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[–] flughoernchen 7 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Apart from it obviously not being vegan - others jumped that train already - honey bee industry is actually pretty bad for the environment. Especially in areas with a lack of natural pollinators the competition honey bees place further destabilizes the ecosystem, even worsening the insect die-off.

(That's not the article I learned it from, just the first one I found on that matter. Feel free to recommend better ones.)

[–] flughoernchen 4 points 4 months ago

Everything east of the Brandywine if I'm not mistaken. Though technically Buckland is not part of the Shire at the time of the lotr events.

[–] flughoernchen 5 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Only recently I've been made aware that most people who haven't read the books don't know especially Merry and Pippin are actually pretty big shots.

[–] flughoernchen 5 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I disagree. While books might be more imaginative, as you can read the lines the way you like, most of the times, at least in fiction, the emotions are written out. Oftentimes, because of that I need to go back because I read the paragraph "wrong". And that's just one part of the imaginative experience. While listening to an audiobook the way you see the setting, the characters and their actions is still entirely up to you. It's fine that you, personally, prefer books. But that doesn't make audiobooks bad.

[–] flughoernchen 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (4 children)

If you can actively smell yourself, you're [...] really smelly.

Yeah. Thanks for reinforcing my point. You wouldn't go out in this state even if you give a fuck about other people, because it feels uncomfortable to you.

[–] flughoernchen 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (6 children)

Wtf of course you can smell yourself. Also when you feel good, you are more attentive to positive things, and therefore less inclined to be rude. Ignorant maybe, yes. But that's a different thing.

[–] flughoernchen 4 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Mit -y klingt alles so süß. Wie liebe Wesen in einem Kinderbuch - wobei das in der Alltagskommunikation vielleicht sogar hilfreich sein könnte, denn ich kann mir vorstellen, dass Menschen durch liebe Sprache eine höhere Hemmschwelle bekommen, gemeine Dinge zu sagen. Im professionellen Kontext hingegen ist das (bisher) eher schwierig. Ich glaube, ich könnte mich schnell dran gewöhnen, wenn es flächendeckend genutzt würde.

[–] flughoernchen 3 points 4 months ago

Guten Morgen! Ich habe gestern erst den Trailer zu Axel F gesehen. Bis dahin hatte ich gehofft, dass das unaufgeforderte Rauskramen und Fortsetzen alter Franchises langsam ein Ende finden würde. Pustekuchen.

[–] flughoernchen 2 points 4 months ago

Thanks I hate it

[–] flughoernchen -4 points 4 months ago (7 children)

I also think it's repulsive to let animals live in peace. Who tf would do such a cruel thing.

[–] flughoernchen 5 points 4 months ago

Kann ich bestätigen, saß mal eine Weile an der Kasse einer großen Supermarktkette. Unsere Meldeschwelle lag irgendwo zwischen 30 und 50€. Das wird dann vermerkt, aber solange nicht regelmäßig hohe Summen fehlen, ist alles okay. Und auch dann würde erstmal geprüft, woran es liegen könnte, bevor irgendwelche Konsequenzen auf den jeweiligen Mitarbeitenden zukommen würden.

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