
joined 1 year ago

Das ist Rotz, mit dem sich die FDP die Zustimmung zum Haushalt hat bezahlen lassen.

I do this. I use Cloudflare as my DNS and Caddy as my server. With the Cloudflare plugin Caddy gets TLS certs even for 10/8 addresses.

I started with Mint because I just wanted it to work right away and it did. But lately I had severe issues with the VPN constantly reconnecting, weird keyboard issues and Teams killing the X session. Although I blame that last one fully on Teams, that fucking piece of shit. Plasma on Manjaro runs so smoothly and I finally have all the latest packages I need, so I'm quite happy at the moment.

Beides. Ist aber nicht immer perfekt. Hier im Ort zeigt er an einem Abschnitt immer 30kmh an und piept, wenn ich 50 fahre. Da waren wohl früher mal 30.

[–] -1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Just replaced Mint with Manjaro KDE on my work laptop and it runs so much better. So I'm not quite on board with your statement.

[–] -1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Why should anyone care what GenZ thinks?

Most of us have depressing shit happening at home, we don't need to constantly be reminded of the dumpster fire that is US politics. We have even less influence on that shit than people having to live in that failed state.

Ah, the Daily Hate Mail.

Scanning for Iridium.

Aber dass Getränkedosen früher einen Abreissdeckel hatten wusste ich bis heute nicht. Ich dachte, der Verschluss, wie man ihn heute kennt, wäre schon immer so gewesen.

Digger, ich wollte den Tag eigentlich beenden ohne mich uralt zu fühlen.

Seit wann gibt es Maimais mit Ton?

I just looked it up and apparently it comes from cricket, which of course is not an American sport. I just assumed it was American, because Gary Larson is an American.

Ah, well. My original point that most people will never have heard of it still stands. And who doesn't enjoy making fun of ignorant Americans? 😄


Da fehlen mir wirklich die Worte.


Are there any free/open-source TTS options out there that are on the same level as Google Cloud's? I tried a lot of free ones, but they are absolutely awful and still sound like my Amiga did 30 years ago. With LLMs being available as open source, I am hoping there's also a good TTS offering I just haven't found yet.

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