
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago

Based purely on names, about 90% of those are HARD pass from me.

The other 10% are a soft pass.

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Well for the same reason lots of not great software is used.

It was once the best (or only) in the market, and now it'd cost literally millions of dollars to change in training/conversion/hardware changes. As long as we keep above the "We cause less damage than a change costs" folks stay.

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago

Heh, yeah but my metrics don't care about how many trucks I roll! Just how long my calls are! "Modem restart didn't work? Truck will be on its way." "Modem restart didn't work? Truck will be on its way." X100

100 calls an hour BABY.

[–] 41 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)


So I work for a large enterprise type software with a database. And because our installer is trash, we don't trust clients to do it. It's very common for the installer to error out with SQL error messages and we have to go fix things in the database. Think stupid things like if a value is null in one field, installer crashes.

So they call in, get paperwork for a test upgrade (we require they upgrade a test database first), then after they email that paperwork and it's approved by management, the call to schedule the test appointment happens. Then 3 days before the actual appointment, we can call them and transfer via Bomgar the files they need. Because we don't wanna give them the needed files early for... reasons never explained properly to me.

Then the actual install/upgrade call happens.

Then we do it all over again for the live.

Welcome to corporate policy that's been building over 20 years, and never cut back. Things get added to the install process, never removed.

[–] 18 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

There's always next weeks call deflection meeting for me to try again!

I haven't been uninvited from it yet! But yeah gotta love these "problem solving" meetings from management, where they don't actually want to give any resources or allow any policy changes to come from them.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The housing market was silly for awhile. Lots of homes basically had a clause of "If inspection done, no sale"

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

When I want a little sweet treat I make smoothies.

My base is always frozen banana + milk + oats then do one of these:

Cinnamon + vanilla

Pumpkin + pumpkin spice+ brown sugar

Strawberries/blue berries

Cost like under a dollar to make a good cup and they are pretty filling.


I try to stream my favorite games, and I will get small audiences because I do events in the online games. But whenever I try to edit or listen back I feel like I'm in pain.

Is it really annoying, or is it just that everyone hates their voice?


The people who say they need 3 cups of black coffee to start their day are just addicts with a high tolerance that experience mild withdrawal symptoms each morning.

If you feel like that, it's your body crying for you to take a break.

If you like an occasional cup of coffee or energy drink to get through something, then that's fine. But if you ever feel like one isn't working like it used to, you should take a break from caffeine to reset your tolerance, not up the dosage like an addict.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I have a mental block against making things one by one that have like 20 calories in them.

Brain says small things bad unless can make a million at a time.

And yeah screw making those things from scratch.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Sometimes brain say making gnocchi is no big deal.

Other times, grill cheese too much.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Oh man same.

Dealing with having to deep fry for a single meal is such a pain.


For me, crepes ain't worth the stress to make fresh. Just buy a little pack from store and focus on filling is my go to.


This is just one of my favorite videos on the internet, and I wish PE teachers were this smart and kind in elementary school. Because I remember everyone trying to do pull ups for the test and most people couldn't do any. But like... if they had taught us how to do intermediary ones and had us do them before the test we actually would have succeeded and learned the importance of building up to exercises.

Which I feel like would have been a much better education compared to having half the class fail to do a pull up.


Recently heard "feed the machine" for the first time and instantly wanna go destroy capatilsm and like join a picket line against the wealthy elite.

Any of you discover a song recently that just hit hard?


c/fitandnatural and c/mmababes are the two that show up on my local a lot... and like I COULD block them.

But... I clearly haven't.


If you played it in the past you might be interested to see that AOE2 community is doing great, and see one of the crazy players that are part of the community.

This particular player found a way to do absurd things with a unit no one else cares about.

The TLDR about the unit is compared to other castle age (age 3) units, it sucks. In age 2, it sucks compared to other age 2 units. It's a unique unit (so only one civilization can make it) with weird mechanics, but considered worthless. It

It is unique in that it can be built in feudal age. But it has a very weird quirk where nothing in feudal age can do any noticeable harm to its castle age version, and as soon as you hit castle age, it gets its instant upgrade. Archers are considered the counter to infantry units, but they deal one damage a hit if the unit is in castle age.

So this player simply made a strategy that ignores everything else in the game to get a handful of these castle age guys to your base ASAP. Hilarity ensues.


The sidewalks are really dangerous where I am, where they are super uneven, have "artistic" curves, and trees that are overhanging really low so like will hit my body.

I go max 15 MPH on my escooter and if I hear a ding ding I jump onto the sidewalk and go a bit slower until you guys pass, since I'm slower and can dismount easier it only makes sense for me to make room. I figure as long as I make room it "shouldn't" be a problem.

But just wondering if there are any bike riders that are just like shaking their fist at escooter riders.



At my work just all me and my fellow techs in a meeting we basically expressed shared frustration at wages not increasing at all in last couple years despite the company making billions.

It appears we were all individually expressing this and it boiled over cause nothing was being done.

So are there any organizations collecting signatures or potential members with the goal of forming one later?

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I like this one because I instantly knew what word it was despite it having a brand new spelling. Almost like letters should have meanings.

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