett expressed support for Ukraine, stating "our hearts are with the civilians who through no fault of their own have been thrust into this situation," and also offered humanitarian assistance to Ukraine as well.

Lapid's remarks were criticized by Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu, who urged the Israeli government "to speak less about what they don't need to talk about" on Russia and accused the government of "too many unnecessary expressions and too many false predictions". Russia subsequently summoned the Israeli Ambassador to Russia to clarify Israel's position. The Russian Ambassador to Israel, Anataloy Viktorov, encouraged Israel to "stay wise and diplomatic and continue our joint work for the benefits of our countries and people", stating that he had provided Israel with "a number of materials" explaining the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and noting the Russian recognition of "Israel's legitimate security concerns" in Syria.

Israel declined to co-sponsor a UN Security Council resolution condemning the Russian invasion, leading to an expression of disappointment by the United States. Israel later voted in favour of a UN General Assembly resolution condemning the invasion. At the request of the United States, Israel also pushed the United Arab Emirates to back the resolution.[121] Russia subsequently expressed strong dissatisfaction to the Israeli Foreign Ministry over Israel's support of the UN General Assembly resolution.

On 5 March 2022, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett flew to Moscow to have a three-hour meeting with Putin about the situation in Ukraine, after which Bennett spoke to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy by phone and flew to Germany to meet with Chancellor Olaf Scholz.Bennett also brought up the subject of the significant Jewish community caught up in the war during their three-hour discussion in the Kremlin, according to the Israeli source.

On 11 March 2022, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel stated that President Zelenskyy "does not" understand the Israeli refusal to provide defensive aid to Ukraine and accused Israel of being "afraid" of Russia's "few airplanes and anti-missile systems in Syria". He described Israeli mediation of the conflict as an excuse for not providing active support to Ukraine. Israel also immediately rejected a Ukrainian request for cyber weaponry, including Pegasus, to be used against Russia.

An unnamed senior Ukrainian official accused Bennett of having "proposed that we surrender", claiming that Bennett urged Zelenskyy to "take the offer" of a peace deal from Putin. This report was subsequently denied by both the Israeli Prime Minister's office and a senior adviser to Zelenskyy.

The United States has publicly urged Israel to back international sanctions against Russia. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland called on Israel not "to become the last haven for dirty money that's fueling Putin's wars".

On 12 March 2022, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov accused Israel of "unexplained indifference and unwillingness to take a side in the war" between Ukraine and Russia.

On 16 March 2022, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia viewed Israeli mediation favourably, due to Israel not joining international sanctions against Russia. However, Israel has affirmed that it will not allow itself to be used by Russian nationals to evade U.S. sanctions.

Following the Bucha massacre, Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman condemned "war crimes" but declined to condemn Russia specifically, describing "mutual accusations" where "Russia blames Ukraine and Ukraine blames Russia", drawing a rebuke from the Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel. However, Foreign Minister Lapid stated that "Russian forces committed war crimes". Israel subsequently voted for a resolution to suspend Russia from the United Nations Human Rights Council. The Russian Foreign Ministry condemned the vote and Lapid's remarks, stating that it had "taken note of Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid's aggressive statements" and that they "evoke regret and rejection". The Russian Foreign Ministry also summoned the Israeli Ambassador but declined to issue a formal diplomatic rebuke.

On 12 April 2022, Defense Minister Benny Gantz cited "regional considerations", including the "area border with Russia, practically speaking, over the skies of Syria and Lebanon", for its decision not to send military aid to Ukraine or join international sanctions on Russia.

On 20 April 2022, Gantz announced Israel would send protective equipment such as flak jackets and helmets to the Ukrainian emergency services, but not to the Ukrainian military. The Russian Ambassador warned Israel that Russia would respond "accordingly" if military aid was provided.

A diplomatic row was sparked in May 2022, after Lavrov suggested that Hitler "had Jewish blood" and the "biggest antisemites tend to be Jews" in his critique of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. Lapid described Lavrov's remarks as "unforgivable" and the "basest level of racism", demanding the "use of the Holocaust of the Jewish people for political purposes must stop immediately". The Israeli Foreign Ministry subsequently summoned the Russian Ambassador to Israel and demanded an apology.The Russian Foreign Ministry responded by describing Lapid's comments as "anti-historical" and "explaining to a large extent why the current Israeli government supports the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv". Russian President Vladimir Putin subsequently apologized for Lavrov's remarks on a call with Prime Minister Bennett, and Bennett stated that he had "thanked [Putin] for clarifying the president's view of the Jewish people and the memory of the Holocaust".

On 6 July 2022, Israeli officials stated that Israel was no longer involved in mediation efforts between Ukraine and Russia. Bennett later suggested that disagreement with the United States and the United Kingdom, which advocated a more "aggressive approach", along with the Bucha massacre, had led to the failure of Israeli-mediated peace talks.

On 21 July 2022, it was reported that the Russian Ministry of Justice is demanding the closure of the Jewish Agency for Israel in Russia. According to a report in the Russian news agency Interfax, the Ministry of Justice's request, which was submitted to the Moscow District Court, is related to "unspecified violations of Russian law." This move led to a diplomatic crisis with Israel, after there is unanimity at the governmental level in Israel that the Kremlin is leveraging the issue in light of Israel's harsh condemnations of Russia following the latter's invasion of Ukraine. The Russian Embassy in Cairo accused Prime Minister Lapid of "lies" about Russian involvement in the Bucha massacre and condemned his "complete disregard and contempt for the lives of Palestinians". The situation was described by Bloomberg News as the "worst rift in relations between Russia and Israel since the Soviet Union's collapse". Opposition leader Netanyahu condemned Lapid and Gantz for the deterioration in relations, stating that they were "endangering our national security" and that his "measured, balanced and responsible relationship" with Russia as Prime Minister was "being undermined before our eyes in recent weeks". Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman criticised the "slightly obsessive and hysterical" response by Lapid to the Russian actions.

The former president of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, claimed that shipping Israeli weapons to Ukraine would "destroy" the diplomatic relationship between the two countries, following discussions on the shipment of Israeli weapons to Ukraine after Russia repeatedly attacked it with Iranian HESA Shahed 136 kamikaze drones. Medvedev's warning came in response to statements by Israeli Diaspora Minister Nachman Shai, who called for military assistance to Ukraine.

On 14 November 2022, Israel abstained on a UN General Assembly vote that called for Russia to pay reparations to Ukraine, breaking with the United States and the European Union.

Following Netanyahu's victory in the 2022 Israeli legislative election, Russia adopted a conciliatory tone, suggesting that Netanyahu has "a common approach toward further developing bilateral relations". In his recently published book, Netanyahu wrote positively about Putin and describes him as "smart, sophisticated and focused on one goal – returning Russia to its historical greatness". Putin welcomed Netanyahu's election win and said he hopes to strengthen Russian-Israeli cooperation.

[–] Saleh 7 points 1 month ago

Israel has supported Hamas at least sinc the mid 2010 years. The Israeli government wanted and needed Hamas to have a pretext not to be pressured into finding a peaceful solution, so they could slowly annex Palestine.

[–] Saleh 37 points 1 month ago (5 children)

I am not sure if Russia has the capacity to make any military threats right now. They seem to be mostly busy throwing everything into their self made meat grinder in Ukraine.

They should have prevented Israel from bombing Syria if they wanted to contain Israels spread in the region. But Israel offered to not support the West on Ukraine in return for free reign in Syria, which Russia accepted.

[–] Saleh 21 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Best thing 5he Democrats can do to lose the election is get dragged into a war with Iran which it fights on Israels behalf.

Best thing Netanyahu can do is start this war now, so he can make sure either suceeding US administration is already sucked in and send American kids to die for him.

[–] Saleh 2 points 1 month ago (6 children)

But do we need this information then? E.g. shouldn't it be possible to just write what the assembler is doing as a c++ code?

E.g. high level languages also support stuff like bitwise operators and so on.

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