
joined 4 months ago
[–] killingspark 1 points 36 minutes ago

You must have missed my response to that

[–] killingspark 1 points 1 hour ago (2 children)

Not if the work follows the workers outside of the US

[–] killingspark 2 points 1 hour ago (4 children)

By making the products more expensive while your wages stagnate? How's that balancing anything out?

[–] killingspark 3 points 2 hours ago (6 children)

They can move production to places with available labour. You know for example the places you deported all that labour to.

[–] killingspark 2 points 6 hours ago (8 children)

While that's true, the capitalists where getting richer and richer even before the big economic growth. They don't really care. Also, the wage increases had to be hard fought for by a united working class. I don't see american workers unite right now to fight the rich.

[–] killingspark 6 points 7 hours ago

Germany: We are having an early election for the federal government end of February so the media is filled with political intrigues

[–] killingspark 3 points 16 hours ago (11 children)

Setting aside all the other issues, if you think creating a worker shortage (which might increase wages short term) will do anything good for your economy: it won't.

Historically economic growth is pretty closely tied to population growth. More hands create more value. Removing hands will make the remaining hands more valuable but there is still less value created. And the people that hold economic power aren't going to give up their share easily, so one way or another it will eventually mean even less for the workers.

[–] killingspark 4 points 19 hours ago

Das "lustige" ist ja, dass die sich nicht selber aussuchen was ihr Auftrag ist. Der Auftrag kommt aus dem Rundfunkgesetz und den Staatsverträgen. Da ist soweit ich weiß u.A. auch Unterhaltung genannt.

Auch den Beitrag der notwendig ist diesen Auftrag zu erfüllen bestimmen die nicht selbst. Den legt die KEF fest.

Ich find's ehrlich ziemlich lächerlich wie sich alle über ARD und ZDF aufregen obwohl die für die ganzen Probleme relativ wenig können.

Ich find deine Kritik durchaus korrekt, ich finde auch da läuft zu viel Blödsinn. Mir fällt da insbesondere noch der sauteure Fußball und anderer Sport ein. Die Kritik kann aber eben nicht an die Sender gehen sondern muss an die Politik gehen.

[–] killingspark 1 points 19 hours ago

Entschuldigung, das war natürlich nur das Budget für einen Entwurf vom Prototypen. Das richtige Produkt gibt's dann für ca 500Mio und dann auf ewig 10Mio Wartungskosten im Jahr.

[–] killingspark 4 points 19 hours ago (2 children)

Klingt so ja. Ich glaub es ist Zeit mal eine Firma zu gründen und Kontakte zu meinen lokalen Behörden aufzubauen. Ich kann den Anschluss zu dem NOOTS per KI Blockchain hocheffizient und natürlich 150% vom BSI zertifiziert aufbauen! Kostet nur 10Mio€

[–] killingspark -2 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

I’m saying that modern practitioners of Shinto don’t consider the emperor divine.

So they were able to continue to live their culture without being individually forced to do anything? Great, then thats not genocide.

What an interesting perspective. So what you’re saying is, if the Chinese government were to recognize Islam as one of its major, protected religions, but restrict certain radical teachings and versions of it, then it wouldn’t be genocide.

The better analogy would be to allow the chinese government to force one person to say "I am not divine". Let's say they were able to revive the prophet and make him say these words. Yes that would shatter the faith of a lot of people and how they deal with that is pretty much no-ones business. And it wouldn't be genocide if they all turned away from their faith after that.

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