As you sound like you know about it: What is that cloud made of? Can't be water, right? I mean, we have speculated for decades on whether there's water on Mars, we wouldn't have done that if there's a yearly 1000 km trail of water that can be seen from orbit, right?
Well, as houses don't magically appear out of thin air, I guess it has been like this since we started building permanent shelter.
So is that actor's name pronounced "Seen Been" or "Shawn Bawn"?
Nordsylt ebenso.
"This waste shouldn't be overly dangerous and the fact that it isn't doesn't say how dangerous it is". Wow. How did you do this?
Here I thought you're just slow and didn't read what I wrote so I was already preparing to just explain what I said.
What does that even mean? How is that saying anything about the dangers of radioactive waste?
Did you read what I write?
I will rephrase you:
What does that even mean? How is that saying anything about the amount of radioactive waste?
This is where I realised you're just trolling.
What nonsense is this?
Compare gloves that were used once to turn valve on pipe in reactor room to shit from coal in your lungs.
No shit, Sherlock... The reactor room is shielded by the water. Something you had in there once shouldn't be overly radioactive and the fact that it isn't doesn't say anything about the dangers of radioactive waste.
Even most active kind of waste everyone thinks of - spent fuel - consists from about 90% of useful material.
What does that even mean? How is that saying anything about the dangers of radioactive waste?
Actually not.
new nuclear power costs about 5 times more than onshore wind power per kWh [...]. Nuclear takes 5 to 17 years longer between planning and operation and produces on average 23 times the emissions per unit electricity generated [...].
Sind die Kinder eher so 3 Monate alt oder eher so 30 Jahre?
Nein, darum geht es in dem Artikel nicht.
Auch Unterwürfigkeit ist okay wenn das gewünscht ist. Topf und Deckel, Sub und Dom, Top und Bottom, ist doch alles in Ordnung.
Ach so, deswegen haben wir ständig Stromausfälle...
It'll hopefully glue back on. 😩