
joined 1 year ago
[–] A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world 3 points 19 hours ago

As much as I hate to admit it, I used to be a transmedicalist. It came from a place of insecurity, fear, and ignorance.

I always thought "I wish I were trans" but I thought I couldn't be. I'm too masculine, my voice is too deep, I have too many traditionally masculine interests...all that BS. So when I saw trans people that didn't pass, I projected those insecurities onto them. (Thank GOD I was never vocal about it -_- it's hard to think about).

But the thing about that, and what it took me far too long to realize, is it truly doesn't matter if you pass. A gay person isn't any less gay if they haven't been in a homosexual relationship, so why would trans people be any less trans for not meeting some arbitrary qualifications that other people set for you? Just like being gay, what validates your "transness" is your feelings, not your actions.

Transitioning doesn't happen instantly, takes time and effort. So for someone to not take that into account when trying to understand trans people, whether they're cis or they're trans themselves, is just ignorant. (And there's plenty of reasons for trans people to not visibly/medically/otherwise noticably transition at all, especially in a society that is hostile towards LGBTQ people). It's not necessarily malicious, but it is ignorant, so you shouldn't let those people invalidate your identity and your feelings.

But to more directly answer the question: Transmedicalists (at least amongst allies) are rare, so I wouldn't worry too much about that kind of stuff when you're coming out to people. In my experience, it'll be obvious beforehand whether or not they'll accept you. And if someone doesn't accept you, I hope what I wrote above and what others have also mentioned here will help.

[–] A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world 11 points 22 hours ago

I mean, I am too. The joke doesn't make sense as it's written, but it would if there's a different game that uses X to backstep.

[–] A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world 32 points 22 hours ago

What controllers use X for the dodge button? Even with over 2k hours in From Software games combined this joke didn't register with me lol

[–] A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago (1 children)

P R O N O U N S ? ! ? !

That's a really smart move on your part, disengaging with the conversation the moment someone claims they can demonstrate the ridiculousness of your beliefs.

Crisis averted, well done

[–] A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

"I like gay/trans people, but they are a political issue. 🤓☝️"

Pick a lane.

[–] A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Are the 'removed's n-bombs?

If only we'd replace Uber drivers and taxis with trains and busses -_-

[–] A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I took every coding class my highschool offered, and the only thing that drove me more crazy than this syntax was trying to use CSS.

[–] A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Good luck making coherent claims

[–] A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago (3 children)

As if a country not having FfR or FoR is a useful "example" here.

[–] A_Very_Big_Fan@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

No shit, Sherlock. Hence the question.


I just want somewhere that won't even show me new episodes until an unghosted version is released. I primarily watch anime for the animation, so blurred and darkened frames really ruin it for me.


Unusual kind of post but still religious cringe:

After I finished helping someone I said "have a good day" and walked away, but then she said "you see no god?" Which was confusing before I realized what she was talking about lol. After a second I said "oh yeah haha, I thought it was cute." And she responds with "well I have a good god."

I just said "okay" and walked away again. But I wish I would've asked her if she seriously thought I worshiped a dog with a cone on its head lol.

This is the third time I've gotten a negative comment on my shirt at work. I'm not even anti-religion, I just thought a dog that had to get a cone juxtaposed with him saying he's a god was funny.

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