You are pretty bold for a man with such cuttable arteries
"We forcefully drove people from their land and now when we visit the place they fled to they aren't happy to see us there"
I think that is a bit disingenuous. They apparently asked for passports to find Israelis not just any Jews. As deplorable as this still is, it's different from "any Jews".
Also: If russian hools started to openly endorse the war against Ukraine in a region where a lot of Ukrainian refugees are located I would absolutely advise caution for every russian visitor in that region no matter their stance and especially if they want to express their fandom to the same football team as those hools.
The effect seems to be even bigger than the one following the economic crisis of 2007/8 which surprises me. Did the opposition suddenly get better at blaming?
Now that's actually how capitalism works
That's a disgusting opinion to have!
Cis is the opposite of trans, homo is the opposite of hetero, Cishet is a shorthand often used instead of "normal" because we're all normal just different
Ich glaube das relevante ist hier nicht die schwere der Beleidigung/Abwertung, sondern die Art der Gruppe die er hier adressiert.
Wenn ich die SPD als Verräterpack bezeichne dann ist das eine Gruppe die sich freiwillig zu zusammen geschlossen hat um ein gewisses Programm zu unterstützen. Wenn ich das Programm nicht mag ist es relativ legitim auch die Menschen hinter dem Programm schlecht zu finden und das zum Ausdruck zu bringen.
Hier wird aber die Gruppe "Afghanen" als Pack bezeichnet. Es werden also Menschen einfach aufgrund ihrer Herkunft herab gewürdigt.
Ich stimme dir aber zu, das "raus aus Deutschland" ist fast der schlimmere Teil. Das ist aber ein bisschen weniger offensichtlich.
Imagine putin started setting his trolls on the agenda of whatever kompromat they have on trump. I imagine it's a lot. That would definitely make trump mad. First and foremost he protects his ego.
I'm not sure if that's how posting things to the public works. Optics will always be a part of that.
The US doesn't have to agree. Twitter has to, and if they refuse they can get the hell out of the European market
I hate that this is basically accurate and I also hate that "but Tommy over there isn't yet forced to do his homework so I'm not doing mine" is a legally winning argument.