Yeah actually I 100% agree on this.
I mean Biden is making sure to double down on his support for Israel whenever he has the chance to do so. He is pro genocide.
Trump is of course worse just for the record.
Not cool man!
See, that’s the thing with trolls. You call me delusional and all, you’re like “but Nazis would never do this” and then I show you an example where Nazis actually do this and much worse things and not only get away with it but actually rewarded.
And then you have nothing left to say. That’s why you’re a troll.
It surely helps calling someone who isn’t of your opinion delusional.
I see you’re from Germany as well. How about the farmer’s protests? How about farmers threatening our vice chancellor and dumping waste on a high way and injuring people with this? How was the reaction, do you remember? Yes that’s right, our government gave in to their demands.
How about literal Nazis murdering people (NSU) and our institutions covering it up. I could go on and on, but the point is, it’s a very bad look on you to defend Nazis lol. I see from your post history that you’re also defending Israel’s genocide, makes sense for trolls like you.
Democracy isn’t god given, it’s a societal contract. We decided to give certain powers to certain institutions, and these institutions should serve our interests as citizens.
However what I see currently is that these institutions are working for the interests of the super rich. If you’re a nazi, you’ll get a „you you you“ for supporting an ideology that attempts to overthrow democracy. If you’re protesting against climate change or genocide, you’ll get beaten up by the police, and apparently sentenced to long jail terms to set an example.
It isn’t anarchy to try and force politicians to change. Protest is supposed to be disruptive as others already mentioned.
Very happy this is getting downvoted. This way of thinking is typical for the perceived moral and cultural superiority by some westerners. I don’t get it, what are these women taking away from you that makes you patronize them so hard? Like, are you telling me that every single woman wearing the hijab is oppressed? That is, ignoring the fact that the vast majority of Muslims isn’t Arab and that in many Arab countries women actually don’t wear it.
How can a religion murder a person? States can impose laws that allow or even mandate murder for you quitting the religion, but that’s another instance of a state telling you what to do and what not to do just in a much more extreme fashion.
As for a religion justifying the killing for quitting, well, that still depends on a jurisdiction where the killing would be allowed by the state.
Anyway, I think your comment is derailing a bit because in the case of France it is not allowed to kill in the name of any religion, but it is forbidden to practice your religion freely if you’re a Muslim.
Peak Ironie dass du in ! einen faschistischen Staat verteidigst und einen laufenden Völkermord leugnest den wirklich jeder mit eigenen Augen live auf Social Media mitverfolgen kann.
- Das 6 jährige Mädchen das mitsamt Familie von einem Panzer zerfetzt wurde? Hamas.
- Die Frauen, die in der Kirche von einem Sniper erschossen wurden? Hamas.
- Der Mann mit Down-Syndrom, der von einem Kampfhund zerfetzt wurde? Hamas.
- Die Leute, die in einem Krankenhaus gefesselt in einem Massengrab gefunden aka hingerichtet wurden? Hamas.
- Die über 100 Journalisten, die getötet wurden? Die hunderten Ärzte, Professoren, Lehrerinnen, tausenden Studentinnen? Ja richtig, Hamas.
Aber sind ja alles Einzelfälle oder?
- Das AI-System, das automatisch Ziele generiert und bei dem nur geprüft wird, ob das Ziel männlich ist. Alle Männer? Hamas.
- Das andere AI-System das mittels WhatsApp vorhergesagt, wann ein Hamas-Mitglied zuhause ist, also bei der Familie, um möglichst dort anzugreifen. Frauen, Kinder, Nachbarn? Hamas.
- Soldaten haben angegeben, dass sie im Schnitt innerhalb von 20 Sekunden über ein Ziel entscheiden. Also über Menschenleben
- Dann werden 2000 Pfund (900kg) „Dumme“ Bomben abgeworfen. Die sind unpräzise und haben einen tödlichen Radius von 365m. Das sind 58 Fußballfelder.
- Wenn man dann automatisiert Ziele generiert und diese dann mit solchen Bomben in „Schutzzonen“ angreift, die mittlerweile aus Zeltstädten bestehen. Wen trifft man dann? Ausschließlich Hamas.
Ich weiß gar nicht wo ich anfangen und wo ich aufhören soll, dieser Völkermord ist so pervers gut dokumentiert dass man eigentlich gar nicht drumrum kommt, ein paar Horrorstories mitzubekommen. Was du also in einem antifaschistischen Sub zu suchen hast, ist mir schleierhaft.
Dass die Völkermörder aus China und Russland hier aus Eigennutz das Ganze anprangern, ist hierbei irrelevant. Es macht keinen Unterschied wer für oder gegen einen Völkermord ist und aus welchem Grund man Völkermord begeht. Es ist und bleibt das Verbrechen aller Verbrechen.
Weird and interesting story at the same time, but there were already some royals who in the 1700s had the same evangelical beliefs, colonial interests and also strong antisemitism.
They thought that by colonizing Palestine they could get rid of the Jews and also have them in a geopolitically convenient location where they could have a grip on the Arabs. They were undermining pan-Arabism already in the 1800s.
It’s really some Illuminati conspiracy mumbo jumbo that goes back centuries and apparently it’s hard to get rid of.
Another possible factor is perception management. They wanna keep up the image of Israel being the good guys because of geopolitics, arms sales and because it’s easier than trying to explain the complexity of the situation and also that it’s actually the fault of the British.
I think politicians and the media think that us normal people are too stupid too handle a situation that isn’t black and white, so they try to make sure we have a clear idea of who are the bad guys and who are our heroes. And my personal view is that this has been going on for so long that they actually started believing their own lies.
Natürlich, gegen Genozid und Siedlerkoloniale Apartheid zu sein ist natürlich Hamas und Kritik am Genozid ist natürlich Antisemitismus, damit erweist du den Juden einen Bärendienst. Die leiden nämlich unter dem tatsächlich aufkeimenden Antisemitismus im Zuge des Rechtsrucks in diesem Land.
Dazu noch Beleidigungen. Alles wie erwartet, Troll halt.
Enter Germany, earn shit tons of money as a politician and still be corrupt.