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[–] rumschlumpel 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (6 children)

Heißt das, dass die Leute mehr Barilla und Co. essen als Supermarkt-Eigenmarken-Nudeln, oder dass viele der Eigenmarken-Nudeln in Italien produziert werden? Beides klingt für mich ziemlich unlogisch.

Was logisch ist, ist, dass die Leute Pasta statt Spätzle essen: Spätzle ist deutlich teurer.

[–] rumschlumpel 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I wouldn't be so sure about that. We definitely got a lot of social progress from technology, but it's plain to see that social media gets massively abused for reactionary propaganda (not entirely unlike radio and print have been abused to further authoritarian ideologies in early 20th century). IME, in recent years people have been getting MORE cold and brutal, more willing to assault random people for being the wrong sexual orientation, they started assaulting EMTs, firefighters and train employees in significant numbers, and people have been outright murdered for telling them that they should wear a mask.

And every appliance becoming "smart" seems to further the corporate desire for planned obsolescence and making people unable to repair their belongings, along with massively increasing security risks and possibilities for mass surveillance.

IMO, we're moving backwards right now, with significant risk of losing the progress of the last 50 years.

[–] rumschlumpel 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Good luck ignoring social media nowadays. Whether you use them or not, you live in a society that does use them and you are impacted by its consequences.

And good luck trying to buy a new television that isn't "smart". Even cars are getting like that.

[–] rumschlumpel 10 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Neat. Took me until the section that specifically calls out this common mistake that I noticed that it's "MacAronesia", not "Macronesia".

[–] rumschlumpel 8 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Yeah, and the amish aren't exactly a positive example in terms of personal freedom, especially for women and queer people. Though those were never their goals anyway, so a more modern luddite community might be nicer to live in.

[–] rumschlumpel 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

Cyberpunk authors have been introducing progress-hostile/'go back to the past' movements and factions since the 80s, arguably it's older than cyberpunk-style technology itself (cyberpunk-style technology definitely being a thing that already exists, arguably since the www-internet but nowadays with VR, AI and electronically enhanced prostetics we're definitely getting into the flashier stuff). And remember that the cyberpunk genre paints the future as bleak, in terms of how the common people live most cyberpunk worlds are clear downgrades compared to the actual 1980s.

And e.g. the amish rejected the industrial revolution.

[–] rumschlumpel 35 points 1 month ago (3 children)

irgendein Gejammer von wegen "keiner will mehr richtig arbeiten"

[–] rumschlumpel 6 points 1 month ago

Zu dem Thema ist auch die DVAG zu nennen:

Das System ist soweit ich das verstehe nicht 1:1 klassisches MLM, aber es sind schon sehr viele Gemeinsamkeiten.

Sticht für mich dadurch hervor, dass jemand wie Jürgen Klopp langjähriger Werbepartner ist.

[–] rumschlumpel 32 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Es sind ja nicht einmal nur Ausländer, deutsche Fachkräfte haben oft auch keinen Bock auf die Nazis. Die Ost-Länder leiden soweit ich weiß auch heute noch stark unter Brain Drain, was es leider umso unwahrscheinlicher macht, dass sich an der Situation etwas ändert.

[–] rumschlumpel 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Bleiben wir mal beim Thema Krieg und Frieden

Ist halt eigentlich nicht wirklich das Thema.

[–] rumschlumpel 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)
[–] rumschlumpel 11 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Was heißt hier ignorieren, die finden das gut. Dieser Quatsch von wegen "das ist auch für Arbeiter gut weil es die Wirtschaft ankurbelt" ist pure Propaganda.

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