
joined 6 months ago
[–] No_Money_Just_Change 22 points 1 hour ago (2 children)

Ein Nazi bringt 4 Menschen um und die Nazis versuchen es zu instrumentalisieren

[–] No_Money_Just_Change 16 points 1 day ago

Wenn der reichste Mensch der Welt sein Geld und seine Reichweite verwendet um unsere Demokratie zu zerstören in dem er verfassungsfeindlichen Nazis hilft, ist das durchaus einen Artikel wert

Vorallem weil es zeigt das der politische Einfluss von sozialen Medien am besten noch vor der Wahl gestoppt werden sollte

[–] No_Money_Just_Change 2 points 3 days ago

I don't care terribly much about the cards in it but I do want the mew coin you get for opening 60 backs

I hope the devs continue to give 12 hourglass tokens for the whole 20 days

[–] No_Money_Just_Change 13 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Ich persönlich finde das lohnt sich immer.

Realistisch gesehen geht auch wenn du eine große Partei wählst deine Stimme nicht 1 zu 1 auf einen Sitz über.

Vielleicht denken viele wie du, und die Partei deiner Wahl schafft es doch in den Bundestag. Oder deine Stimme hilft ihr Parteifinsnzierung für auserparlamentarische Arbeit und zukünftige Wahlwerbung zu bekommen.

Im Minimum gibt es denen die auch für diese Partei engagieren das Gefühl das ihre Arbeit wert geschätzt wird.

Wenn alle die Partei wählen die ihre Meinung am besten widerspiegelt haben wir den repräntativsten Bundestag

[–] No_Money_Just_Change 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)
[–] No_Money_Just_Change 2 points 4 days ago

Wordle 1.277 3/6


[–] No_Money_Just_Change 1 points 4 days ago

Buying a president seems to be a better investment than buying a social media platform

[–] No_Money_Just_Change 7 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Saddam Hussein's hiding spot
│Entrance hidden by
│Bricks and rubble
┳ ║ ║▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
│ ╚╗ ╔╝
│ ║ ║ │Saddam
6ft ╚╗ ╔╝ │Hussein
│====o ╚════│════════╗
│ │║@ ▇▅▆▇▆▅▅█ ║
┷ │╚│═════════════╝
Air vent │ │Fan

[–] No_Money_Just_Change 2 points 6 days ago

Ich meine wenn sich alle an ihr Wort halten bekommt er die Stimmen der SPD, drei von der Afd und das wars

[–] No_Money_Just_Change 7 points 6 days ago

Es geht heute zum Ski fahren aber da ich noch keine Jobzusage habe, weiß ich nicht, ob ich es genießen können werde.

Ansonsten gab es gestern einen Spieleabend und vorgestern zuviel Glühwein. Da wäre eine gute Teeauswahä sicher auch für mich die bessere Wahl gewesen

[–] No_Money_Just_Change 44 points 6 days ago (2 children)

There were multiple attempts to cross humans and chimpanzees, all of which failed. However, through gene editing, human-chimpanzee and human-pig chimeras were created.
These are just normal animals, but their inner organs are made to be compatible for human organ donation.

[–] No_Money_Just_Change 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

100 million from his grandmother, but devided between multiple family members


Wordle 1.274 4/6



Short preamble: I am European. Here, people rarely die or go bankrupt from healthcare. They will just get worse treatment and longer waiting times than the richer. So, I definitely lack personal anger and grief.

But I still don't understand the support for the shooter. Do you want to live in a world of vigilantism, where live and death is decided by whoever is deranged enough to be able to directly take someone's live. That would just end in a brutal police state or complete anarchy where the most violent survive.

I also don't understand people saying that that ceo was a murderer. For murder you have to plan and wish for the death of an individual. He, at worst, did not care.
Why did he specifically deserve to die? People could have decided to use a different insurance or pay for treatment themselves.
The ceo of the insurance company is not the one driving up the prices for healthcare. It's pharma companies and their stockholders.
So, how much in stocks do you need to have for a death sentence. A million, a thousand a hundred dollars? What about the lawyers defending the patents on drugs? Kill them or just cut off an arm? How do you punish their assistants and interns? What about the scientists that make the drugs. They decided to work for a company that raises prices instead of one that sells cheap biosimilars.
Off with their head, I assume?
The politicians that allowed this system to flourish surely get a bullet through their head, but what about the people who voted for the status quo instead of protesting? This list could go on and on.

Murder is not such a heinous act because of the loss of a live. It's because once people start deciding who deserves to die, the spiral goes down lower and lower till it reaches everyone who does not 100% support your cause.

The ceo was probably an asshole with no regard for human life. But just because he was paid better does not make him more responsible. It is a broken system, and killing one person does nothing. Instead of supporting a murderer go on strike or be nice to your neighbors. Protest for a better system instead of idolizing a poor soul that has been driven to do an understandable but still unforgivable act of violence.


FIFA glaubt an "positive Menschenrechtsergebnisse" bei WM in Saudi-Arabien


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Ja ich weiß man kann einfach von Selbstüberschätzung ausgehen und sagen er will eine Mehrheit ohne Koalitionspartner, aber für mich klingt das eher als würde er sich die afd als junior Partner wünschen

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