
joined 6 months ago
[–] ahornsirup 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wenn du das wirklich glaubst, dann kannst du auch direkt aufgeben. Du sprichst hier von einer klaren Mehrheit der Bevölkerung. Ich hab ne Umfrage verlinkt, es gibt mehr, alle mit dem gleichen Ergebnis.

[–] ahornsirup 8 points 1 week ago

Was haben die jungen Leute bewirkt?

Wenn du damit Fridays for Future meinst, das Wahlergebnis der Grünen in der Europawahl 2019. Dann kam Covid und hat der Bewegung komplett den Wind aus den Segeln genommen bevor Unsinn wie die Dreadlock-Geschichte und Thunbergs aktuelle Aussagen FFF dann den Rest gegeben haben. War aber der richtige Ansatz.

[–] ahornsirup 5 points 1 week ago

Das halte ich sogar für sehr wahrscheinlich, aber es ändert halt nichts am Endeffekt.

[–] ahornsirup 2 points 1 week ago

Must be on your end. There's nothing censored over here.

[–] ahornsirup -4 points 1 week ago (4 children)

But Fukushima did render a fairly large area uninhabitable, and the ongoing cleanup is still costing billions every year.

Also, there's still no solution to nuclear waste beyond burying it and hoping that no one digs it up.

Renewables exist, and, combined with upgrading the grid and adding sufficient storage facilities, can provide for 100% of electricity demand at all times. Without any of the risks associated with nuclear power (low as they may be, they exist), and without kicking a radioactive can down the road for hundreds of generations.

[–] ahornsirup 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Ich wäre ja schon glücklich, wenn ich einfach nur ein Opt-out aus IOC und FIFA-Finanzierung bekommen würde.

[–] ahornsirup 29 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Poor kid. :(

[–] ahornsirup 4 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Do you need the mobility?

[–] ahornsirup 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Oh for the love of fuck. Americans. Your country isn't the centre of the universe. It doesn't matter where a company's headquarters are. If you are doing business in, for example, Germany, you have to abide by German laws. Being American isn't an excuse and it doesn't shield you from consequences for breaking the law.

Also, the big issue is that Valve isn't actually using their right to refuse service. People can spread all sorts of bigotry via Steam's discussions and groups without Valve acting on it. They're providing a platform for hate speech and that is inherently immoral, regardless of what the law says.

[–] ahornsirup -3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Valve also does business outside the US. American law doesn't clear them of their legal obligations in other countries. And besides, legality and morality are not always the same. Providing a platform for hate speech is supporting hate speech, and as far as I'm concerned that's unethical regardless of whether or not it's legal.

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