Worms scheint übel zu sein - von den Städten mit der meisten Versiegelung mit Abstand am wenigsten Grün ist sicherlich hart
Why give the heritage status first and hope they do a good job with the exhibition?
Japan is notorious for not admitting to their crimes in WW2 - the exhibit should've been first and then they could've the status - giving it on a promise is stupid
Wann machen denn die Investitionen in die Autobahnen konkrete Gewinne?
Das ist verdammt nochmal Infrastruktur - das hat Volkswirtschaftlich ggf Gewinne zu erzielen aber doch nicht konkret für die Bahn an sich...
Das ausgliedern der Bahn als AG ist echt eine der schlechtesten Entscheidungen der Politik gewesen...
Don't confuse the Schuldenbremse and the Schwarze Null
At least they allow for some debt - not like the CDU that celebrated their Schwarze Null in times where Germany would've made a profit from lending money at negative rates
FDP is still a terrorist party at the moment though
Du meinst das wo man keine Ziegeln auf dem Dach hat?
Sounds a bit like green washing for the tourists to ease their minds - I guess that's why it's trust based, too.
If you're a tourist why wouldn't you use public transport in a city like that anyway?
Every time I read JD Vance my mind goes
"JD Vance of Vance Refrigeration"
What was that guys name from The Office again?
How do they plan to sell it in Europe when pedestrian survival change is a necessary part of crash tests?
That car is slicing everyone in half that it hits and even if it isn't that hood being steel will smash everyone's head it.
Ja meinte auch eher die Idee dass man das nach der EM einfach weiter machen kann
Ist das überhaupt mit Schengen vereinbar?
I mean it's not just the energy crisis but also car manufacturing being a huge part of the economy and the manufacturers not switching to electric vehicles fast enough will limit their growth in the next decade. Meanwhile switching to electric will make many suppliers obsolete which will result in massive loss of jobs and decline in many smaller companies
Also wie Heidi und Nils Holgersson?