
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 7 hours ago

Now, that's how you fucking party!

[–] 5 points 7 hours ago

Don't trust it. At best, some of it used to be accurate in a useful way. But even then, the terminology wouldn't match well.

The closest you could get in comparison would be placing outlines of Prussia over modern Europe and saying that it was still a region. Yeah, there's some connections, but it ain't gonna help you much

[–] 8 points 8 hours ago (3 children)

Nothing in Texas is part of the south. Not only will the south tell you that, Texas will tell you that

[–] 1 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

He isn't a party. He's a candidate running as an independent. And he's a symptom of the two party, FPTP system being screwed up.

I haven't been keeping track of how he's polling to debate him being "at the front of the queue", because the two party FPTP system means he's an also-ran as long as either party exists at all. And, also, there's no way in hell any of the die hard democrats would throw their vote to him, nor would anyone that isn't already going to among independents or swing voters.

What would happen if the democrats field a pointless candidate is a loss that puts trump in office. You might get some fleeing to vote green party, but that aren't guaranteed blue votes are just going to stay home.

[–] 2 points 9 hours ago

Why not intravert? Could be fun!

[–] 16 points 9 hours ago (2 children)

Never insult a chef in their kitchen at all. Motherfuckers will cut you

[–] 1 points 9 hours ago (3 children)

How does that relate?

Nothing I said would give him a bigger platform.

[–] 3 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

I mean, not really.

Which standard are they going to be forced to use? What infrastructure? What encryption? Are they going to be forced to develop apps for every platform?

The best you can hope to expect is apps using the same standard being compatible. Xmpp, matrix, whisper, whatever. Even matrix bridges don't really fix compatibility across standards very well.

It's nice to think that anyone anywhere, could expect to install any app and communicate with anyone else and maintain encryption as well as full privacy. But as far as anyone I've ever seen talk about it that's actually trained in the technology behind it all, it isn't possible unless there's a single, enforced standard in use.

Does it suck to have to deal with multiple apps? Hell yes. But I also don't like the idea of being forced to use whatever compromise protocol would make it realistic. I'd rather have a dozen apps with no single gatekeeper between them.

[–] 1 points 9 hours ago

Well, if you are seriously defending someone dead naming people on purpose, nobody worth a damn cares about your opinion.

To answer your question, there's two parts. First, it doesn't matter where it is, shitty behavior means you aren't allowed back. Reddit, lemmy, your house, my house, a bar, you ignore yr rules you get thrown out and not allowed back in.

Second, reddit is reddit. The site/company has been like that for ages, so anyone acting surprised by it are idiots, and anyone still using it when the company has repeatedly shown they will do exactly what op described is a masochist and/or an idiot.

Now, you can be as tired of it as you like, we don't owe each other a gods damned thing. But OP was a moron, and deserved to be out on their ass. Any rational adult is aware that words have consequences. Any rational adult knows that if one breaks the rules of a community, one will be rejected from that community. This is not calculus, it's 2+2. So, when an adult does something bone headed and gets ejected, they need to be an adult and move on without whining about it.

Also, it wasn't a very intelligent question. It was phrased poorly, and reflects limited thinking. That, btw, is patronizing and judgemental as well ;)

[–] 4 points 14 hours ago (3 children)

A different encrypted messaging service. Decent, but hasn't taken off despite using email for accounts rather than phone bonkers numbers

Where was this?

Y'all do a great job considering how lemmy kinda blew up over the last year. While I've seen the bad stuff, it doesn't stay up long that I've noticed. And that's all anyone can ask


Somehow, I had never seen the video for the song.

It is, however, unforgettable.


Metal as fuck, and quite good manners


Thrash in your face!


I think my face is melting now


Pretty fucking dope


Patrick is the cousin I cook vegan food for. This is his favorite.

2 tablespoons olive oil.
1 medium onion, diced large.
1 clove garlic minced- or 1/2 to 1 tsp garlic powder.
1 or 2 bell peppers, red, yellow, orange or (ugh) green.
1 large or 2 medium zuchini. 1 (15-oz) bag frozen prediced butternut squash 2 tbsp chili powder.
1tsp cumin. 1tsp black pepper.
1 heaping tsp paprika, smoked being a plus.
1 (16-oz) can kidney beans, drained.
1 can black beans, drained.
2 cans tomato sauce.
1 cup fresh cilantro leaves, or parsley if cilantro is soap to you.
1 medium jalapeño pepper, seeded and finely diced, or 1/2 can adobo.

In 6 qt pot, add oil. Sweat onions until tender. Add garlic if using minced and cook until fragrant. Add zucchini and saute until zucchini is barely tender. Add seasonings , squash, beans, and. simmer 15–20 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until hot. Ready to serve. However, this can be done in a crock pot for up to about 2 hours if necessary for other food prep.

Best served in bread bowls, but you definitely want some good crusty bread, or some corn bread to go with if you serve in regular bowls.

This can be done as non vegan, but even as a meat eater, this stuff is better without. The textures of the butternut and zucchini disappear when I've tried adding chicken.

The recipe is modified from an old Publix recipe that I can't find online currently. The original is pretty amazing on its own, but I've tweaked it for my cousin over the years, and he says he prefers this version, so that's what I went with. I do have the original saved in my recipe manager app if anyone wants that; it uses more frozen veggies, and is missing some of the seasonings.


Balls out!


Is it fucking crazy that I like new priest better than old priest? This shit is a kick in the ass :)


Really killer stuff, and I'm not normally that into black metal.


Yeah. Exactly.


And I'm a noob with chickens.

So far, we have a fairly reliable outside temp above 50 up until January, through February, where the temps here in the uplands can get freezing or below.

We have an indoor enclosure for our girl (soon to be girls, dammit), but she isn't fond of it tbh. Raises a ruckus when in it overnight due to fowl weather

So, I'm hoping to get some advice for what kind of temp ranges I should be keeping her inside, or otherwise with more than just the coop's protection from the elements.

Thanks in advance, valar morgallus


Sesame, our chicken, is spoiled rotten.

I usually chill with her in the mornings, then walk with her in the evening while I'm pretending to do yard work. She follows me around, I drop the occasional peanut, she drops the occasional chicken refuse.

Well, my family has been giving her mealworms this week while I was handling other things, so this afternoon, I paid her a visit with sone peanuts thinking we would just hunker down and bake in the southern heat together, avoiding the sun under some trees.

I walk out the door and got greeted with the most furious t-rex scolding I have ever heard.

I sit my chair down and shes just a squalling and squawking at me. I hold out a peanut, and she gives me that side-eye go to hell look and flips the thing out of my hand, then stomps around me looking at the cup we measure out treats in.

This little monster kept up a nigh constant scolding that I did not have worms for her. She finally settled down enough to catch this pic, but hopped up on my foot and glared at me right after.

She has us trained now.

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