"taking the money creators would have made"
fun fact! this is not how the entertainment industry works.
The actual creators have long been paid for their work when a film/series releases, the only people who profit from the sales are those who own the IP, which is usually the production company (and the actors sometimes, if they decided to take a gamble and agreed on recieving royalties instead of signing a fixed contract. Or rarely the director, if their name alone can sell a film)
unless it's like a fully indie film, self made, self produced, and self published, people who made the thing never see the sales money
& there is very little inbetween those two extremes, only thing that comes to my mind is works either commissioned by, or sold to a streaming service (& most of the time creators lose the IP rights if they do that).
so far the only exception to all this bullshit that i know of is Nebula