
joined 1 year ago
[–] Kattiydid@slrpnk.net 2 points 1 day ago

I also want to build a solar punk community out in the woods!* (More concerned about building an ecological egalitarian community rather than it's specific location but you get it) I'm in logistics and planning atm and my over all hope is to not just build a community, but to develop a blueprint for others to be able to more easily build their own with less initial cost/labor. Things like how to set up a community land trust, how to build net zero housing and which efficient appliances would work best off grid, how to find good properties that have enough natural resources to provide enough water for people and crops and animals (if you want animals) how practical tying into public utility grids would be at different locations/ distance, how to use gray water systems and composting toilets to reduce waste and reuse resources, composting and vermiculture, food storage and preservation, gardening techniques, what grants and credits and rebates are available for such project's, how to build geothermal greenhouses, resources for open source tools and machines, community tool libraries, frameworks for egalitarian community decision making, ways to structure different roles and tasks so people are responsible to each other without punishment being the go to assumption for failure. Ya know, stuff.

[–] Kattiydid@slrpnk.net 15 points 2 days ago

Because women aren't objects to play for and win like a prize in a claw machine. They're people who have thoughts and wants and desires and aren't interested in being treated like an object to be possessed while they're out having fun. If you walk up and you're obviously looking to find something to be romantically interested in, and they want to get to know people like people before anything romantic, you're not going to have any luck. Like a bunch of the other comments said, go find something that you enjoy doing and get to know the people there as humans. Talk about your shared interest, about your goals and wants and desires for your life outside of a romantic partner, and ask them about the same. Surprisingly, once you stop treating women like fresh meat on a savannah and actually try to get to know who they are as people, they stop being so freaked out and might actually be interested in getting to know you as a person.

[–] Kattiydid@slrpnk.net 2 points 2 days ago

I think there are a significant number of different ways that a large corporation could provide housing for medium-term employees besides purchasing single family homes. Purchasing small apartment buildings, like a fourplex, or purchasing an empty lot and putting manufactured homes on it creating more housing instead of taking the starter homes from normal families.

[–] Kattiydid@slrpnk.net 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Like the other comments said, trust your body. If you felt like sex was a vigorous enough workout that you need a rest day, take a rest day but if not do do what feels best.

[–] Kattiydid@slrpnk.net 9 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Various factors could affect the answer. Are you a uterus haver? Does sex hurt? If engaging in acrobatic sexual maneuvers, do you stretch before? How often do you have sex? How long are the sessions?

As a uterus haver with EDS, I find sex can put me out of commission for days if I'm not careful. I actually just switched to a gym with a pool so I can do zero gravity exercises if my joints are forked after being fucked.

[–] Kattiydid@slrpnk.net 19 points 1 month ago (3 children)

At a time or total?


The title says it short, this says it all, I want hot cereals! Breakfast, lunch, dinner, sweet, savory, wheat, oats, rice, you name it I want it! Give me your best cereal grain recipes!

I'll start with a old family classic! cracked wheat cooked with brown sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, golden raisins and chopped pecans!

I usually just toss stuff together till it tastes good but roughly it's one cup cracked wheat to three cups boiling water and a pinch of salt. simmer in a saucepan for about 20 minutes adding cinnamon, vanilla, golden raisins, pecans, brown sugar, and milk about 5 minutes before the end to let things heat up and soften and blend. I like golden raisins but craisins, regular raisins, dried dates, dried apricots or whatever fruits you want, it's all good. Awesome on a cold morning with a nice hot chai.

[–] Kattiydid@slrpnk.net 2 points 1 month ago

Garlic confit instead of fresh! With Rosemary! 🤤

[–] Kattiydid@slrpnk.net 4 points 1 month ago

For me the school book short story that grabbed me was The Smallest Dragonboy by Anne McCaffrey. Not super scary, just sticky.

[–] Kattiydid@slrpnk.net 8 points 1 month ago

Learn however works best for you. I'd say go ahead and ask, if people here have the time, capacity, and desire to answer, they will. So long as you're asking in good faith I don't know why it would be a problem.

[–] Kattiydid@slrpnk.net 6 points 1 month ago

Played in the creek (pronounced crik), caught pollywogs and toads and snakes. Walked barefoot to the farm down the street to buy sweet corn. Heard stories about my uncles finding dynamite in a cave near the railroad and bringing it home and passing it around at school before the fire department confiscated it all as well as stories of my great grandma holding my great grandpa at shotgun point till he did the chore he'd said he'd get to months before. I remember the internet screaming at me when I picked up the home phone. My dad's first cell phone was a Nokia brick. The first Galaxy smart phone came out the year I graduated highschool.

[–] Kattiydid@slrpnk.net 1 points 1 month ago


This is the kind of thing I would suggest, it's designed to be soundproofing, fire retardant home insulation. This is literally the exact thing you would put in-between your joists before drywall if you were trying to insulate an interior wall for sound.

There's a product called green fiber that is a blown-in cellulose insulation that's been treated with fire retardant you could use if the walls have already been drywalled, I've used that in all of the interior walls of my home when I was remodeling to try and deaden sound and have added privacy throughout the home. My basement, which I turned into a mother-in-law apartment, is so private I can't hear my basement neighbor when they have their video games blasting through a surround sound stereo set with a subwoofer. I can feel the floor shake but, unless I am standing right next to a vent, I can't hear anything.

[–] Kattiydid@slrpnk.net 1 points 1 month ago

I stopped being so upset by it once I started examining social systems and propaganda. If you've been conditioned your whole life to think of women as weaker and smaller and someone to be protected to maintain your "manly state", someone who doesn't fit that mold is a threat to your subconscious sense of self worth. Same for women who don't want to date shorter men, "if I'm not the property of someone who's the biggest and the strongest, I'm worth less to this society."
'Society' thinks men who are smaller than their woman are weak, and that the woman must be defective or she'd be with someone who 'fits' better. They're dead wrong, but that's the unexamined subconscious judgement that our society has conditioned into people. It's easy to be less upset with individual people when you realize they just haven't had the space to examine the abusive systems they're forced to exist within.

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