
joined 1 year ago

Well, I made a commitment today. After a couple of years on an Ender 3 Pro which is totally a ship of Theseus now, I’m building a #Voron 2.4 r2. Wish me luck! It was either that or a Switch and some games.

This is the next (big) step into getting a little more serious about project work with my kids. I hope it pays off for us 😅


Well, I made a commitment today. After a couple of years on an Ender 3 Pro which is totally a ship of Theseus now, I'm building a #Voron 2.4 r2. Wish me luck! It was either that or a Switch and some games.

This is the next (big) step into getting a little more serious about project work with my kids. I hope it pays off for us 😅


Earlier this week, I bought myself a new 2TB NVMe drive on sale, and had planned today to install it. Knowing that the computer, built in Dec 2021 had an issue with PCIe at the time that prevented 4x drives from running at 4x, but now had a BIOS update that fixed that (and introduced support for two additional CPU generations), I thought I should go ahead and flash the BIOS too.

Sparing unnecessary details, everything went fine. I unseated the 3060Ti to get at the M.2 ports, swapped out the old drive for the new one. Plugged in a spinner I had laying around while I was in there. Machine wouldn't boot - so I reinstalled GRUB (yes, I'm a Linux user) and that was fixed. The disk had everything copied over from the old one, so that was fine too, other than some power management spam in the journal that was fixed with a kernel param. Seems fine, right?

So I spin up Minecraft to have a quick session. Frame rates are like, 3-20 fps for about 2 full minutes, then they get up to 60fps (Vsync'd). But every few minutes, they keep dropping and creep back up. Sometimes they bounce up.

There are a dozen potential problems at least that could cause something like this. So I went back into the newly flashed BIOS knowing that all my settings were reset, and started poking around and fixing settings. This was good either way, but it didn't fix my sporadic fps dips. The game ALWAYS started at sub-10 fps, but it would get to 60 eventually. Sometimes in a handful of seconds, sometimes in minutes. One time, all the textures refused to load. Another time, the GPU fell off the bus.

This was not a problem at all prior to the work, so I started reviewing what I'd done so far. I'd added a disk with all copied data.. but there's a nvidia cache in there... cleared that. No dice. I looked at heat. No problem. Same drivers as before, but maybe I have to roll back drivers, or kernel, or BIOS. I dunno. Frustrated as fuck.

Could also be a power issue. Or a reseating the card issue. I hadn't added any devices with more power consumption and I have ~100W of buffer on a good PSU, so it really should be a problem, but I reseat the card and replug the power cables anyway.

The problem is worse.

So I spend another hour and a half poking around forums looking at every possible thing I could do on the software side to fix this, before I decide to reseat the card one more time. I mean, the first time changed SOMETHING, even if it was for the worse.

Popping out the card, I blew into the slot as I thought I saw a tiny speck of dust. I used canned air the first time but this was really an afterthought by this point...

The body of a tiny moth popped out of the slot.

I reseated the card, spun up Minecraft, and everything is fine. Perfect frame rates, just like before.

I'll never get the hours back that I spent troubleshooting this today. At least several other items were improved along the way, such as RAM timings. But in the event this story helps anyone in the future, it's worth the time it took to type it.


As you no doubt noticed, I co-opted the astrological symbol for gemini as the icon for this sub. If anyone has a better idea for a logo, let's see it and we'll make it happen.

I'm working on the sidebar right now. I don't want to be the only mod, so anyone passionate about smolnet stuff should probably volunteer!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/370342

I'm kicking around a few feature requests.

One of them I've already created in github as it seems appropriate to mainline Lemmy, but a couple of others I think are more appropriate to third party development. Since I'm more a product management / sysadmin type and not much of a coder, I'm putting these in the aether in case they drum up some interest in those considering features for bots or other tooling.

First is YouTube aggregation - it doesn't have to be limited to YT. I'm interested in the ability to automatically collect notifications from a list of channels (click that bell icon, baby) and generate a community post to link new videos.

Second is RSS aggregation. If a blog or magazine or news site has a feed, and if that feed should feature an entry matching keywords defined by a moderation team, generate a post to the community linking to that content.

If these capabilities exist already for Lemmy, even in a hackish way, please do let me know. Otherwise, these are things I am wishing for :)