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I started more than a year ago, i used to be a fat fuck, however i lost weight and now am at a pretty decent one, however i would still be classified as ‘skinny fat’, however when it comes to gaining muscle, i cant seem to fucking do it, i m just a teen I cant fully optimize my diet or sleep schedule, my parents dont like me even going to the gym, I cant ask them to make meals with the perfect macros or get me a personal trainer

My 2 friends are at a similar situation to me, however they seem to be progressing fine, both in musculature and strength progression, i for some reason seem to be stuck, in everything, i have tried everything, mixing, reddit ppl, coolcicada ppl, but i have not been progressing for months, as suboptimal my stuff around the gym is i should be atleast progressing somewhat, I even tried creatine but with no results, i also get asked what the fuck do i even do in the gym because i hv nothing to show for it, i used to love going to the gym thats why i was so regular from the day it started, but now it just seems like a chore

These are my current stats Bench Press 50kg (3x5) OHP 35kg (3x5) Deadlifts (95kg)(1x5) Barbell rows 50kg (3x5) Squats 50kg (2x5)(1x3) These are from last week, these has been similar since OCT

I m seriously considering quitting, I have no fucking clue, i still look skinny fat, however nothing seems to work anyway, Id rather quit and do other productive stuff such as my studies

I have around a month left in my membership, i guess i will just do random ass machines to at-least get my moneys worth and machines wont injure me and are easier


cross-posted from:

Im a male trying on several black leggings for running, stretching and cycling, I've never bought anything so tight. Im skinny built and have tried new balance, asics and adidas. My questions:

I've read some more expensive leggings have not a single, but double seam at the front side (crotch), whereas most simple leggings for men and women have just one seam in the middle. Should I return the leggings I bought and buy only the ones that have 2 seams at the front to better accommodate my manhood bits? I’ve also seen that expensive adidas leggings have just one seam at the front so, maybe I’m overthinking this?

Im not going commando or wearing sport shorts over the leggings because it doesn't have any purpose, except to drag you down when running, and look unflattering, even my boxer shorts make it look a big silly, because people notice them on my leggings, so I’m thinking about buying a thong, but I don’t know what brand to look for, if cotton would be better than polyester or if I should buy a V string or a G string.

The adidas I bought are cross high waist and are for women, however, I don’t see why I shouldn’t buy them: they sit good and aren’t too tight on the waist (seller told me leggings for women are wider on the thigh and smaller on the waist, but to me they look and sit good and the knit is softer than the other ones I bought, I like them. Am I going to regret keeping them?

Any other tips you have, welcomed.


I started going to the gym two months ago, and had always trouble that my underarms are already tired before my back really gets going. So for my birthday my buddy created the "Bulking Starterpack" comprised of wristbands, pulling aids, nuts, peanut butter, protein bars and biscuits. May the fun begin


What are some mundane goals you can recommend to someone trying to improve their fitness? For example, after watching a video while sitting down on the floor with my knees bent, I realised I could stand up without using my hands or resting my leg on the floor. It's indicative of core strength, right? I often do push-ups. So what else are some day-to-day actions that should become easier when improving fitness and what exercises can you do achieve them?


Looking for a advice for a once a week (at least for straight up "gym") workout regiment. I just don't have the time to go any more than that, and most regiments I find online are for 3+ times a week. That would be great and all, but it just isn't going to happen. I potentially can do an extra at-home day of stuff that doesn't really require extra equipment, but at this point I'm just looking to build a habit and currently only have one day that I'm potentially able to get to the gym.

I'm just looking to cram as much of a well rounded workout as I can into an hour or so. I'm not looking to get buff, and not to lose weight, just to generally improve health. More of a something is infinitely better than nothing kind of approach.

I'm going to be by myself, so I generally prefer machine stuff but am not opposed to some free weights. I'm not a total weightlifting noob, as in a previous life I had more time for such and used to go a few days a week, but that's been years. Even then, I kind of just did a bunch of assorted stuff to try to hit the main muscle groups, but never had a real "plan".


Hello, I want to get fitter but I have struggle to find a plan or to create one just because I don't have the knowledge for. I do own a Garmin watch and I do use the Garmin connect app which is very good. However it only has training plans for running etc. I currently do the 5K plan.

But my goal is not only to get good at running or only build muscles but a good mix and a good balance. My primary goal is to be healthy and to make my body make use of what is capable without going in the extremes in one specific direction.

I do each an hour training on Mondays of Kung Fu, Qi Gong and Tai Chi which is very good and I currently because of the plan on Garmin do make a run every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. I just started and can run about 3km without problems at 7:30 per km but going faster or wider is a struggle because of the fact I just started.

For workout I want to train mostly at home with my own bodyweight and dumbbells because the gym is about an hour drive away and I just don't have the time for it.

I googled a bit and found Freeletics but it's not useful for me because it doesn't sync with Garmin so it wouldn't be aware of my runs I track there or other stuff.

So yeah I want to find a balance between building muscles, cardio trough running and becoming more flexible which is useful for everything and also necessary for Kung Fu. But I can't figure out a training plan because the topic is way to complex to get through. All sources tell you something else i.e. you shouldn't do that exercise because it has a long term negative effects or something else. Then you need to know which exercises train which muscles and how long to rest and how to progress, nutrition and whatever else. So yeah maybe someone of you can help out with my struggle. In the best case I'd have something that progresses with my own progress and works good with Garmin (or connected services that automatically get Garmin trainings synced like Strava). If it's an app it doesn't need to be able to track trainings I just need to have a plan. Tracking works well with Garmin.

I also need some flexibility in case I have a day where I can't do a training. So something where no day can be left out like some apps have it would not be something useful.

It also doesn't need to be an app. Whatever works works. I'm just looking for some solutions.

Thank you in advance!


I've been going ot the gym for a little while, using GZCLP on Perseus.
Been making steady progress (besides a longer dip after a nasty cold) but I still struggle with deadlifts, especially now that they're getting a bit heavier.

  1. I got a shit back and inherent anterior pelvic tilt, it's easy to tweak the lower back for me. I put a lot of emphasis on keeping it straight, neutralizing the tilt and bracing the core to support it.
    Still, sometimes I feel the pinch near the sides of the lumba spine. Any advice to help with that would be phenomenal.

  2. I got stupid knees. They're not injury prone or anything, but they stick out. Several times now I bruised them pretty severely, mostly on the way down. The bar slides down the quads - as I learned it should - and then bonk into the tissue just above the patella before continuing around the knee.
    What am I doing wrong?

Here's my form at the moment of impact
Here's my form at the moment of impact

This is roughly where I hit and bruise
This is roughly where I hit and bruise


My wife and I are trying to eat a little less meat, starting with 1 dinner per week. I'm having trouble finding vegetarian recipes that can fit my desired macros for dinner, which are 52/41/16 C/P/F. I like tofu, but the protein/fat ratio isn't great for what I'm trying to get. I don't really love the "fake" meat substitutes and would rather eat real foods.

Any suggestions on high protein lower fat veggie mains or resources for recipies would be greatly appreciated.


I as many others don't eat enough fish so I try to get a can of tuna in my system every other day. But it really kills me how dry and boring it tastes.

Anyoke got a good way to make it taste good? As low calorie as possible but I am willing to forfeit a bit of my dinner if I necessary.



I have been sleeping very poorly this summer. Yesterday I did a big hike in Austria and I also slept very badly. Now I wonder if maybe it is because of the sport? I sweat all night and it is very hot. My girlfriend had the same problem after the hike. However, the days before we slept very well.

I usually do a CrossFit workout at 18:00 three times a week and fall asleep at 22:30 and wake up at 02:00 though.

Do you guys have similar problems and how do you get them under control?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

same question as here:

Is washing powder safe for undearmour clothing? Else what would be some alternatives?

I tried the vinegar approach but it wasn't working out for me. I guess maybe I can try the baking soda one


Hey guys, I have been looking at building a home gym (possibly outdoors) in my new house we are renovating.

I want to get back into lifting as it has been about 4 years since I did it seriously.

I was looking at bars and the market here is ridiculout it seems. I can't find a single stainless steel bar for under 475€($520). The Ohio bar is one of the cheaper ones at 550€ instead of $370. Of course I get why it is more expensive for an import bar, but I literally can't find any bar here non-imported that says that it is stainless steel that isn't calibrated and insanely expensive (550€+)

The difference here betweeen cerakote and stainless is even greater (>100€ in some cases).

I was hoping to just get a second hand rack, some basics weights, and a barbell for around 1000€ or so, but it looks like I would have to spend at least 2000€ to get any kind of setup. Cage here are 850€ or so on the lower end just by themselves.

I am looking at,,, but I don't really know what are the best bang for your buck options.

It looks like one of those sites has a 340€ stainless steel ATX bar, but I don't know if that is a reliable brand.

Anyone in the EU with any advice?


Right now I do free weights a couple times of week, a little bit of yoga, and then a fair amount of cardio. Now that I'm in my late 30s I seem to be injuring myself a lot. Little stuff like pulled muscles, tendonitis, joint pain etc. Yoga has definitely help and I've adjusted the cardio I do. Any recommendations for a strength plan that focuses more on mobility, flexibility and not injuring yourself?


We want to know!


Hello everyone,

I started going to the gym in February and followed the same workout plan until now. A few weeks ago I started running and it makes it difficult to keep going to the gym as often as before. I was wondering if this two days per week workout plan would be good enough to grow (or at least maintain) muscles:

Day 1: Upper body / core

  • Lat pulls
  • Dumbbell bench press
  • Dumbbell bicep curl
  • Pushdowns
  • Back extensions
  • Pec fly (or chest press machine)

Day 2: lower body / shoulders

  • Seated leg curls
  • Leg press
  • Leg extensions
  • Calf raises
  • Side lat raises
  • Dumbbell overhead press

I also start each training with incline sit-ups.

Thank you!


I decided to try out a sort of full body workout targeting my chest and back after my leg workouts last week. I did the same workouts i do on my chest/back and leg days, but for some reason i was not sore at all so i tried it again in the same week and same thing. I'm shocked because my legs and core would be extremely sore after my leg workouts. After doing some research i found out that lactic acid build up was one of the culprits of doms pain, and my theory is that transitioning from lower body to upper body in the same workout might actually lower the lactic acid in the legs and delaying the pain.

Is there any weight to this theory, do you do full body workouts or do you prefer to give your lower body its own day and what pain/soreness do you feel if any after targeting your lower body.


I want to purchase a piece of cardio equipment to use for when the weather and/or pollen are bad so that I can do LISS. Anyone have any recs? I'm leaning towards a rower, but I'd also like to be able to have a screen to watch in case I want to watch some TV. I don't care about it havinf programs, classes I can join, or any of that stuff.


How large were your physical changes and how large, if any, were the social ones? Related to anything you feel comfortable sharing, e.g. socializing/meeting new people, work, dating etc.


Oh man I feel high on endorphins

I (27F) got into heavy lifting at the start of April as a means to help with fat loss because I'm super short. I PR'd my squat (65kg) AND my deadlift (75kg) today. Never thought I'd make so much progress so quickly, newbie gains be damned. And I still have so much fat to lose, and so much muscle to gain!

Feeling stronger by the day, and super excited to grow with this community!