
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 6 months ago

Is this supposed to be some kind of public shaming? It's not as if there weren't any reasons not to issue a blank check to Ukraine.

A comprehensible way to view this war is: One corrupt shit-hole country, formerly part of the Soviet Unions has attacked another corrupt shit-hole country, formerly part of the Soviet Union.

I am German and I am happy with giving the Ukraine plenty of funds and other means in order for enabling them to stop Russia expending in my general direction. I don't really see that much benefit for the US so. But thanks, every US dollar spent is about 1€ less we have to spend. Go for it.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (7 children)

As a German: I think it really is not our job to criticise Israel/the jewish people. There are about 200 other countries that are capable of voicing their opinions. I seriously doubt Hamas left Israel much of a choice, though. They are still keeping and mistreating hostages. What is Israel supposed to do? Passively standing by and watching their hostages being impregnated?

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I always ridiculed her, although secretly I admired her determination and also agreed with her aims.

Then she started her pro-Gaza ramblings. She clearly has no idea about history of the middle east and also can't classifiy current events. To noone's surprise as she has hardly visited school. She's also 20 now, so a full adult, she does not have this young-innocent-girl Jeanne d'Arc bonus anymore.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I got permabanned from reddit for repeatedly trolling some ahs (probably not entirely unjustified). Whenever I create a new account and forget to only log in via a private browser window, the new account will be permabanned as well. So know I go "well, fuck it, I don't need reddit".

I don't even intend to try to find out if I could somehow beg somebody to revoke my ban. After I got banned I just send a reply asking the responsible mod to kindly delete themselves.

[–] 0 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I always thought like that:

Hmmm: 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 99 + 100

Kommutativgesetz be like: This equals:
100 +1 + 99 + 2 +98 + 3 . . . And this equals: 101+ 101+ 101+ . . .

How often do I need to do this? I use up 2 numbers for each 101. I have 100 numbers total. So that's 50x101.

Now you can think about: What if it's 1000 instead of 100? But it#s easy from here...

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I wonder if the guys here who are moaning like the snowflakes they are about Linus' way of conveying the message (not the message itself) are from the US? I sometimes really wonder about the US mindset. The boss is critisizing you justifyably but in an inadequate tone? Hell breaks lose. But as an employee insisting on healthcare, an adequate number of days on paid time off, unionazing or at least have an able workers' representation? Nah, that's unheard of.

How about having some priorities? Grow a pair and chose your battles more wisely. The boss criticizes you? If he's right, own up to your mistakes. Want some rights you are actually entitled to? Yeah, that's what you fight for.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

It does. But it shouldn't. There's absolutely no reason.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago (3 children)

I am against prostitution being illegal. I am also against slut shaming. And I am even more against ruining someones future opportunities of ANY kind for having been in the sex work business. But befor you let anyone teach: Make sure they are a teacher. If you want to teach biology (which sex ed is a part of) to children, you better have a degree in biology and teaching, ffs.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago

Indian food most often is vegetarian but definitely not vegan, in my experience. Also: It often seems to be colorful mud. Some parts of the dishes tend to be way too hot.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Sehr bezeichnend finde ich ihr Chinabashing. Es ist ja nicht so, dass es an der chinesischen Wirtschaft und Regierung (gehört ja eher irgendwie zusammen) nichts auszusetzen gäbe. Da gibt es KZs in denen die Uyguren eingesperrt werden z. B. Man könnte da ja etwas dagegen sagen. Aber nein, die Euro-Uschi prangert an, dass China den europäischen Markt mit angeblich subventionierten Billig-Elektroautos überflutet.

Inzwischen verkauft VW den ID.3 dort für 15k und den ID.4 für 20k, in Versionen, wie sie hier das 2,5fache kosten. Aber DIE überschwemmen HIER den Markt.

Und welches "Billigauto" soll hier den Markt überschwemmen? Das billigste E-Auto ist der Dacia Spring, in China hergestellt von einer europäischen Firma, Listenpreis in D über 20k. Es ist das 17.-populärste E-Auto in D. Wow, was eine Schwemme! Und wie billig!

Die Frau kann wirklich NICHTS!!! Es ist so einfach Mißstände in China anzuprangern. Selbst dafür ist sie zu dumm.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Habe mein Girokonto bei der comdirect. Ist unter vielen, leicht erfüllbaren Bedingungen kostenlos. Kostenlose Visadebit + kostenlose Girocard (musste ich extra ordern, weiß nicht, ob das noch eine kostenlose Option ist). Dazu habe ich eine Visakreditkarte, die Genialcard der Hanseatic. Diese ist kostenlos und man kann kostenlos an fast allen Automaten Geld abheben, keine Auslandsgebühren.


Es war ein großer Hype. Chinesen haben ihre Unternehmen, und sich selbst und ihre Familien, im Hunsrück angesiedelt. Standort war auf dem Umweltcampus Birkenfeld. Da steht jetzt fast alles, was vorher von den Chinesen genutzt wurde leer. Es sind nur noch wenige da. Im örtlichen Blättchen liest man immer wieder von gesuchten Personen mit chinesischem Namen, die Steuerschulden haben. Häuser, vermutlich auf Pump gekauft, stehen leer. Es handelt sich um relativ alte Häuser, die alten Leuten (oder deren Erben) abgekauft wurden. Die Eigentümer sind verschwunden, die Banken wollen die Häuser verkaufen. Wenn man sie besichtigt sieht man oft, dass der letzte Besitzer 0 Arbeit oder Geld investiert hat. Alles noch wie von dem Vor-vorbesitzer zurückgelassen.

Die ganze Region hatte sich viel von den Geschäftsbeziehungen mit den Chinesen versprochen. Der Traum ist geplatzt.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I try using Linux on my desktop PC from time to time. Whenever I buy a new rig, I try Linux, as I want to reinstall the system anyway. It never worked. I always tried with brand new hardware -> something is not properly supported -> install current windows. Rinse and repeat every 4 or 5 years whenever I get my hand on a new desktop or laptop. That never changed for the last 20 years.

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