
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

Agreed. I did have grief about my ASD diagnosis for a short time but adhd I had none whatsoever. I think it has to do with how you perceive the stigma of the condition.

[–] 41 points 8 hours ago (9 children)

It’s kinda like George Lucas. Everyone was shocked when the prequels came out with how bad they were but if you look into the original trilogy he had equally crazy ideas, he was just kept in check by a team because he wasn’t such a success he couldn’t have ALL the reigns.

[–] 1 points 9 hours ago

News outlets would NEVER normalize republican toxicity and bullshit by doing that. What are you saying? /s in case it’s needed…

[–] 2 points 12 hours ago

Agreed. And he’s legitimately entertaining. Lance on the other hand….is a tool of the highest order and a pseudointellectual.

[–] 3 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

I love the entertainment factor of James but he and Lance both are held up as gods by coffee people when i think a lot of what they produce, especially their “scientific” experiments, are questionable at best.

In roasting we have a similar problem with Scott Rao who most professional roasters think is a fool.

[–] 39 points 1 day ago (9 children)

Keep yelling at clouds banana. One day someone’s gonna stop ignoring you, I promise. Just don’t hold your breathe please, we all care for your health.

[–] 54 points 2 days ago (2 children)

They are nerds who care about other things than their operating system. That’s like wondering why they also don’t build their own networks down there and self host everything. Those are particular hobbies that don’t interest the vast majority of people, nerd or otherwise.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago

Unimaginable feet as well I’d bet! At least based on my drunk dancing abilities.

[–] 9 points 5 days ago (1 children)

OMG look, it’s the new BYD sovcit edition ev trick that lets you flip the middle finger to the big bad government!

lol wtf is this spam nonsense?

[–] 19 points 5 days ago

You got this! And congrats! Just remember to relax! I bet you’ll have a great time, but if any of those negative things happen don’t worry about it! You’ve proven you can get dates so it won’t be your last chance anyway. And who knows, they might have asd as well!

What other good things have been goin on for ya?

[–] 50 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Grief can be hard but wtf. The parents of the deceased didn’t suffer more than the person who survived. You can’t quantify suffering like that and that’s pretty shameful. I understand their worlds have been upended but that’s so petty. $1 less in settlement to acknowledge they had children who were murdered while this person has to deal with what is probably an enormous amount of ptsd among other things.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

This meme is no joke….because it’s lame ass boomer humor. Put this shit on Facebook.


Not sure how many hand tool users there are here but I’m going to buy a new plane and am debating between a plow plane or a combination plane (both Veritas). Plow plane gets me what I need today which is cutting grooves, dadoes, etc but the combination obviously gets a bit more in functionality and available blade shapes plus it has nickers on both sides so reversible direction. I already have a router plane with a fence which is almost as good as a plow but not quite. Trying to figure out if combination plane has any down sides to it at all that I’m not thinking about before I pull the trigger on it.


I’m playing on gamepass and haven’t been able to see the new space stations yet. There aren’t any updates available to download for the game so not sure if it’s a gamepass thing or something I’m doing wrong.


Not sure if this is allowed so mods lemme know if it’s not. Just sharing a link to a roasting specific discord I started. Not sure how many fellow roasters there are here but there wasn’t any roasting specific communities I could find so thought I’d start my own.


I have an old ge stereo console from the 60’s. The turntable on it doesn’t rotate anymore and the controls in general don’t work that great. I’ve been trying to find a shop or online resources for some diy repair/replacement but have mostly come up short. I’ve also toyed with just gutting it and replacing with modern stuff. Just curious if it’s a fools errand to try getting these components repaired or not. I can try to find the specific model to share, just don’t have it handy at the moment. But it’s one of the fairly common mcm style consoles with receiver, turntable, and built in speakers.

Sorry if this is too vague, I can try to get more specifics once I get home from work.


Title. I’m looking to add some new games to the library to play I honor of my favorite holiday. What are some of your favorites? Bonus points for hidden gems!

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