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For me it's 4 Lemmy results and then 2 reddit results and after than chaos ensues.

That's fair, but I would prefer that over Linkin Park sounding like a completely different band.

Or Dream State, where 3/5 members got switched out and they stuck to the name, and now they sound completely different.

[–] hoshikarakitaridia@lemmy.world 36 points 6 days ago (9 children)

why does it matter?

Should we stop splitting sports by gender?

It's inherently boring to watch sports competitions between unequally capable people, and there is a natural difference in that that can be clearly attributed to gender.

I admire your thought of equality but we need to talk about the differences in physique in genders as well if we wanna discuss this.

Don't dismiss this claim, scientifically debunk it or share why not and how you come to this conclusion.

[–] hoshikarakitaridia@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Is this satire?

[–] hoshikarakitaridia@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This might get down voted but let me share a nuanced take.

AI is either overhyped or underhyped.

Yes, right now LLMs won't change the world, don't make great lawyers, don't replace software devs and don't write all of your emails. But if you used some of the more recent ones, they can definitely help you express or help to write quicker, and they can give you a bird's eye view of a topic.

And let's also make clear that AIs are not useless nor is their potential exhausted. Right now they are useful helpers in specific scenarios and they only get more useful from here.

There are important questions around: what constitutes a personality, a right to an image, or when does imitation become stealing, and how do you even consider an AI model on questions of copyright.

I think the problem is that people have promised too much from this technology and that's why everyone just associates it with bad results. But there's more to it, and nuance gets lost in the stream of strong opinions.

I like the comparison.

The implantation is different, the effects will be different, and how we evolve with it will be different, but AI does already have a solid impact and it will continue to have one.

And the industrialization was neither good nor bad. How some people fucked over poor people's lifes in the process is despicable, but just because things get faster or more efficient is not inherently a bad thing.

Now we definitely need rules here. Some shit people and companies do with AIs is wild and should be illegal, but as always law takes time. Maybe it's an illusion but I hope for a healthy integration of AI in small ways into our life. And I really mean small. Give me chatgpt and AI spell checking, and maybe some code auto completion. Don't put all those AI assistants into everything because that's not the way to go. Change done right moves slow, and if we only had the things we know how to use, we'd be a lot better off rn.

Just as automated assembly lines at some point led to electronic devices being more accessible, I hope the LLMs and other AIs we use will become well placed and non-intrusive.

[–] hoshikarakitaridia@lemmy.world 50 points 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (8 children)

Hot take: I hate when bands switch their singer or a lot of their members and still stick to the old band name.

The only reason to do it is to get the instant reach, but you will always be sandbagging on a name that means something else and a lot of fans will only compare your new lineup to the old one.

Making a new band name means you have to start fresh, but sometimes you can already take some relationships and prestige into your new project (Mike shinoda is a household name outside of Linkin park) and no one will expect a specific style out of you. It just feels like the better thing to do in most circumstances.

I'm torn. I wanna like them and I wish them the best, but this name brings back memories and also expectations. It sticks like tar to every new release and even though that's not fair, it won't change until they rebrand into something new.

Let's goooooo we getting a bean reveal

[–] hoshikarakitaridia@lemmy.world 206 points 1 week ago (54 children)

Cheating on her boyfriend with you will end in cheating on you with a new guy.

He dd the right thing, no regrets. It sucks a lot tho, and it's hard.

They fucked around and found out. Whatever their cost cutting is will now make or break the company. If it's GPUs, they will commit to clawing at their CPU share. If it's CPUs (which sounds like the wildest plan), Nvidia might finally have to stop fucking around.

We'll see, but it's a very important decision and it will take them years to catch up to whatever they are committing to

[–] hoshikarakitaridia@lemmy.world 32 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

I mean considering the last mainstream headline I remember about WotC is them sending the Pinkertons to chase after a random streamer because they fucked up and sent him unrevealed cards for MtG, I think they are a really bad company and I pray for their downfall, so someone else picks up the IP and runs with it.

I mean the layoffs are bad as well but there's a non-exhaustive list of reasons to not like WotC and to not be associated with them.

[–] hoshikarakitaridia@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

1000% agree.

As a software dev, I'm using windows and I know I shouldn't switch.

Tbh it's even worse, I can not switch. And that's why it's even more ridiculous. Linux power users like to say that you can do everything you can in windows but with more control. And with "control" they are right, but with "everything" more than wrong. Everything that's not working out of the box is a gamble on time wasted getting said thing to work. For the simplest thing you can be stuck for weeks just by sheer bad luck.

Say you are a software dev? Yeah Linux is pretty solid.

3d artist? Meh. Blender is the last thing that works, otherwise you are stuck. Octane, 3ds max, Maya, c4d, Houdini, v-ray, real flow, ... You gotta be lucky to find them to be compatible even if it's only with a workaround.

Music production? Well you are stuck on LMMS, which is basically only used by very specific experimental artists. Also plugins, especially those with copyright protection will give you one hell of a hard time.

Images? Well gimp is not Photoshop if we're honest, and stuff like coreldraw is also hard to replace on Linux.

Video cutting? You have to carefully tip toe about everything Adobe, and that's an awful hassle. And because everyone would love to give Adobe the middle finger, we are slowly realizing how hard it is to replace Adobe and that if you go somewhere, it is not working as well by default, you have to really make it work.

And especially in big enterprises time is money. So every time someone thinks about where to migrate to, how to migrate, or when they are migrating, and than when they have to propose new workflows, new solutions, a bunch of workarounds, maintenance pipelines, etc. it's just not worth it. Not on a big company scale, and unfortunately also not on a me scale.

At the end of the day, an OS is a tool to me, not a lifestyle choice, a hobby or a commitment. And it shouldn't be. As long as Linux is at least 2 of those things for everyone that's not using it, it's not very compelling to switch. And that goes for every distro.

Btw. this is the reason why I can understand people using apple over windows. Yeah it's 1000 bucks to take like 20min less to do a thing. But it stacks up exponentially with every device that integrates into Apple's universe. And if you spend even 20min less per day, that's already more than 2h per week that you now have to dedicate to other things.

I'm not rich and this doesn't entice me, but I get it.

So yeah, make a distro that's not only modular and expendable,but make it also very easy to understand and make it as easy. And make it either as compatible with Windows software or add those features in a different way. And then people like me can dream about a FOSS universe for everyone.

Maybe I don't quite get what exactly your brain is fixated on, but I think there's a niche for your interest.

Idk where it is exactly, but for example Midi-Controllers for music production and performance are innovating a lot. You had normal keyboards, but then they did stuff like the OP-1 which has a very unique control surface and same goes for the ROLI keyboard or launchpads, which they kind of had to imagine out of thin air. Idk how well it translates tho.

I know depending on the software, real good innovative UI designs can be really expensive and there's definitely a market for that as well. I'm looking at stuff like Apple's iOS interface, but also web UI like bootstrap or Vue. It might be too new to scratch that itch, but the designs go through trend phases and everything old kinda becomes new again, do maybe there's something there.

Now to give you a specific answer: I do music production as a hobby and software development as a day job. I just accepted that I will never make good money with my hobby and that that's alright, because it moves the stress away from the things I love. And I'm also not that bad as a software developer, so that's a plus. But to split up those things I've learned is a good thing, because you need hobbies, but if you make money with your hobby and you depend on it, eventually you have to start treating it as work, and that means you might not like it as much anymore and that would be sad.

So yeah, there might still be opportunities for you if you wanna work in the field of your special interest, but not working in that field can also be a really good decision, depending on how you think about it. That's probably easier to say than to internalize or feel, but it is the way I have come to think about it.

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