I do not understand this, so I'll joke:
We should find out which direction is the common "massfull" direction, and call that "Universal Up."
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I do not understand this, so I'll joke:
We should find out which direction is the common "massfull" direction, and call that "Universal Up."
Unfortunately I think the directions are only local to the crystal lattice. And being a quasiparticle it is confined to the crystal.
On the up side, you could probably consider this to be an actual magic crystal with special properties, so there is that.
Regrettably, most of my mass is in a direction I would have to call, "down"...
(I don't understand it either, so I'll be self-deprecating!)
I was thinking about resistance, and energy required to lift things. But that works, too. I think "backwards" is also a good choice.
I'm studiously ignoring the reply that informed me that the direction is local, not universal, because that's boring.
Interesting, but I do think it's important to note for the layperson that these aren't real particles, no? They are groups that appear to change their emergent group property. That's not the same as saying a particle is actually massless in one direction through a crystal lattice.