
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

True story. One of my employees cats gave birth while she was working. Her boyfriend arrived home first and upon noticing the cat, went to check out the kittens. Well apparently the cat, who was always friendly prior, went absolutely cujo. The guy was wearing shorts and the cat just attached to his legs and shredded him. Apparently he like booted the cat a few times but it just kept coming at him. He ended up locking himself in the bathroom and had to climb out a window. The cat actually nicked an artery in his leg and he was bleeding significantly. Had to go to emergency. Apparently the bathroom looked like a war zone from what I was told.

Anyhow my cats always been good.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Germany is now using coal as base load. The main reason coal has not increased considerably is because all this new generation and loss of nuclear baseload along with limited ng generation has resulted in average energy prices doubling from 2017 to 2021 prices. Simply put the cost of energy is now so high that people and industry is using less. Done large industries shut down with loss of jobs. Solar and wind had been very expensive even with government subsidies. Subsidies that take money out of government coffers resulting in less services. This ignoring the increase in energy importation of which some may be from coal generation.

Shutting down nuclear simply denied millions of people a clean energy source unless they were willing to pay nearly double that of past years.,hydropower%20output%20due%20to%20drought.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

To be fair, he needs all that money for the war in Ukraine.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Not exactly on topic but in the spirit of this post have a funny story. Hired a young lady recently entering the work force. She had been working about a week when we did our payroll run. This entailed printing out all the checks with pay details etc. Is done in an administrative office that is obviously kind of private. Not some place you would wake in without permission. Anyhow we started the payroll print and my manager stepped out briefly to get a coffee. When she came back this new employee was flipping thru everyone's pay check. Of course my manager immediately asks what she is doing to which she responds 'oh I'm just wondering what everyone is being paid'.

She honestly thought it was just fine to not only start flipping thru paperwork in the managers office but to also look over employee payroll checks. She simply had no idea and just stated what she was doing like it was just fine. Actually that was her saving grace. While we made it quite clear how inappropriate it was, being it was her first job, we chalked that down to immaturity and didn't let her go on the spot. Had she been older that likely would have been her last day.

Mind you she only last a week longer for a myriad of other reasons. Little common sense.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

They make you check for water or air on a test or expect you to know? That would be novel in Canada.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I won't be around to be told 'i told you so'. They will be speaking into the wind.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

So hope e creater of RIF creates LIF.

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