
joined 1 year ago
Commitment (lemmy.world)

Well, I made a commitment today. After a couple of years on an Ender 3 Pro which is totally a ship of Theseus now, I'm building a #Voron 2.4 r2. Wish me luck! It was either that or a Switch and some games.

This is the next (big) step into getting a little more serious about project work with my kids. I hope it pays off for us 😅


As you no doubt noticed, I co-opted the astrological symbol for gemini as the icon for this sub. If anyone has a better idea for a logo, let's see it and we'll make it happen.

I'm working on the sidebar right now. I don't want to be the only mod, so anyone passionate about smolnet stuff should probably volunteer!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/370342

I'm kicking around a few feature requests.

One of them I've already created in github as it seems appropriate to mainline Lemmy, but a couple of others I think are more appropriate to third party development. Since I'm more a product management / sysadmin type and not much of a coder, I'm putting these in the aether in case they drum up some interest in those considering features for bots or other tooling.

First is YouTube aggregation - it doesn't have to be limited to YT. I'm interested in the ability to automatically collect notifications from a list of channels (click that bell icon, baby) and generate a community post to link new videos.

Second is RSS aggregation. If a blog or magazine or news site has a feed, and if that feed should feature an entry matching keywords defined by a moderation team, generate a post to the community linking to that content.

If these capabilities exist already for Lemmy, even in a hackish way, please do let me know. Otherwise, these are things I am wishing for :)