
joined 6 months ago
[–] 5 points 11 hours ago

If I remember correctly, loading a ship that size with coal took weeks. That was the main limitation when it came to turnaround time.

[–] 7 points 11 hours ago (4 children)

What is this sexy thing?

[–] 5 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

At work I have this nice wooden box with a hinged lid. I think it used to hold teabags. On the front there's a dymo label with fancy font: "Box of Memories"

Inside there's an obscene amount of RAM that have been taken out of decommissioned servers.

[–] 6 points 12 hours ago

When I was in the army almost 20 years ago, the grease used on smaller caliber weapons were often referred to as cat cum.

[–] 15 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

My current job has an age ceiling of 70 years, and I have very limited authority when it comes to deployment of nuclear tech.

[–] 133 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (2 children)

I'd prefer the cryptkeeper surgeon who is at least trying, as opposed to the orange ghoul who is there to harvest your organs for some spare change.

The problem lies with the hospital which allowed those to be the only options to begin with.

I for one would prefer to have my appendix removed by a competent surgeon just over 35 y.o., but until hospital staff management gets their shit together, there isn't a whole lot one can do.

[–] 31 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago) (4 children)

I tried to chat up this woman the other day, and she called me revolting, so I guess I am as ready as can be.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

This guy kerbals

[–] 19 points 1 day ago (1 children)

That Mitchell and Webb sketch where they discuss faking the moonlanding to save money, and the only real savings was on catering....


....så det så


So, my employer suggested that it would be good for me, professionally, to get my certifications up to speed, and told me to pick a few that I found the most relevant at their expense. As I mainly deal with networks and Linux servers, and have done so for decades at this point, this was easy enough: renewing my CCNA that I took some 20 years ago, as well as getting my CCNP. The latter of which is closely related to what I already do.

However, my employer decided that I must pursue at least one Microsoft certification, and I honestly don't know where to start, as the only microsoft software I use is Outlook.

I've been thinking of my status as the walking embodiment of the "old man yells at cloud"-meme, and thinking it's probably time to turn into "old man embraces cloud". I know that a lot of our infrastructure runs in azure (something with which I have no experience. I did use some Oracle cloud VMs at one point, that's it.), and I know there was a huge ordeal last year that involved doing a lot of dataprocessing on temporary azure architecture, and I figure I should probably get in on that at some point.

Is perhaps something Azure related my best bet?

UPDATE: I was going to go for some azure stuff, but I resigned instead. Let's see if my new employer is willing to pick up the tab instead.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

En tanke slo meg tidligere: Nå som den geopolitiske sikkerhetssituasjonen er littegranne mere skjør enn før, og mange land ruster opp, så er grensevakt på sin plass. Og med tanke på at vi har en enormt lang grense mot sverige så bør denne og bemannes, selv om de også er på vei inn i NATO. Men som de fleste her kanskje er enige i, så er faren for invasjon noen av veiene ganske lav.

Hva ville den diplomatiske effekten vært om Norge bestemte seg for å utplassere en garnison på svinesund bestående av kun én soldat? Delvis fordi jeg synes grensekontroll er viktig, og delvis fordi litt lavterskel skjitkasting over grensa (begge veier) er på sin plass.

Mest fordi at jeg er overtrøtt så har jeg et lite ønske om at dette skjer, og at situasjonen eskalerer til en anspent stillingskrig hvor sverige svarer med samme mynt og sender sin egen soldat. Da får korpen vår (han må seff minst være korporal, han er jo tross alt vaktsjef, garnisonsleder, sambandsmann, samt lagfører) selskap av noen han kan prate skjit med. Slikt blir det god stemning av.

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