
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 3 months ago

Is this the dishonest communication we heard about?

[–] 0 points 3 months ago

Physical shutoff via relays is required by the standard. We've just been through a scandal where a manufacturer skimped out on putting them in and had to recall the devices.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago

Yes, because the frequency of the grid is also a trigger for shutting off the inverter. Inverters generate a frequency which indicates a "non healthy grid" that trigger the shutoff of connected inverters.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Wieder was gelernt. Ich werde ab sofort jedem den ich kenne empfehlen nie wieder Tapeten zu kaufen. Nicht weil sie nicht meinem Geschmack entsprechen würden (was sie tun), sondern aus rational nachvollziehbaren Gründen.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Maccaroni and cheese were really meant to be Käsespätzle but for some reason didn't.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago

People voting for this government?

[–] 0 points 4 months ago

But the are definitely called "Müllpandas" which literally translates to trash pandas.

[–] 0 points 4 months ago

Wäre schön. Hier wurde ein Bürgerprojekt für den Bau eines genossenschaftlichen Windparks durch Politik, "Umweltschützer" und Netzbetreiber für 10 Jahre verschleppt. Ein Wunder dass es doch noch was geworden ist. Jetzt stehen die "Spargel" aber warten auf den Anschluss durch den Netzbetreiber. Bayern, falls durch die Beschreibung nicht klar.

[–] 0 points 4 months ago

This is this, and that is that.

[–] 0 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Überspitzt: Wenn das Geld nach Bayern floss ist seine Mission doch geglückt. Ich glaube mehr Aufwand wollte er gar nicht treiben.

[–] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

At this stage it's all hot air. Nobody has even started talking about how to finance it and the defense minister isn't even 100% sure he will get his requested additional funds for the next cycle. When somebody asked him about the topic he replied that he isn't categorically against it but he would have to finance (and restructure, as the necessary infrastructure for it has been degraded/scrapped) more important topics first.

[–] 0 points 4 months ago

They are really well designed too. They lock into place when flipped 180 degrees (drinking mode) and don't interfere at all while drinking.


I didn't know anything about this topic. Its interesting what has been tried before. Something really bad must have happened to them to have to come up with such an elaborate election scheme. I wonder whose actions tipped the scales.


This is the HN discussion about this lengthy piece on twitter.

The gist of it is that there are a number of pace-making structures in the heart and all of them act independently for maximum availability. If communication breaks down (akin to a network partition) between those structures, they err on the side of availability and trigger a heartbeat.

Ergo, the heart is AP, consistency is discarded for availability and partition tolerance.


Generated via ChatGPT. Sadly, not many lambdas in the image.

Prompt: Illuminated illustration in the style of ancient manuscripts showcasing a software wizard engrossed in his magical lisp code. He's surrounded by a simple frame crafted from aged wood. In the backdrop, the grand letter 'Y' for Y-combinator is prominently engraved, while the Greek letter lambda glistens with golden patterns and is adorned with mythical creatures and elaborate designs.


Related: the works by Jared Diamond, especially Guns, Germs and Stell and Collapse.

I like the optimism, but I don't know how to transport it to the masses. Believe in the eventual, ultimate doom is very prevalent.


An easy to digest summary of all the forces at play in software construction.

Heavily quotes Fred Brooks' "Mythical Man Month" which is strangely still very relevant today.

I guess the saying of people not knowing history are doomed to repeat it holds true here as well.


They built awesome stuff to "quote" software including it's actual state, and allow the quote to be replayed without the need of having the software which was quoted! The quotes can also be used to steer the software at that point in time, e.g. play a game, move the mouse in a spreadsheet, etc.

The quote is limited to the area of memory which got changed while the quote was recorded. Any outside access will restart the quote.

I can't wrap my head around, how this could be used in real-world settings, but this feels important.


Now I want one.

PID Control Challenges (
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

This is inspired by the Firefox Bug 647959: Add Honest Achmed's root certificate in their bugtracker. Have fun.

Sure, I'd be happy to create a radio ad for "Let's Encrypt" in the style of a car dealership commercial. Here goes:

🎶 [Upbeat jingle playing] 🎶

Announcer: "Hey folks, it's your pal Honest Achmed here, but today I'm not selling cars—no, no! I'm here to introduce you to something even BETTER: Let's Encrypt, the FREE Certificate Authority that's changing the game!"

🎉 [Sound of fireworks] 🎉

Achmed: "That's right, my friends! You know how you need a warranty for your car to drive safely? Well, your website needs a certificate for secure browsing! And guess what? Let's Encrypt gives it to you for FREE!"

🚗 [Sound of car honking] 🚗

Announcer: "You heard that right! With Let's Encrypt, you can get your website running securely without emptying your wallet. Why? Because internet security should be a RIGHT, not a privilege!"

🛡️ [Sound of a shield being deployed] 🛡️

Achmed: "And folks, we're not talking about some rusty old certificate. No sir! Let's Encrypt provides top-notch, A-grade certificates that even your tech-savvy cousin Mustafa would approve!"

💻 [Sound of typing on a keyboard] 💻

Announcer: "But wait, there's more! Are you tired of the complicated setup? Let's Encrypt makes it as easy as buying a used car from Honest Achmed! A few clicks and BAM! You're encrypted!"

🔒 [Sound of a lock clicking into place] 🔒

Achmed: "Let's put it this way: if getting a certificate was a car race, with Let's Encrypt, you'd be cruising in a luxury sports car while others are still inflating their tires!"

🏎️ [Sound of a car racing by] 🏎️

Announcer: "So don't wait! Just like you wouldn't drive without a seatbelt, don't let your website cruise the Information Highway without a certificate from Let's Encrypt!"

🌐 [Sound of a globe spinning] 🌐

Achmed: "Call now or visit to secure your website today! Be fast, be secure, be FREE with Let's Encrypt!"

🎶 [Upbeat jingle resumes] 🎶

Announcer: "This message is brought to you by Honest Achmed and the Internet Security Council. Remember, folks, encrypt today for a safer tomorrow!"

🎉 [Sound of fireworks and applause] 🎉

And there you have it—a radio ad for Let's Encrypt, Honest Achmed style! Hope you enjoyed it!

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