
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Does anyone know how iMessage handles this on desktop (on Macs) as they (as far as I know) upgraded their encryption recently?



is there a decent adblocker for Safari like uBlock Origin for Firefox? Most adblockers in the store seem a bit scummy somehow and I'm not sure if I can trust them.


Hey, I'm currently trying to get away from Notion to either Obsidian or Logseq. Currently it feels like I'm drifting towards Obsidian.

I only have one topic left on my list of "I would like to have that": an alternative to Notion AI.

With Notion AI it's possible to ask a question like "which books that I've read are talking about the history of mankind and how are these related to each other?" and it'll search your documents and give you an answer. This works really good. Downside of Notion is that you don't earn your files and that of course the AI model is scanning all your stuff for this when you use it.

I've seen that there are some add-ons for Obsidian that support AI but I haven't really achieved anything good yet. My try was to set up Ollama on my Linux computer and connect it to some Obsidian plugin (not sure about the name right now unfortunately). As a model I was using Llama3 (the small one since the big one is too heavy for my laptop with NVIDIA GPU).

That in fact works but the results are...meh. It kinda leaves out 80% of what would be relevant and thus isn't really helpful.

Is it somehow possible to achieve something like an alternative to Notion AI in Obsidian, that can do more than "complete this text for me"?


Hello all, I am donating to Logseq since some time to support the development. However I am not actively using it and are still stuck with Obsidian and/or Notion since I am missing a good structure to organize my books and quotes.

I really want to switch but I can't figure this out. For storing books that's fine. I can create a page per book and give it some metadata that I can then use to filter and search. Like that:

Now however as you can see I'm writing quotes (Zitate in German) and my opinion on them (Meinung in German) in the book's page.

And here comes the tricky part:

  • I want a general overview of all quotes that I can search
  • I want an overview of quotes per author (the author is in the page properties so it has to basically do something like "select all pages of typ = book where autor = author and collect all quotes on them (page reference #Zitate)"

In Notion I currently have a general database of quotes:

In each of these quotes there is my opinion written in the page.

And then there's the book database that has dedicated book pages to it which look like this and reference the quotes coming from that page:

Those are generated automatically when creating a book since I use a template for that but I know that Logseq supports templates, too so that should be fine.

For looking up quotes by the author due to how databases in Notion work I could just filter for it in the quotes database. However I also do the same with the quotes in the author's page that I am doing in the book's page. Thus when I open up the page of an author I can instantly see all their books, their current status (if I have read them or not etc.) and all their quotes that I have stored:

So yeah I am trying to find some kind of structure since ages now within Logseq to be able to replicate something like that, solving my only issue that keeps me from switching. Maybe there is some way with queries but I haven't found one. I also don't want to rely on custom CSS since I want to have something that is natively working without eventually failing in the future for some reason.


Question is in the title. I want to create my own custom theme for light and dark and make it so that I can change between them with a click in the quick settings.