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[–] -2 points 2 months ago

Well, they're a game developer. And they own GOG. GOG as a subsidiary is a digital distributor of prepackaged digital content. Developing a system that allows people to find a digital item, pay for it, and then download it, is hilariously, vastly different than developing a compatibility layer for games developed for one operating system to run on another. Like...the former is straight up just basic web development. The latter is hardcore systems programming. They are worlds apart.

[–] -2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

This is not "a prediction" - this is inevitably what's going to happen.

Everyone here who has drank the Valve kool-aid and pretends like they can do no wrong is dangerously short-sighted. Steam's virtual monopoly on PC gaming is a huge issue. You think Epic has a monopoly on the concept of "Store Exclusives?" Fucking spare me. It's a matter of time before Steam locks in its own exclusives, kills Proton, and locks every. single. game. behind always online DRM.

If you want to distribute your new PC game, guess what? You don't get to contract with both GOG and Steam. You don't get to say your game is Linux compatible because it runs well in the Proton compatibility layer. Oh, and if you say "games could run on Linux before Proton!" then you're deluding yourself by remembering a time when games were distributed with their own launcher and weren't packed to the gills with platform specific code so that the game integrates seamlessly with a specific third-party launcher and its DRM tools. You bought a Steamdeck? Cool. The version of Arch it runs is no longer supported. You have to upgrade to "Windows for Steameck." Yes, you have to pay for a fucking Windows license. Yes, it has fewer features than baseline Windows. No, it's not less expensive.

You think what's happening to YouTube is bad? Fucking strap in, boys. Welcome to digital content distribution in the age of unfettered capitalism. I wonder how many of you are gonna eat this shit up, huff lethal quantities of copium, and say it's "not that bad" once it starts happening and you're faced with either standing by your own stated convictions and giving up almost all PC gaming in general or bend the knee so you can get your precious Steam Library back. Probably most of you.

[–] -2 points 3 months ago

Fuck, the original Pacific Rim wasn't even good. Like, how you gonna set such a low bar and somehow slide under it with room to spare?

[–] -2 points 3 months ago

"My daughter Murph. I keep gettin' older. She stays the same age."

Also, I love how he had a son who just wanted to be a farmer and that meant that Matthew McConaughey's character was justified in being totally emotionally disinterested in him, compared to his genius daughter. Seriously, at a certain point I think Nolan forgot he wrote this guy with two kids. His entire character was defined by his relationship with his daughter. Why even give him a son in the first place?

[–] -1 points 3 months ago

"This woman, who suffers from body dysphoria and constantly gets more and more plastic surgery (a behavior which harms no one but herself) is the same as this fictional serial killer who tortured hundreds of people to death."

But in all seriousness, I don't think it's nice to make fun of people's appearance.

[–] -1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

"quick call?"

"sure, I've got time for the two hour meeting this is going to be."

[–] -1 points 3 months ago

I respect the sentiment, but I recently read "Exiting the Vampire Castle" by Mark Fisher and he makes some good points for why callout culture is, shall we say, "less than productive" in some situations.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

I've heard similar from the worst first year CS students you could ever meet. People talk out their ass without the experience to back up their observations constantly. The indentation thing is a reasonable heuristic that states you are adding too much complexity at specific points in your code that suggests you should isolate core pieces of logic into discrete functions. And while that's broadly reasonable, this often has the downside of you producing code that has a lot of very small, very specific functions that are only ever invoked by other very small, very specific functions. It doesn't make your code easier to read or understand and it arguably leads to scenarios in which your code becomes very disorganized and needlessly opaque purely because you didn't want additional indentation in order to meet some kind of arbitrary formatting guideline you set for yourself. This is something that happens in any language but some languages are more susceptible to it than others. PEP8's line length limit is treated like biblical edict by your more insufferable python developers.

[–] 0 points 4 months ago

It's "y'all" - as in a contraction of "you all."

[–] 0 points 5 months ago (3 children)

As the internet gets scarier

How the fuck is the internet getting scarier? This isn't the random gore and porn filled, go to a forum and immediately get targeted by a sex-predator, internet that I grew up with. The internet is a corporate walled garden of mega services that feed disinformation and bullshit to people, but your odds of getting genuinely victimized as a child are so much lower than they used to be.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

The idea of a "Prison Architect" series of games is just conceptually wild to me. I wonder if in a hundred years this will have the same ring to it that a game like "Slave Plantation Architect" would have today. Just remarkably crass and tasteless.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (6 children)

I know what 2 girls 1 cup is but I don't understand what else is being referenced in this image.

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