
joined 1 year ago
[–] mindlight@lemm.ee 33 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The Russian economy is booming so much that conscripts have multiple uniform designs and color combinations to choose from!

[–] mindlight@lemm.ee 30 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (9 children)

I checked the stats for the last 4 years here and it looks really strange. Statistics isn't my thing... But it looks like it's wise to be cautious and not to fully trust the numbers.

Around the beginning of last year there was a huge dip in the Windows market share that seemed to be correlating with a peek in "unknown". Windows then catched up in a somewhat erratic matter.

Mac OS also shows a weird behavior. Starts at 16%, up to 21% and the down to 14% between October and November...

It's not likely that a huge number of people decided to buy a Mac and then trash it I've month later. Samr but opposite goes for the windows stats.

I think it looks like there is an uncertainty of more than the total market share Linux is shown to have..

Not saying that Linux isn't increasing on desktop market share. Just saying that numbers seen to have quite a bit error margin and to be cautious if referring to these numbers.

[–] mindlight@lemm.ee 29 points 3 weeks ago

Psssst.... Starbucks... You're doing it wrong.

CARBON: 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in Starbucks direct operations and value and supply chain.


[–] mindlight@lemm.ee 4 points 3 weeks ago

Love the tyre screeching on gravel 0:42...

[–] mindlight@lemm.ee 1 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

In my experience there always someone willing to create everything from homebrew software to software activation. Especially if there's some money to make on it.

[–] mindlight@lemm.ee 12 points 4 weeks ago

The Russian economy is booming. Who cares about a little oil on fire when you got all them rubles to burn for heating houses in winter?

[–] mindlight@lemm.ee 25 points 4 weeks ago

The people of Bucha got a taste of the "Russian spiritual and moral values" and we will not forget!

[–] mindlight@lemm.ee 4 points 4 weeks ago

Så länge det inte är en majoritet av hyresgästerna som engagerar dig i Hyresgästföreningen så är motståndet till hyresvärdars önskan om "reglering av hyror till nivåer som faktiskt motsvarar de kostnader och risker som är en realitet idag" (eller vad nu de hittar på för argument) väldigt klent.

Trycket kommer alltid vara högt, det är styrkan i motståndet som skiftar.

[–] mindlight@lemm.ee 17 points 4 weeks ago

Russian workers are not needed since the Russian economy is booming!

Putin and his faithful tankies told us so a couple of months ago, so this is just fake media!

[–] mindlight@lemm.ee 5 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (3 children)

The hardware has full functionality from day one. The limitation is in what software you are using.

Active suspension is not a hardware feature, it's software collecting data from sensors and by analysing the data being able adjusting the suspension to "optimal performance". Just because certain hardware can be controlled by software doesn't mean that you will get whatever software features you like to have.

BMW would claim that "BMW Smooth Comfortable Cloud Ride Software" is included free of charge with the purchase of a BMW.

BMW would also claim that they offer "BMW Hyper Advanced AI Premium Sensation Masculine Active Road Experience Pro Suspension" as an optional subscription for alpha males and people with too much money in their pockets.

The outcome of what you are suggesting will be a slight change in the phrasing of the product offering at the most.

With access to the keys, the owner can subscribe to the BMW solution, unlock the features in breach of the agreement with BMW by not subscribing or get a software solution for the car from another provider.

[–] mindlight@lemm.ee 30 points 4 weeks ago

While a honorable move, "never" doesn't exist in a world based on quarterly financials...

[–] mindlight@lemm.ee 24 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (5 children)

So you purchase ordinary suspension but get active suspension that works exactly like ordinary suspension and cost like active suspension to service....

It's time we get legislation that gives the consumer access to all encryption key pairs used in the product they purchased.

(For you who don't know what encryption key pairs are used for: they are used for the software to know that a change order, like "activate suspension", is legit and therefore will be executed.)

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