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[–] golli@lemm.ee 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Not denying that Germany faces serious issues, but using Intel as an example to show Germany's national problems imo is just wrong. Ifthey want to make that connection they better provide some evidence showing this move isn't purely motivated by the internal problems Intel currently faces, which recently have been in the news quite a bit.

Now if TSMC suddenly decides to cancel their new German fab (admittedly not leading edge like Intel's would have been), then it's a point taken.

Also you can't withdrawal what isn't there. They have barely started doing any work in Magdeburg

[–] golli@lemm.ee 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I also have regular problems with some subtitles. My solution is to enable using an external player in the jellyfin AndroidTV app (i think its under playback->advanced options) and then use VLC player which i've also installed to play the movie. That has never failed to me.

Downside is that unlike the regular exo player i don't think it supports dolby vision, so i have to change this setting back and forth occasionally. It used to be that there was an option that you could tick, so it asked you everytime which player to use before playing a movie (with the downside that it couldn't resume playing at a saved timestamp), but after a somewhat recent update this went away.

[–] golli@lemm.ee 2 points 1 week ago

(also no telephone booths)

Speaking of telephone booths: With their disappearance the 2001 movie "Phone Booth" also lost its location.

[–] golli@lemm.ee 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Ja, der Zugang zu den Apps wird sich kaum verhindern lassen. Was das Verbot natürlich etwas sinnlos macht, weil das für Kriminelle kein Problem sein wird. Aber die Privatsphäre und Sicherheit der Allgemeinheit, die auf Komfort setzt, wird reduziert.

Und es wird selbst die technikaffinen betreffen, die sich das herunterladen, weil man eben auch mit anderen z.b. den Großeltern kommunizieren will.

gegen Geoblocking hilft nur ein VPN.

Genau meine Art von Humor: ein verschlüsseltes Netzwerk in ein anderes Land aufbauen, um den wegen Verschlüsselung verboten Messenger herunterzuladen.

Aber logisch gesehen macht das ganze halt eh keinen Sinn. Verschlüsselung ist in vielen Bereichen zwingend notwendig, beim Online-Banking, für Passwörter, Unternehmensinterna, Schutz vor Malware und so weiter. Das macht viele Verbrechen nur einfacher. Aber sobald es eine Form von Verschlüsselung gibt, die erlaubt und möglich ist, kann man halt zwangsweise nicht mehr wissen was da übertragen wird.

[–] golli@lemm.ee 1 points 1 week ago

To be fair the article mentions that they did have it figured out, but later canceled the connection, which was part of a separate project.

Seems like the exact problem that could happen with anything, but ofc shouldn't. Because it really is such a simple mistake that anyone with a brain, who is in charge of making those decisions, should look at the plans and see it. There for sure are systemic issues, if something this basic can fall through the cracks.

[–] golli@lemm.ee 39 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Italy, a member of the G7, emerged as another opponent because of the large number of Italians living in Russia, diplomats said.

Rome has argued that it would not be able to offer consulate services across Russia if the Kremlin responds with tit-for-tat bans on diplomatic movements.

Its government also voiced support for maintaining “open diplomatic channels” with Moscow and there were other tactics to fight Russian intelligence agents, a diplomat said.

Feels like you could have also included that part of the article. Because while the headline ofc isn't technically wrong, it does imply that it is only Germany blocking the proposal. However the article itself also mentions Italy being against it (and who knows how the rest of the countries are leaning), including other reasons than just wanting to trade again. So it feels like they just wanna bash Germany specifically.

A more neutral headline would e.g. be "Europe still divided about Czech proposal to limit movement of Russian diplomats to combat spie activities".

Personally i think as a layman it is kind of hard to judge who is right in this debate. My first thought would be that you know who you give those diplomat credentials to, so while they might be spies, at the same time it makes it easier to track them.

The proposal of limiting them to only the specific country they are stationed in only makes sense to me, if it is a problem keeping track of them when they change countries (which would be a problem that should be fixed in general I guess).

I do like the part with requiring a biometric passport, that seems like an easy enough and sensible requirement. But ofc who says that spies would come with Russian passports in the first place. Couldn't they also come with passports from other contries like Kasachstan or Usbekistan for example?

We also shouldn't forget that we most certainly are doing the same with our diplomats. At least as far as spying goes, maybe not so much the sabotage part.

[–] golli@lemm.ee 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Es sind nicht nur die deutschen Autobauer, die im Innovator's Dilemma gefangen sind, sondern eben leider auch der deutsche Staat gleich mit (und das nicht nur was Autos angeht). Es ist echt zum Haare raufen.

[–] golli@lemm.ee 9 points 1 week ago

Besides the obvious fuck up, just judging from the picture in the article I also see a complete lack of solar panels or charging stations.

Feels like when you are already spending such a huge sum just for a fancy place to store some cars, then you could at least add that functionality.

[–] golli@lemm.ee 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Und ebenso die ganzen Politik-Talkshows im ÖRR.

Zumindest die im ARD/ZDF haben glaube ich auch garnicht den Anspruch an sich selbst Bildungsfernsehn zu sein. Das ist pure Unterhaltung, was man schon an der Auswahl der eingeladenen Gäste sieht. Das populistische Gepolter ist aktiv gewollt, weil es für mehr Emotionen und Kontroversen sorgt.

Ganz verallgemeinern würde ich es allerdings nicht, weil es bei Phoenix durchaus brauchbare Diskussionsrunden zu sehen gibt.

[–] golli@lemm.ee 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Hier der Hamburger Hafen, bei der Bahn Schenker, man sollte meinen, dass wir als Exportnation ein besonderes Interesse daran hätten zumindest ein gewisses Grad an Einfluss über unsere Transport-Infrastruktur behalten zu wollen. Aber nein, es muss günstig verscherbelt werden im "weil ja kein Geld da ist". Passend dazu wird gleich schon wieder über Subventionen für VW nachgedacht, weil sie nicht genug Profit machen.

[–] golli@lemm.ee 30 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Fun thought experiment, but yeah there is no way it ever happens. The simplest reason is that as soon as Ukraine manages to restore full control over its own territory, they will race to join Nato and the EU. Both of which would not accept Ukraine while holding russian land.

[–] golli@lemm.ee 3 points 1 week ago

Capital spending cuts may include German factory expected to cost $32 billion, source says

As a German this makes me sad and maybe biased, but imo that looks pretty bad to me. On the one hand Intel wants to turn around their foundry business including long term aquiring third party customers, on the other hand apparently even a subsidy of $10 billion isn't enough to see it through. I get that a completely new location might not be ideal and in Germany there also isn't a big semi supply chain already in place. But still if you get one third of your fab gifted and decline, what more does it take?

Progress is getting more and more expensive each node, so you'd probably want other customers and higher volume to spread out the development costs (like TSMC does). If they can't stem the burden of building it, then ofc it can't be helped. But it seems to me like having fewer fabs ultimately makes it harder to stay in the race longterm.

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