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[–] Enkrod 16 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

My great grandparents were these people and I'd be okay with yours shooting them.

[–] Enkrod 2 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

when our modern police/military state has already surpassed 1930s Germany by leaps and bounds

This thread man... I don't think you guys have much of an idea how bad Nazi Germany was. If you said stuff like this on the street over here in 1934 you'd end up in a concentration camp. Hans and Sophie Scholl were guillotined for distributing leaflets for fucks sake.

[–] Enkrod 1 points 19 hours ago (3 children)

Call officers who hide as “undercover agents” but we call them in other countries “secret police” and

Holy shit dude, secret police and undercover pigs are not the same. Not that I harbor any sympathies for the pigs, but at least you live in a nation where people don't just get disappeared. The Stasi and the Gestapo... those guys would laugh at your police. They could black bag you and noone would ever know what happened to you... you'd just disappear, no courts, no lawyers, no way to find out... just poof, gone in the night... Shit, the SRB alone killed half a million people in Uganda.

The Mississippi SovCom was a secret police and under Hoover the FBI could be called a secret police, but the mere fact that you can express this opinion here and now without fearing repercussions is a testament to how much you do not live under the thump of a secret police.

You're spot on on the rest of your points, but this one error undermines your argument, don't make it.

[–] Enkrod 5 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

Land of the free... whoever told you that is your enemy - RATM

[–] Enkrod 21 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] Enkrod 43 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Idc about what Trump's gonna say, his Maggats are going to see this as the literal starting shot in the race to escalation.

[–] Enkrod 5 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Ich war das! Nachdem ich seit 10 Uhr unterbrochen schwarze Pixel gesetzt hatte und mich daran stör-te dass da überall Leute mit sehr dunklem Grau gepixelt haben, habe ich mir gedacht: "Wenn du sie nicht schlagen kannst mische dich heimlich unter sie".

Hab ihn auch eine Weile tapfer verteidigt, musste dann aber zum Arzt... dafür steht jetzt einer auf dem Stör, das akzeptiere ich auch XD

[–] Enkrod 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Wordle 1.119 6/6

[–] Enkrod 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Connections Puzzle #397

[–] Enkrod 7 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Anti-theist here, religion in all it's forms is a blight on humanity, but let's not muddle the waters with misused vocabulary.

The difference between a cult and a religion is not the number of believers, it's how much they enforce groupthink, how hard it is to leave and if they are based around a charismatic leader who profits directly from the imposed sameness and thought control. Generally cults:

  • Rush you into joining and discourage or disallow questions.
  • Followers are encouraged to worship a specific group leader.
  • Leaders dictate in great detail all aspects of followers’ lives.
  • Followers are personally monitored to ensure they’re following guidelines.
  • Methods of control are used to keep members close.

That's how, for example the catholic church isn't a cult but scientology is. The sharp surveilance and strong measures in place to prevent deviancy make all the difference. It's easy to leave catholicism, but leaving scientology can even be dangerous.

[–] Enkrod 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

We have Senate and House of Representatives analogues, the AfD will be very influential in the Bundesrat (roughly equivalent to the Senate) because they will be the strongest party in some States but in the Bundestag (HoR), where representation is proportional it's extremely unlikely that they will be able to create a governing coalition, because if the CDU/CSU does that, they imho. will bleed voters all over and not win any election for decades.

But forcing the democratic parties to form an all-encompassing coalition will also be bad for all of them. Still better for the country, but really unstable and basically grind government operations to a minimum consensus for four years.

Our courts are... well okay-ish. They might have some hard conservatives (and will get worse with the AfD able to put judges forward), but generally the courts are seen as stable, fair and guardians of the democratic process. But the democratic process might just not be as crucial as democracy itself, when it's tools are used to get rid of democracy.

All in all, even with Russia puppeteering the AfD, I have way more confidence in the gernan, than in the american public, mostly because the "culture war" hasn't yet overcome the political need for cooperation in our proportional representative system.

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