
joined 2 years ago
[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It's gonna train the little robot dog, which they're gonna put a gun on. And drones. It's gonna train drones, he'll sell it to anyone who'll buy the data.

I think a lot of people need to learn the lesson that the commercial leftism they are responding to from online is completely worthless false politics and they are demeaning their own value by engaging with it. Imagine how you'd mock your grampa if you caught him talking back to Tucker Carlson on television like Tucker can hear him or would change his grift if he could.

That's you. None of these fake-ass internet leftists are going to change, but they can waste your time, so they do. Cut them loose, forget about them, and start asking the people you talk to in real life if they intend to vote.

Also, I let go of the "fight against fascism" propaganda when Trump pretended to be shot and every nobody clown on my social feeds started whining their nonviolence bullshit. Sorry? I thought these were Nazis? I thought this was rising fascism? If violence is not appropriate, when will it be? Never?

Never!! Says the middle-class progressive with their nose in the air. They're always able to slip away to another country when things get bad, what about you? They can hold their ruling class beliefs painlessly while the boots fall on your neck, not theirs.

I guess they were just winding me up, huh, and none of it was as important as their sniveling, desperate need for attention at any cost. When push comes anywhere close to shove, I guess you were playing, not a single shot can you bear to see. You made it sound life or death, when it wasn't, at all. You lied. This election wasn't that crucial. It's not "the end of democracy", or it would make sense to take up arms, like they are in Myanmar. But you lied, and it isn't that important.

So I'm done letting e-hype decide how much I care about all this, and how important it is.

Judging by the reaction to Trump's little near-miss, it won't actually be a big deal if he wins. It will just be another shitty Republican that you've been overhyping as the devil for the last ten years, and I fell for it, like a rube.

Don't get me wrong, I went and voted yesterday, and I intend to keep doing it every time they let me, but the attention farmers don't get to decide how important anything is, ever again, not for me. I propose you also take a page from my book. More voting, less paying attention to social media.

If people don't vote, it will be fine, things will be okay, shit will move on. Get offline, find living people to care about, and let these people scream into the void alone.


Painesville, Cleveland, Gallipolis, and Dayton will all see some of the money.

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 1 points 8 months ago

This sounds like the battery and the charger's problem to handle, not mine.

All this tech, all this automation for every damn thing, and people keep coming at me like I'm supposed to do everything manually with my fingers and eyes and maybe an alarm or something to keep me on schedule. No. Stop it.

Make the charger handle it, or shut up. Make the phone, the charger, and the battery handle it together, you know, with digital automation. Do not even mention it to me.

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 1 points 8 months ago

So what's the verdict, are the electric unicycles cool? Have they broken the curse? They do look cool, and you better be wearing the full motorcycle getup if you know what's good for you, because they're fast as f too.


fade into u


Reminder that I do not represent Daily Chartbook, I am only a subscriber passing info along.


JP Morgan data, via Daily Chartbook.





Daily Chartbook is a Substack channel who appears to have access to several research channels such as Goldman Sachs and Bank of America. Daily Chartbook offers a paid service that does what it says on the tin, you get about 30 charts every day in an email, which are intended to support the investor in their decisions, especially if that investor is a professional.

This service was available for free, but transitioned to paid. However, you can still subscribe to DC Lite, for free, which sends you the top 5 most interesting charts of the day. It's probably all the retail investor needs.

If the charts interest you, and you wish to subscribe:


Their charts are offered with minimal commentary, much of which comes from X, formerly Twitter.

I receive these charts as an email, and pass one or two along, here. I have no association with Daily Chartbook beyond being their subscriber. It's a good way to keep this subLemmy active with appropriate content.

Problem for the researcher seeing these charts:

It would appear that unless you are subscribed to the research channel, that is, unless you are a direct subscriber with the expensive sources of Daily Chartbook, you will not be able to view these charts properly in order to investigate the methodology that creates the charts. These charts are not published publicly on the websites for their various sources.

I present these charts as education and entertainment, only. Please remember that I am showing a few charts, only, and that introduces bias. I make zero promises to do this daily or on a clear schedule, expect at least one post per week for now.

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 0 points 11 months ago (3 children)

This election is going to be one of the worst ones and that's saying something.

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Oh well, I suppose everyone will lay down and die with no access to music. What will artists do without that all important half a peso for 5000 streams?

Cash money says there's already a native competitor just waiting to get that money. If not there will be soon. Maybe people will just buy records again, shit. Uruguay isn't doing half bad, financially, maybe they'll bring tapes back.

It has been quite something to see American tech companies rolling out across the world trying to pull that same old "sign the EULA or lose everything" bullshit and it's just not working for them. Too bad we can't kick them in the dick like other nations can.


At roughly 3:15 pm EDT on Monday April 8, Northwest Ohio will experience a Total Solar Eclipse, this is where the Moon completely blocks the Sun plunging the local world into darkness for a short time during a period of normal daylight.

The phenomenon should occur in full in Cleveland, Toledo, Akron, and Dayton, including all the smaller towns around and between those. If you have people in Indianapolis, they'll very much see it too.

You can view the eclipse with the proper equipment, including special glasses, expect to pay about $15 for a pack of 5 glasses. Here is a link for a list of reputable suppliers.

There are several ways to observe the eclipse, such as DIY pinhole cameras, and it is safe to watch anyone's livestream as well. The glasses will be nice to have, though. You have several months to prepare.

An Annular Solar Eclipse will also happen on October 14 of this year, and we won't see it, since the phenomenon will pass through Oregon and Texas, plus the states in between, missing Ohio completely. In an Annular Solar Eclipse, the Moon is in front of the sun in such a way as to create a "ring of fire" from the Sun blazing behind the Moon. I'm sure it's going to be very cool for everyone who sees it.

Solar eclipses happen on a regular basis, but because it is the angle of your location with respect to the Sun and Moon that creates the eclipse experience, that means that you will either miss most or all of them during your life. You need to travel a lot to see solar eclipses frequently.

A total solar eclipse is quite a thing, and it is an exceedingly rare thing to be able to see from the comfort of your backyard, in Toledo, so heads up to everyone who even remotely cares.

The eclipse should be fairly short, so you'll need maybe a half hour out of Monday to properly experience it before the Sun and Moon move and it's over. If you can get free for a bit, do it.


Early voting has started for the November General Election, it's the way to go, probably in and out, if you already have a good idea of how you're voting.

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Every day on the internet, a lucky 10,000 get to learn "common knowledge" for the very first time.

Like everyone said 50 times, yar har be pirate, all that.

Or, buy hard copy, which is refusing to completely die because of this shit, right here.

BUT, you have to make sure the data is on the hard copy and that you can access the data (play the songs, watch the movie, etc) WITHOUT internet access, that is you have to make sure the hard copy of the media is really on the damn disc, and it's not just a glorified access key to media that will then be streamed from their servers they control. If it is then do not pay for it.

This is honestly why vinyl is still a thing, once you rip things back out of the digital realm it gets a lot harder for them to pull bullshit, they pretty much have to put the songs on the wax if they want your $40, and they do, oh boy they do they want that money bad.

Piracy is always a bigger pain in the ass than internet techies act like. No, I don't want to buy a Plex server and learn how to use it and learn how to make my own VPN and make sure the VPN doesn't just report my activity to 7 Eyes or whatever that things called and and and and, and results like "my movie got unbought" are also unacceptable.

Yes, we know, there are "special" websites that you can just surf to and it's like a janky Netflix that "just works" so long as you already know the name of the thing you intend to watch, otherwise it's just a blank search bar. Also, you cannot tell other people about the website or the website gets taken down. Nothing is more useful than a website that you absolutely can't tell people about, wow, what a problem solver that is.

"I want to watch a movie" is a very "This activity must offer zero friction, I will only accept push button get movie" kind of activity so, yeah. "Be pirate" is not that useful, it's just the internet's go-to answer, they always speak loudly for the tiny minority in this place.

What we're actually doing is drastically limiting our spending on any of this type of thing, and never, ever pay money to "own" something digital. That era is over. It sucks, but it's yet another shitty thing that would take bullets to change, and since it's not worth bullets it's not changing.

Honestly I doesn't even take bullets but if you're going to build the kind of political movement it would take to create change then all that work would be absolutely wasted on this problem while everyone eyerolls at you like you're stupid and worthless for caring so yeah, it's not changing.

So yeah, do not pay for digital ownership of any kind, ever. It's only ever a lease with one-sided terms, at best. Amazon lost the contractual right to provide that movie, so you lost the right to watch it, and "buying" it meant buying a license to watch it on their terms, the end. Don't pay for it.


I didn't know where else to post it, sorry. Hopefully the Canadians see this too. We should make sure to have a whole server post on this every year.

I believe you can still get "dumb" flatscreens, but they're getting rare, and they cost at least hundreds more than their "smart" brethren. So of course those sell very slowly.

The older I get the more I miss the sheer freedom that was built into our daily lives back when technology was just a notch or two less advanced. Phones that stayed trapped on their wall, not in your pocket, tracking you. TVs that were made of dumb stuff that could still pull free content from the air. You had to be part of a special "Nielson family", fully set up with a little tracking box and all that, for the TV to tell anybody what you were watching.

People expected you to basically fall off the earth for 8 hours at work, and didn't expect to contact you for less than a housefire-level emergency, which meant you spent most of the day free, and not just while you were at work. Nobody blinked if you stepped out for the evening to go shopping and could not be contacted for hours. Now people end up in screaming arguments because they didn't answer that text fast enough. It's misery.

I had a shock the other day, watching some YouTube short featuring a young woman (an adult, not a minor) complaining humorously about her mother, who always knows where she is, and thus has all sorts of unwanted opinions on her location. Mother always knows because of an app called Life360, which is basically the kind of spying app that an abusive spouse would hide on your phone. But it's not hidden. You force your children to install it on their phones. It's a leash. So now this adult woman, who of course cannot quite afford to leave home, because economy, cannot simply delete this spying app from her phone without consequences and arguments, so she has no privacy in her movements, from anyone, never mind the government and such. Never mind what actual minors are now putting up with.

We have officially left the era where the adults pissed and grumbled about them damn kids wanting them damn phones they don't need, and we are now in the era where some kid has absolutely been beaten with a belt because he tried to leave his phone in the bedroom and slip out of the house in privacy.

Things like Life360 are normalized among children and parents, so other people will now expect to track you and treat a refusal of tracking as a violation of trust, and probably a sign that you are elderly, thus your rights are becoming debatable.

Again, 5 minutes ago this was evil shit that abusive spouses snuck onto people's phones, suddenly, it's normal, and people will just expect it.

I guess the ongoing shock is that we expected Big Brother to somehow slap a shackle on our necks that we can't take off, but this is all worse. This is putting the shackle on your neck, every morning. It doesn't even lock. You could, theoretically, throw it into the lake at will. Nobody would stop you. But you don't. All the chains are made of other people. The whips at your back are the opinions of children, and what they think is normal. The surveillance cameras do not loom from posts in the sky, no. They're in every pocket. They're much harder to hide from than a security camera ever would be.

I hope I'm just melodramatic, or something.

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm really not interested in this being a Reddit clone. Several of the subreddits I wanted to be rid of have already popped up, here, while the better side of Reddit isn't really showing up, especially since Reddit re-opened and purged pesky mods so they could all get back to their scrolling.

Oh, yes lawd, that's what I need. I need fucking antiwork to shit up the place with their misery vibe while 196 goes skipping back to Reddit and takes all the fun times with her. Sign me up.

I wanted to become involved with a completely different community, with different mores, a different feel, and its own vibe. Fuck Reddit. I left that place looong before the blackout thing, I got tired of its toxic culture that sucked the life out of me after a few minutes.

Now that's starting to leak into Lemmy and I'm frankly eyeing the door.

If you liked Reddit, you need to go back there. I didn't like Reddit. I don't want to go back there. I don't want there to come here, either.

The joy of the Fediverse is that growth is nice but we don't NEED growth. A lot of you can't understand that. You can't understand that the platform will NOT fail if it doesn't get the kind of exponential, runaway growth that you associate with social media success. We do not actually need to hit TikTok numbers, ever. We need steady, slow user growth from people wanting something different, that's what. If the Fediverse becomes the Linux of social media, fine.

So no. No to this idea. Let Reddit stay on Reddit, thank you.

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Continuing to rebel against the site by using the hell out of the site and driving its numbers up, I see. Have fun with that.

I am curious about this IPO, because I want to see what a clownshow their cash flow statement is likely to be.


ScannerDanner my dude, to know him is to love him.


I can get there in an hour, so, hey, I just might.

[–] jayrodtheoldbod@midwest.social 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

That dead woman called Tumblr is still walking with a healthy strut these days, also soaking up some displaced Redditors. Horny shit is slowly but surely returning to Tumblr's fields, as well.

Tumblr illustrates the problem with porn in general, they didn't shut it down for no reason, they shut it down because the pedos had decided to use it as a dissemination portal for their vile shit, and the structure of Tumblr made it difficult to moderate away, especially at scale. Thus, Apple threatening to pull them from the app store, for good reason. All they could do was go scorched earth on porno.

So that's the issue we're going to have, here, and I'm not sure if the "some guy running an instance for the fuck of it" model is prepared for it.

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