"Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue." And so SO many others from Darkest Dungeon. "Commander" from the newer X-Com games ... tha dark, rapsy voice
Isn't that Darkest Dungeon?
Die Kinder? Immer diese Christen ...
Das echte Heldy in den Kommentaren
Oder alternativ keinen Kontoauszug zu senden
Sieh es so, selbst da seid ihr uns hinterher.
/s, offensichtlich.
Ich hoffe, dass du zumindest über Weihnachten ein bisschen Ruhe finden kannst. Frohe Weihnachten dir!
(Es ist der Schneefall, eben komplett weiß vom Arbeiten heimgekommen-
Damn it, my true, deeply racist colours (hah, get it?) are uncovered!
Only a western fascist shill would not appreciate the beauty of pale white russian skin! /s, /s and another /s just in case. /s
Vor allem trinke ich einen anständigen Kasten, mit 10 L! Immer diese verdammten Preußen ...
No, the idea is not "that she can't speak", wherever you may have gotten that from.
But yes, her mouth is ridiculously small indeed! I am fairly certain that these overdrawn features are supposed to look cuter in this style, which kind of works if you don't pay too much mind.
"They ... they've hit me, Finn" Enderal, a should-play