
joined 6 months ago
[–] litron3000 1 points 1 day ago

Yes updating is part of it, but at least on my current setup (using just the old laptop with limited storage) it often includes stuff like extending the partition for a VM. I understand that this is probably not a problem, when using a NAS with several TB of storage though
The thing is I don't want to invest in one of those while I am still unsure about which route to go.
Also stiff like connecting to a service from outside my home network isn't configured right now due to security concerns (stemming from the actually very little knowledge I have setting all this stuff up). I will look into tailscale though, maybe having this feature will give me a motivation boost :D

[–] litron3000 3 points 1 day ago

Thank you for actually explaining why it's not suitable
I will look into those should I decide to keep this setup running

[–] litron3000 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

thank you, i will look into that

[–] litron3000 1 points 1 day ago (4 children)

thank you
that still leaves the part about all the hassle of maintaining every service on its own though

[–] litron3000 3 points 1 day ago

that was my reasoning as well: with HA OS it is as little trouble for me to maintain - at least that was my line of thinking

[–] litron3000 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

thank you
a friend has nextcloud setup, i will ask him about it / try his setup regarding performance

[–] litron3000 2 points 1 day ago (6 children)

that would only handle the backups (and possible data loss) right?
all the tinkering about the specific services is the same on unraid isn´t it?

[–] litron3000 5 points 1 day ago (7 children)

currently i am doing them manually everytime i am changing something. I had to deploy them before (successfully) but if i am going to keep going with the selfhosting route i am planning to set up syncthing to the NAS of a friend


Hello all, i know this seems like a stupid question to ask in this community, but i am serious.
To me: i am generally comfortable around computers, tried a few simple projects (like a music streamer based on a rpi) but i have no real education on this - all i do is follow the documentation and then google for troubleshooting. I am also (kinda) privacy focused and really annoyed at all the enshittification observable everywhere so i installed revanced and about half a year ago when i bought a new laptop i set my old thinkpad up as a proxmox-server. This is running my HomeAssistant-Instance in one VM and has another VM running ubuntu for my docker containers (paperless-ngx and immich). I really like the services these provide, but to be honest i feel uncomfortable with entrusting my data to them, as i am constantly worried i will break something and corrupt the data. Also i think i underestimated the amount of updates and maintenance that accumulates.
I am also not really willing to spend too much time learning all this from the ground up, as my dayjob is 8h in front of the computer anyway, so i dont want to spend my whole evening or weekend there as well.
I guess what i am really searching for is a service which i can just trust and pay for myself OR a very userfriendly suite of selfhosted apps.
Services i need would be:

  • general cloud storage
  • document organization (a la paperless-ngx)
  • photos

I would also like:

  • some kind of shared notes
  • a media suite (like plex)

I am fine with Home Assistant, as that has no real consequences should i really mess it up badly

Thank you for any suggestions on how to move on in this matter.

[–] litron3000 1 points 1 month ago

Germany's exit from nuclear power was decided way back in the early 2010s. When the pipeline was destroyed the last three remaining plants were overdue for maintenance, didn't have any more fuel and also no one to run the plant for significantly longer. They extended the shutdown until spring and that was it. Stop spreading the lie, that this was some kind of rushed decision or that it could have been prolonged much further.
Building new ones isnt economical and also wouldn't produce any electricity until the late 2030s
If the exit was a mistake 15 years ago can be debated, but the discussion is worthless now, no matter how often this gets pushed by the party that fucked up the buildup of renewable alternatives in the 16 years they were in power

[–] litron3000 5 points 2 months ago

Mhh... Entfernen wir die Parkplätze? Entfernen wir die Fahrradspur? Tauschen wir die Fahrradspur mit dem Parkstreifen (so wie es aussieht ist ja sogar Extraplatz für sich öffnende Türen aufgemalt)? NEIN! Wir schmeißen die Bewohner aus ihren Wohnungen!
Komplett lost die Beteiligten

[–] litron3000 2 points 3 months ago

Don't donate then?!

[–] litron3000 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Nach Hochbahn-Angaben werden auf der gesamten U4 von den Elbbrücken bis zur Horner Geest und auf der U2 zwischen Mümmelmannsberg und Christuskirche sechs Stellwerke auf den automatisierten Betrieb umgestellt. 21 Haltestellen und 25 Kilometer Strecke würden auf das Zusammenspiel zwischen U-Bahn-Fahrzeugen, Streckeninfrastruktur und Stellwerken vorbereitet. Das Investitionsvolumen für das Projekt "U-Bahn100", das bis 2029 abgeschlossen sein soll, betrage rund 200 Millionen Euro<

Ich find das Projekt echt super, aber was ist das für ein zeitlicher Rahmen? Im Artikel klingt es so, als ob die Stellwerke das einzige sind, was tendenziell länger dauern könnte. Werden die komplett neu gebaut?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by litron3000 to c/diy_selbermachen

Ich segle gerne auf einem kleinen Boot, dass bei etwas Wind schon ordentlich schief im Wasser liegt, aber keinen Ort hat um Getränke abzustellen. Nachdem die Spezi einmal den kompletten Boden vollgeklebt hat musste ein Getränkehalter her.

Die Löcher sind für 0,5l Flaschen oder Dosen oder die kleinen, knubbeligen Flaschen passend. Wie man sieht müsste das obere Brett etwas tiefer sitzen um auch kleine Dosen entspannt rausnehmen zu können.

Naja, falls mal eine V2 aus schönerem Holz kommt, wird das integriert^^
Zum Schutz des Boots habe ich noch kleine Filzgleiter angeklebt und nach einem ersten Test mit vier vollen Flaschen ist auch bei starker Schieflage nichts verrutscht. Hier sieht man nochmal von weiter weg, w das Teil vorne im Cockpit sitzt

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