Blahaj Lemmy Meta

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16 users here now

Blåhaj Lemmy is a Lemmy instance attached to This is a group for questions or discussions relevant to either instance.

founded 2 years ago

I don't really know which community to post this in, I think this is the most relevant one?

I've recently spent a bit more time on and I have to say they don't seem super keen on removing trolls and transphobes, same for instances like

The moderators seem to be perfectly aware of transphobic replies, vague threats, misinformation, and obvious trolling, yet they hardly remove any of the offending replies, and rarely if ever ban anyone. Certainly not often enough to make the network less toxic.

This post was mostly to vent, but I would also like to ask: when you report someone, who receives the report? Mods on my instance? The mods of the specific community I'm reporting from?

Sorry if this is the wrong place.


the lemmy canvas has a list of instances joining the sticker sale (at the bottom).


For the past day or so, I've been seeing a bunch of empty space in between posts. All the posts are there, but I have to scroll for a while to see them all. It also happens on comment threads.

I'm using Firefox 127.0.2 on Android 14. It also happens when I request the desktop site view. It doesn't happen on my actual desktop, nor does it happen for other instances like

Is this a known issue? Any fixes?

Edit: Within hours of posting, pages are loading normally again.


Thanks to the lovely Heatherhorns ( we have a new icon! We'll be updating the instance icon soon!

So, with the new fediverse canvas project just around the corner, it's time for our new shonk to represent!


The community c/ states in the sidebar it's a community for leftists and post leftists, but if you actually look at the posts the mods are making, it's almost nothing but trolling and telling people not to vote in the general election.

This rhetoric is especially dangerous to trans people, who this instance is supposed to be a safe space for, and West Bank Palestinians. If the USA elects a fascist president, there is guaranteed to be multiple genocides of society's most vulnerable groups, in addition to what the US is already doing in Gaza.

The mods on Liberty Hub openly troll their users and ban people for advocating left wing or harm reducing positions. The only action that is allowed on the sub is advocating political inaction in the face of genocide, taking a centrist position with regards to open fascism.

This community has absolutely no place on Blahaj Zone and should be removed by the admins.


heyo! :3 I made a post some time ago asking about the same thing but I kinda forgot about it for like 4 months >v< One of the admins said she'd look into it but I didnt get a response

Some people in other instances have animated pfps and banners but when I try to use a gif it shows the broken image icon and apparently its converted to .webm


Last year, blahaj zone did really well! Lets see if we can do it again!


Just testing image upload.


blobhaj, flag, pride, gay

2 down (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

So apparently the Sharkey server is down.

I hope the Sharkey instance isn't being shuttered like how shuttered their Fediverse instance.


I don't see a way to block individual users' posts from showing up in my feeds. There is no "Block" button on any user's page like there is for communities. For some reason I thought there was a way to do this before, but maybe I was just using another frontend? I see some users are blocked when checking my settings. I made sure to disable uBlock Origin to check if it could be an element hiding rule.

For the record these aren't rule breaking users or anything, but instead bots that automatically post things, some of them pulling links straight from reddit. I prefer my Lemmy being populated by humans.

Thank you!


We have a new front end for our users to try out. Photon is my favourite of the three front ends we have enabled. It's clean and modern, and for those of you who moderate communities, it has good access to moderation tools!

Give it a try at


so thanks to the admins for the year of blahaj it's been amazing :)


ID: A screenshot of a post on lemmy accessed via, in light mode.

the text and secondary UI elements are too difficult to see, and i have no idea how to change the theme since i couldn't find the setting in my Account Settings page on desktop. any ideas how to fix? thank you


i couldn't find on the blocklist and hasn't defederated with any other instance. i was trying to give mod to myself so i don't forget and leave the community mostly unmoderated and postless. any reason why?


I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but here goes.
If I add spaces to the beginning of a line,

the text is rendered like this.

Is there a way to have actual spaces in the beginning of a line?


As I myself am still pretty new to running Community's, it be nice to have moderators with experience who can help and Guide me trough things.

For example, non of my Community's have any rules established yet, and I gotta figure out what Rules to put up for them.

The Community's in question are: ! ! ! ! ! And lastly, !

Some of these, particularly Catposting and Trams have been slowly but surely getting more popular, reaching over 200 Subscribers recently. Though, thus far I only really had to take moderative actions once across all Communitys, in the months they have been a thing. So it is rather chill. I reccon 1 or 2 Moderators would be just enough

Ofcourse you can choose which one you'd like to help out with! I reccon making a Discord or something like that for solid communication would also happen.

My DMs and Comments under here are Ofcourse open! (Though I might be a bit slow to respond as I got a very long Night shift in front of me)

I'll look forward to hearing from you guys!


testing rn


I suppose the answer could apply to any instance, but I'm mostly referring to this one.

Mind you, I don't have two accounts, but I'm considering it: one for memes, the other for serious discussion.

But I'm unsure if that's considered bad form by most people, so I thought I'd ask.



EDIT: Also, come to think of it, even if it were okay, would it even be possible to have to be logged into two separate accounts on the same instance at the same time with the same browser profile? :/


Lately, when I load up, the notification bell in the corner of the screen doesn't display a count typically until I load a post or comment.

It's also only a recent thing.

Any idea what might be causing it?

Not sure what other details you might need, so just ask if you think of anything. :)


Introducing ! , the place where there's no set topic. This is where you can ask questions about random stuff, share a cool fun fact you found, vent about stuff, or whatever else you want.

You can post and share whatever you want, provided it does not promote misinformation, isn't spam, and isn't hateful/bigoted.

I made this because I find myself wanting to post stuff, but there's no community where it would fit. So now there's a community for it to fit.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Hey, so I'm on a different instance, and I hope it's not out of place for me to post here. I really like Mbin for its design and features, and I made this account specifically for interacting with LGBTQ+ posts.

Anyway, there are a few things I'd like to discuss, if that's okay.

First, I'd like to know if it's necessary for me to report posts if they've already been reported on Blahaj. Like, is it just a federation delay that causes the bad posts to still be visible for a while, or is my reporting necessary to get them removed?

I've noticed that the recent troll posts are coming from and, and I'm wondering if these instances should maybe be considered for de-federation from Blahaj. It seems like one or two users are ban-evading by making new accounts on these two instances. Are there any legit users that would be affected by this de-federation?

Also, I wonder if I made a mistake by boosting a few threads recently. Like did I accidentally get the attention of these transphobes? Should I refrain from boosting?

Again, I hope it's okay for me to post this here.

Can't upload images (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Edit: Seems to be working again. Thanks to whomever thanks are due.

When trying in the app I use, Sync for Lemmy, I get a generic error message after a bit.

Thought it might be app related so I tried on the Web version, at, where I get the following error message:

{"data":{"error":"unknown","message":"Request error: error sending request for url (http://pict-rs:8182/image): operation timed out"},"state":"success"}
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