Connections Puzzle #397
Connections Puzzle #397
Anti-theist here, religion in all it's forms is a blight on humanity, but let's not muddle the waters with misused vocabulary.
The difference between a cult and a religion is not the number of believers, it's how much they enforce groupthink, how hard it is to leave and if they are based around a charismatic leader who profits directly from the imposed sameness and thought control. Generally cults:
That's how, for example the catholic church isn't a cult but scientology is. The sharp surveilance and strong measures in place to prevent deviancy make all the difference. It's easy to leave catholicism, but leaving scientology can even be dangerous.
We have Senate and House of Representatives analogues, the AfD will be very influential in the Bundesrat (roughly equivalent to the Senate) because they will be the strongest party in some States but in the Bundestag (HoR), where representation is proportional it's extremely unlikely that they will be able to create a governing coalition, because if the CDU/CSU does that, they imho. will bleed voters all over and not win any election for decades.
But forcing the democratic parties to form an all-encompassing coalition will also be bad for all of them. Still better for the country, but really unstable and basically grind government operations to a minimum consensus for four years.
Our courts are... well okay-ish. They might have some hard conservatives (and will get worse with the AfD able to put judges forward), but generally the courts are seen as stable, fair and guardians of the democratic process. But the democratic process might just not be as crucial as democracy itself, when it's tools are used to get rid of democracy.
All in all, even with Russia puppeteering the AfD, I have way more confidence in the gernan, than in the american public, mostly because the "culture war" hasn't yet overcome the political need for cooperation in our proportional representative system.
As a German: You'll be welcomed and appreciated, just know that we too are fighting a political right shift and that the neonazi AfD might emerge as one of, if not the strongest party next election cycle. Especially if Trump wins this will float nationalist and fascists in Europe on the rising brown tide. It's extremely unlikely they'll end up in government though.
Generally immigrants from the US are quite happy over here and report high satisfaction with their move if they have a) children or b) health issues that cost an arm and a leg in the US and also bring a patience for German bureaucracy and good language skills.
Since you have German citizenship you are free to also consider the Netherlands (easier finding a job with only English, way higher cost of housing) or other EU countries, since you can settle in any one thanks to freedom of movement (Spain might be easier on your wife, since she'll speak the language).
"Kein Geld da" verdanken wir aber 16 Jahren Kohl und dann 16 Jahren Merkel und aktuell der Merz-Union in der Opposition, die alles blockt was irgendwie wie eine Investition aussieht die nicht Reiche subventioniert.
No, but the aversion reaction to the uncanny valley is pretty strong. It's more likely an adapted trait than not and can be easily explained by dead or sick humans and animals.
But we don't recognize them on sight, so can't be it.
Hnnnn... um mal XKCD zu zitieren:
Normal light interacts with the atmosphere through Rayleigh scattering. You may have heard of Rayleigh scattering as the answer to "why is the sky blue." This is sort of true, but honestly, a better answer to this question might be "because air is blue." Sure, it appears blue for a bunch of physics reasons, but everything appears the color it is for a bunch of physics reasons.[2]
Das geht von einem ebenen Spielfeld aus, das ist es aber nicht.
Reich, schön oder zur richtigen Ethnie zu gehören bietet in unserer Gesellschaft bestimmte Vorteile oder besser gesagt schützt vor allem vor bestimmten Fallgruben, in die halt vor allem (aber nicht nur) Menschen tappen die arm, hässlich oder mit einem Migrationshintergrund belastet sind.
Ziel ist also durch Förderung die Unebenheit des Spielfelds aus zu gleichen und es so für alle fairer zu machen.
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