
joined 1 year ago
[–] Mighty@lemmy.world 3 points 20 hours ago

Während hunderte oder mehr bekannte Nazis in Deutschland frei rumlaufen. Schaut euch die Haftbedingungen in Ungarn an. Das ist Folter.

[–] Mighty@lemmy.world 2 points 20 hours ago

I mean you have wikihow but it's not really high-quality all the way through. There doesn't exist one guide. All of these topics are highly debatable, have different opinions with far different perspectives. Some things you just have to figure out yourself with the help given to you. Means: get as much info as possible, compare, talk to others, reflect on your own experience and expectations.

There is no "one better way" to do these common tasks. And many companies spend an insane amount of money to spread (mis)information on how best to eat, exercise, get to work, clean, dress, wash.... So I don't believe there's "objectively" one way to do anything. Find your way.

[–] Mighty@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Well I have 4 decades already and I've read a lot of books. Light and heavy. Because that's what life and art is about. I don't believe in comfort food all the time. Sometimes you just need the poetry of hardship.

[–] Mighty@lemmy.world 8 points 4 days ago

Zensus 1822; nur 969 Menschen linkshändig!!

[–] Mighty@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago (3 children)

To be fair: I am currently reading "how high we go in the dark" by Sequoia Namamatsu. It's so sad. It's speculative fiction, but everything is too real and too sad.

Being an adult means also confrontation with sad topics

[–] Mighty@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Aber ist das hier nicht der beste Ort dafür? Statt einer anderen Gruppe oder Messenger?

Stell doch deine Fragen, du wirst sehen, es gibt meistens hilfsbereite Menschen

[–] Mighty@lemmy.world 19 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Aber aber beide Seiten und so?

[–] Mighty@lemmy.world 76 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Komischerweise sind Autobahn-Kosten immer "zu halten" und das Fahren auf der Autobahn kostet nichts. Also verarscht mich nicht.

[–] Mighty@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

You're just talking to be correct? Fine, you're right. Have a peaceful life

[–] Mighty@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

That's beside the point. If you only care about your hygiene because of others, you're neglecting your own comfort. I'm not wearing deodorant, for example, because I don't want to. I'm still not smelly in the negative sense (yes I asked), because I take showers regularly - and I take showers regularly because I care about my own body

[–] Mighty@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago (8 children)

I don't agree in the slightest. Because if you care, you won't do that probably. Self care is not about others, but about yourself, hence "self". If you only bathe, are gentle, dress... because of others, maybe you have different issues

[–] Mighty@lemmy.world 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wenn man alle einfach ertrinken lässt oder in Auffanglager steckt, können sie keine Asylanträge stellen. Success! /s


Hi y'all, i used to be so prolific at the whole pc building thing. but now i'm out of the game with age and not buying stuff in a while. so here's my question:

my PC is fine and i upgraded parts of it during the years. but it may be time for a new motherboard, since mine only supports 32gb of RAM which isnt enough anymore.

what do I need to do to replace my motherboard? I guess, i'd have to re-install everything, right? Isn't windows and all the software kinda bound to my motherboard?

since i'm fine with my 2060Super, i guess getting a new PC is not worth it, my case and hard drives are fine. i will need new RAM and SSDs. So what should I look for in a motherboard?

thanks for reading this ramble


Hallo. Ich frage mich das so oft, aber jetzt frage ich mal andere Leute. Warum ist eigentlich im Elbtunnel immer in einer Röhre eine Spur "gesperrt"? Es ist immer nur oben das rote x. Auf dieser Spur ist nichts. kein Gegenverkehr, keine Behinderungen, keine erkennbaren Probleme. Egal wie voll der Tunnel ist, ist eine Spur gesperrt. Weiß das jemand? Danke


I designed this myself with the help of my tattoo artist

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