
joined 1 year ago

Heh. Another layer. Delightfully cheeky.

[–] 9 points 45 minutes ago (2 children)

Man, I fucking LOVE that so many competent, intelligent, and successful women are throwing the idiot heterosectional’s “single cat lady” quip back in his face from all angles.

Works for a lot of topics that certain users around here are trying to force everyone to perceive as literally the only thing that matters.

It sucks that that one tree you really care a lot about got vandalized, burnt, and cut down, but you gotta realize there’s a whole fuckin lot more trees out there that we still CAN save. This commentary should be taken in both a literal and a figurative sense.

The fuck even is this tho?

Lmao cry more, shitass. Catch us if you can.

You can’t.

[–] 8 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

And that’s precisely the sort of logic that Putin is incredibly good at taking advantage of.

Appeasement harms far more people in the long run.

Sometimes, decisive - and yes, violent - action is genuinely the best option in the larger geopolitical context.

The lead-up to the invasion of Poland before WW2 is a highly appropriate context to use as a comparison - if Chamberlain had been able to successfully rally the UK’s allies (including the US) and convince them to forcibly oppose the Anschluss, the whole goddamn war might not have even happened as it did in history. Of course, the possibility of Stalin becoming the Big Bad of that conflict as a result instead of Hitler (vacuum of power and all that) can’t be dismissed, but at the same time, that’s all hypothetical, and similar logic could have been applied to that potential conflict as well. I am, of course, taking a HUGE amount of creative and historical liberty - there are tons of reasons why things unfolded as they did, and why what I’m saying here was deeply unlikely, if not outright impossible at the time… but still, thought experiments like this can be useful to consider sometimes.

Unequivocally and obviously yes

They’re fiber optic these days, and often include rebroadcasters and signal boosters. That cannot be considered low-tech.

Automatic (mechanical) wristwatches.

I love the idea of a truly symbiotic relationship between a thoughtfully and carefully designed mechanism and a human. I walk around and live my life, and by doing so, I give it the kinetic energy it needs to keep its mainspring wound, and in return it tells me what time it is. Always. Without fail. I just have to tweak the time if it starts to get too far off, but that’s barely even an imposition. After a good long while, it’s prudent to have them serviced, but if you’re not observing any problems, it’s generally perfectly fine, and will keep ticking along as long as you wear it regularly.

[–] 6 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

There are a lot of racist and/or psychotically greedy people in the US.

Like, A LOT a lot.

Screw that, I want a phone that folds into a fucking origami crane


Edit: lol yeah, I deserve this, I teed it up rather magnificently.


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Russian D-30 howitzer with anti-drone protection and ERA.

👀Russian D-30 howitzer with anti-drone screen and dynamic tank protection. Dynamic protection, in essence, is blocks of plastic that explode towards the cumulative stream of anti-tank ammunition and deflect it to the side. Placing this protection on anything other than the powerful armor of a tank is fraught with even greater damage to the “protected” object. Published by Balu.



As the gifts went on, they began to suspect us of something 🤔


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Ukrainian pilots in light aircraft shoot down Russian UAV

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Personal commentary: reading the summary (I did not watch the interview live), I’m not really seeing anything that assuages my concerns about his mental acuity. More importantly, I’m not seeing anything that indicates he’s being anything even close to as pragmatic as Macron is being with the election they’re doing now in France, with regards to just trying to make sure the fascists do not fucking win. I must admit I’m feeling quite pessimistic about things.


Surprisingly based from ND, to be completely honest


Also available with a roasted crab, which is what they’re famous for, but this version is still delicious, because those noodles are straight crack

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