
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Mr Ethan Hunt at it again. Dum dum dumdum dum dum dumdum dum dum🎶

[–] 1 points 6 hours ago

Was für ein hübscher Schwarm. Und es freut mich sehr, dass Du auch Tiere aus dem Tierschutz hast. Wellis und Nymphen sind die Kaninchen unter den Vögeln. Zu viele Leute ohne Ahnung holen sie sicher, weil die ja Anfängervögel sind und billig (grrrr). Wir brauchen dringend mehr Verständnis für diese Vögel und gute Halter.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Wie schön! Ist sie rechts die getröstete Witwe mit ihrem neuen Kavalier? Er hat jedenfalls schon den halben Flirtblick mit den verkleinerten Pupillen.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago


Regelung zum Vorschuss:

Und danke, wünsche dir auch einen schönen Tag!

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Das klingt mistig. Hauptsache ist erstmal, dass Du Dich rechtzeitig als arbeitssuchend gemeldet hast. Die BA kann theoretisch den Arbeitgeber auch mal zur Abgabe auffordern.

Du kannst übrigens einen Vorschuss auf das ALG I beantragen. Wäre nur schlecht, falls Du nach den Berechnungen nachher keinen oder einen geringeren Anspruch hättest, dann würde die "Überzahlung" zurückgefordert. Allerdings wäre das wie ein zinsloses Darlehen und besser, als den Ärger und eventuelle Kosten mit Stromanbieter/Vermieter zu haben.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Iihhh, Prüfungen. Das mulmige Gefühl kenne ich auch noch von meinen Uni-Prüfungen. Das habe ich nie wegbekommen. Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute für die Prüfungen und gehe zwischen den Lerneinheiten auf jeden Fall mal raus. Sport oder einfach mal ein Spaziergang haben mir zumindest geholfen, mal den Kopf etwas freizubekommen.

[–] 10 points 5 days ago

Climbing a cliff, he discovers a baby owl in a cave: several climbing routes closed in Savoie

While climbing a cliff in Savoie, a climber had an unexpected encounter. He was leaning against a hold containing a nest occupied by a tawny owl chick, a protected species. The climber immediately alerted the Bauges Nature Park and climbing routes were closed to protect the nestling.

A climber out on a crag in the Bauges massif had an unexpected encounter on the side of a cliff. While climbing a route at the Garins site in the Bauges massif, Alexandre Renoir accidentally put his hand in a hold containing a tawny owl nest on 19 June.

Inside the cavity was a chick of this protected species: "The cliff in question is split into two parts. I discovered the nestling while climbing a route that had just been re-equipped but hadn't been climbed for years. I had already climbed this route last winter but there was no owl. Here, a nestling occupied a hole 40 centimetres in diameter and 60 centimetres deep", explains Alexandre Renoir.

"The hole is clearly visible from the bottom of the wall. It's a hold that you have to use to get through a passage. I put my hand in the hole and it was a real surprise. The chick was at the bottom of the hole," he continues. I immediately climbed back down and left the route.

Once on the ground, the climber, who is also president of the Bauju climbing club, contacted the Savoie Territorial Committee and the Bauges Regional Nature Park. Four routes were then closed on the Garins site, considered to be the most important climbing site in the massif, with some 110 routes.

A protective device

The aim of the measure is to allow the young owls to develop properly before they fly away. "It happens occasionally that owls nest on cliffs, but it's still quite rare", explains Adrien Lambert, coordinator for the Ligue de protection des oiseaux (LPO) in Savoie.

"It's a protected species that's quite shy by nature. What's more, the parents go back and forth every day, not only to defend the nest, but also to feed the chick with micro-mammals, such as mice or field mice. They can be quite aggressive when approaching their nest", he points out.

Two other eggs were found in the cavity. But these are not expected to hatch. As a result, only the nestling is being closely monitored. In addition to closing the lanes, a photo trap has been installed to monitor the progress of the brood, and awareness-raising signs have been put up nearby.

"The climber's behaviour is to be commended. It illustrates the good cohesion between an outdoor sport and the proper development of biodiversity. It shows that it is possible to reconcile sporting activities with the preservation of wildlife," says Adrien Lambert.

*Translated with DeepL (free version)

Düffeldoffel (

Düffeldoffel (auch geschrieben als Düffel-Doffel) ist ein vom SPD-Politiker Herbert Wehner geprägtes pejoratives Kunstwort.

Das Wort entstand während einer Bundestagsdebatte im März 1980, als Redner Herbert Wehner durch den damaligen Fraktionsvorsitzenden der CDU, Helmut Kohl, während seiner Ausführungen unterbrochen wurde.

„Nun lassen Sie mich doch einmal ausreden, Sie Düffel-Doffel da!“

– Herbert Wehner im Deutschen Bundestag am 20. März 1980

Die genaue Bedeutung des Wortes und Wehners Intention sind unklar. Ein Düffel bezeichnete früher ein dickes Wolltuch, abgeleitet von englischen Wort duffle (der Dufflecoat ist auch als Düffelmantel bekannt), es könnte sich daher um eine lautmalerische Anspielung auf eine vermutete Dickfelligkeit oder Stoffeligkeit Kohls gehandelt haben.

Der „Düffeldoffel“ gilt als ein Paradebeispiel für Wehners wortgewaltige Rhetorik und Angriffe auf seine Parlamentskollegen, die ihm den Ruf des „größten Schimpfbolds im ganzen Bundestag“ einbrachten. In späteren Analysen und Berichten zur Stimmung und Streitkultur im Bundestag wurde diese Wortschöpfung immer wieder exemplarisch hervorgehoben.

Die altmärkischen SPD-Kreisverbände vergeben seit 2010 den Düffeldoffel als Karnevalsorden im Rahmen des politischen Aschermittwochs.


The most important lasting impact of Euro 2024 is likely to come far away from the football pitch.

This year's tournament has already seen plenty of young stars make a name for themselves and a glut of "David vs. Goliath" moments — most notably Georgia pulling off an impressive victory over 2016 winners Portugal.

But UEFA's decision to adopt a human rights declaration just ahead of the start of the competition could prove to be far more significant for players, fans and workers alike.

An online form has been created to report any human rights issues and, importantly, provide an immediate response and resolution from a law firm hired by UEFA to deal with the complaints.

Previously, fans, journalists and workers faced an uphill battle to be heard, as there was no clear information on which the correct institution was to deal with a specific concern. As a result, fans impacted by issues during UEFA events like the 2021 Euros final at Wembley and the 2022 Champions League final in Paris struggled with knowing how and where to file complaints over treatment or abuse they suffered. 

Andrea Florence, director of Sport & Rights Alliance, highlighted the importance of UEFA's including stakeholders — clubs, leagues, national associations, players unions and European institutions — to create an effective grievance mechanism.

"It allowed us to provide our expertize to try and help users of the system know how to access it and get remedy," Florence told DW.

Fan voices at heart of mechanism

Crucially for Ronan Evian, the executive director of Football Supporters of Europe, the inclusion of fans in the consultation period meant more peace of mind coming into the tournament than ever before.

Across the 10 stadiums hosting matches during Euro 2024 and the Fan Zones in the host cities, posters directing people on how to report grievances, along with QR codes, have been advertised. 

Additionally, a specific "safe room" in every stadium has been set up for stewards to direct people to who feel under immediate threat or discriminated against.

"Human rights are universal, and as fans we need to fight for universal human rights," Evian told DW. "For us fans it's about fair treatment, and what UEFA has newly implemented is that there is a rapid response mechanism and there is a grievance mechanism."

"It's very important because everybody should feel safe in the stadium, regardless of their background, gender, sexual orientation, capacity," Evian said. "This is a way to ensure that everybody can feel as safe as possible in any crowd." 

Independent law firm receiving complaints

To ensure the independence of the reporting and resolution process, UEFA hired German law firm Rettenmaier to process any grievances that come in through the online tool.

The inclusion of the law firm has helped ensure the ability to file complaints anonymously as well as the possibility of immediate resolutions.

"What's equally important is, as the complaints are being managed by a law firm and not by UEFA, you know you will receive a response," Evian said.

"That is an assessment of whether your rights have been abused," he said, "and crucially it will mean accountability of the tournament organizers, which is something we've welcomed."

"We know a number of people, whether they are fans, workers, journalists, have filed complaints through the grievance mechanism," he added.

Late implementation an issue

The implantation process has not been without its issues or flaws, namely how late the grievance mechanism was put into force. This has meant workers, for example, had no instrument to report issues in the lead up to the tournament. 

Equally, though posters at grounds have instructed people on how they can report problems, UEFA opted against putting up a link on its homepage.

Though she praised the work UEFA has done to ensure that human rights are respected during Euro 2024, Florence lamented a lack of publicity.

"There were undoubtedly impacts that happened before the tournament started," she said. "For instance, workers' rights or people that might have been forcibly removed from cities because of the event."

"People need to know that all of that can be reported, even things that happened before the mechanism was set up," she added.

And Evian said the "biggest weakness of the tournament" was how late a lot of things were set up.

"Honestly, I don't know why things happened so late," Evian said. "I don't know if it's down to governance or the way the preparation was done."

"The human rights declaration could have been adopted significantly earlier, and that would have had a broader impact on the preparation," Evian said.

"Nevertheless, when the engagement started, it was genuine, and it was a meaningful consultation," he added. "UEFA sought an ambitious human rights policy, which was not at all the case for previous tournaments. All in all, it's progress and it's also a lesson learned for future tournaments."

Edited by: Matt Pearson

Kalika Mehta Sports reporter

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (5 children)

Als jemand mit eigenen gefiederten Begleitern fühle ich mit Dir 💔🌈

Und diese allgemeine Stimmung - erschöpft, die Energie ist irgendwie konstant niedrig, immer geht gefühlt etwas schief und man watet emotional durch Treibsand und kommt irgendwie nie ganz raus aus dem seelischen Morast... jupp. Das ist leider sehr verbreitet. Wäre ich Mike Shiva, dann würde ich jetzt eine positive Energieübertragung einleiten🌻

[–] 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Abenteuer voraus? Dann alles Gute!

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

Wenn das Vertrauen angeknackst ist, dann hast Du einen guten Wechselgrund. Klar kann es sich um ein Missverständnis handeln (nur eine allgemeine Feststellung, ohne hier Hintergründe zu kennen), aber ich verstehe, wenn Du es nicht ansprechen willst und lieber wechseln möchtest. Auch Ärzte sind nur Menschen und können sich auf die Füße getreten fühlen. Spätestens dann wird es sowieso schwierig.


Guten Morgen und herzlich willkommen in der neuen Woche.

Ich versuche gerade noch kühle Frischluft in die Bude zu bekommen, was durch die dezenten Gewitter tatsächlich jetzt Erfolg hat. Für Hitze bin ich nicht gemacht.

Was gibt es bei euch so?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

So hast Du indirekt doch noch den Mod-Posten von dee_dirk übernommen... Chapeau!

[–] 14 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Nein. Musste ich jedenfalls nicht. Das hatte mir die Instanz so sympathisch gemacht.


Einen wunderschönen guten Morgen und herzlich willkommen in der neuen Woche🌻

Das Wochenende fing mit dem Eröffnungsspiel gut an. Mal schauen, ob die Männer das mit in die nächsten Gruppenspiele am 19. gegen Ungarn und am 23. gegen die Schweiz mitnehmen können. Etwas traurig allerdings, dass so viele Spiele hinter einer Bezahlwand stecken. Das nimmt dem Turnier doch echt etwas die Stimmung - auch wenn ich gar nicht mehr die Zeit und die Möglichkeit habe, mir den halben Tag Spiele anzuschauen.

In dieser Woche ist schon wieder der längste Tag des Jahres/Sommersonnenwende. Krass, wie schnell das Jahr vorangeht. Dabei wollte ich dieses Jahr doch schon einiges erledigt haben. Jetzt schlägt mein schlechtes Gewissen rein. Auch ein Ansporn mal ein paar Tage Urlaub zu nehmen. Die nächsten liegen bei mir ums Wochenende. Da soll es zum Hurricane-Festival gehen.

Wie sieht es bei euch aus?


The People's Revolution of the Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May is depicted in Night Watch. It ended the increasingly tough reign of Lord Winder. Tension had been rising, and while the nobility arranged a quiet succession by Lord Snapcase in the background, the people on the streets started a revolution and attacked Watch Houses all over the city.

A few streets around Treacle Mine Road were barricaded at first. Soon more people started barricading streets, barricades were moved forward and merged together, covering at least a quarter of the city - including the food industry. The resulting area was called The People's Republic of Treacle Mine Road. The watchmen of the Treacle Mine Road Watch House led the Republic together with some enthusiastic angry young men, among them the then-living Reg Shoe.

Although the Republic originally was invaded succesfully, the change of history recorded in Night Watch resulted in Sam Vimes under the name of John Keel saving the Republic until Lord Snapcase had become Patrician. But because history finds a way, those who died in the original revolution still died, in an attack planned by Carcer prompted by Snapcase's concerns about what "Keel" could get up to if left alone for a month after serving as such a prominent leader after less than a week in the city.

Each year, on the 25th of May, a group of survivors of the uprising gathers at Small Gods' Cemetery to honor the casualties with lilacs and, affectionately, one hard-boiled egg (from Madam Roberta Meserole). The seven killed were mostly Watchmen from Treacle Mine Road: John Keel, Cecil Clapman, Horace Nancyball, Billy Wiglet, Dai Dickins, Ned Coates, and, temporarily, Reg Shoe - he will lie in his grave for a time during that day, and then leave.

The 25th of May is also memorialized, among those who survive, by the wearing of lilac on that date. Persons known to wear it include Sam Vimes, Fred Colon, Nobby Nobbs, Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler, and, improbably, Havelock Vetinari (he, at the time a young assassin, has kept his and his aristocratic aunt Lady Roberta Meserole's, not-insignificant involvement in the affair entirely secret).

The date is not publicly known as it was one of those revolutions where everybody likes to pretend in the aftermath that it never happened, with many new Watchmen uncertain of its relevance to the point that one new recruit tried wearing lilac only to be sharply criticised by Fred Colon. Vetinari once speculated about erecting a statue in memory of the soldiers, but Vimes rejected the idea, stating that the dead men would not want to be immortalised and inspire others to be heroes after they were betrayed for going beyond the call of duty, requesting that the men be simply left in peace.

Wear your lilac and if you're well prepared bring a towel, too.


By now you should know the drill: Most will have an extra day off. Regular shops will be closed, but gas stations, restaurants and so on should be open. Expect more people travelling around and on the long weekend. Cars, trains and of course if the weather is fine people will be outside doing fun stuff (or at least something they consider fun).


The festival is an international event held in Berlin that was set up to encourage change from within the government. It showcases good practice examples.

The wheels of German bureaucracy may move slowly, but the pop-up museum will not be around for long. It will be consigned to history on June 25 and hopes to take a large chunk of red tape with it. Only time will tell if that €500,000 investment was well spent.


A higher regional court in western Germany rejected on Monday an appeal by the  Alternative for Germany (AfD) party against its classification as a "suspected" far-right extremist organization.

The judges at the court in Münster said the designation was appropriate and did not violate the constitution or European law.

"The court finds there is sufficient evidence that the AfD pursues goals that run against the human dignity of certain groups and against democracy," they wrote.

"There are grounds to suspect at least part of the party wants to accord second-rank status to German citizens with a migration background."

The party criticized the decision, claiming that the proceedings lacked "sufficient clarification of the facts." It said it would "of course" lodge another appeal.

What does the decision mean?

The status makes it easier for the domestic intelligence agency BfV to investigate and surveil AfD members or recruit informants from within the organization.

DW correspondent Simon Young, reporting from Münster, said the court likened the status to a "smoke alarm" to mean that if an alarm went off in a house, police would break down the door to see if there was a fire.  

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, a Social Democrat, welcomed the decision. "Today's ruling shows that we are a defensive democracy," she said. 

The AfD unsuccessfully challenged the designation at a lower court in the western city of Cologne in 2022. It can still appeal the decision on a federal level.

How popular is the AfD in Germany? 

The AfD is topping opinion polls in several eastern states, such as Saxony, that are due to hold elections later this year. It is also polling nationally at around 20% amid high dissatisfaction with Chancellor Olaf Scholz's left-leaning ruling coalition.

However, the party is less popular in some major cities and western parts of Germany. 

The party has increasingly come under scrutiny from government agencies amid allegations linking it to espionage on behalf of Russia and China. 

"It remains to be seen if this decision by the court puts any dent in that [popularity] or possibly, as some suggest, it might even embolden some supporters of the far-right AfD," DW's Young said.


Gilt nicht nur für Hessen, sondern wohl für den norddeutschen Raum. Es lässt sich kein klarer Zeitpunkt benennen, aber ab 23 Uhr und dann bis 2 / 3 Uhr früh könnte eine gute Zeit sein.

Es sollte möglichst dunkel sein und man sollte seinen Augen eine kurze Zeit geben, um sich an das Sehen in der Dunkelheit zu gewöhnen. Schon der Blick aufs Handydisplay kann die Gewöhnung zurückwerfen.

Außerdem Merkur über msn:


Tomorrow is Labour Day and next week on Thursday is Ascension Day. Most shops will be closed. But restaurants, petrol stations and shops that offer 'Reisebedarf'/travel necessities will be open.

There will be festivities in a lot of places especially tonight (Tanz in den Mai - dance into May) and also tomorrow. And as it's Labour Day there will be Union organised demonstrations and more.

Ascension Day in some areas more commonly known as the less spiritual and more spirits-induced Herrentag or Vatertag. Expect a lot of people out walking, cycling, partying.


To celebrate Sir Terry's Birthday there are some things on the official page:

We have brought together ways to get involved for all ages, from activity sheets to social media assets, all of which focus on one thing: celebrating the joy of Terry’s work. You can click on all the below images to access and download the files to use.

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