Well, they are as fine as it gets. Which just happens to be not a lot.
joined 5 months ago
Alien Jews directing the Democratic Party would undoubtedly be an improvement.
Yes, on my phone I just use newpipe. It's just the best app ever.
And it went wherever I... did goooo
First time I've ever seen anyone besides myself make a reference to that bit. I'm so happy :)
Does gdscript count? It mostly just feels like python tho
I might give it another try. Third time's the charm. I'll wait for you guys to have a decent wiki tho.
I've got an advance health care directive for them to pull the plug, if I ever develop youtube thumbnail face.
Selenskyj? You think Selenskyj is afraid of CEO killers?
More than 5?
Almost as if some people just lack empathy.
And I want off.
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Only for the weak with 0 fiber in their diet.