Well, ... in the right hands, even a pencil isn't harmless.
It's some other MG 42 derivate, not a MG 3, as it doesn't have the typical clover-shaped anti aircraft sight.
Killing with style taken litterally.
Were their stili really that long? I only recall depictions where a stilus is about the size of a pencil, which makes sense as it is intended for witing on not for stabbing someone in a metre distance.
Ohne jetzt Experte in dem Gebiet zu sein, würde ich sagen, dem ist leider so. Zumindest die letzte bekannte IP-Adresse (siehe https://feddit.de/comment/11174476) ist unerreichbar.
Tief im Wald hinter den Bäumen kenne ich einen Ort
Dort gibt es Discolichter, Musik und jede Menge Kaffeekask
Ich weiß, zumindest in einem verkehrsberuhigten Bereich. Allerdings ist unklar, was "Schrittgeschwindigkeit" genau ist, je nach Rechtssprechung werden bis 20 km/h toleriert. Aus eigener Erfahrung, ich wohne in einem VB, kann ich sagen, dass viele zu schnell fahren. Insbesondere Ältere scheinen erstaunlich gut zu Fuß zu sein. Genaugenommen dürfte man in einer richtigen Spielstraße gar kein Auto fahren.
Bei mir im Ort hat es vor einigen Jahren auch eine junge Autofahrerin geschafft ihr Fahrzeug aufs Dach zu rollen ohne die zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 30 km/h überschritten zu haben. Das geht also, wenn man entschlossen genug handelt und die Topographie mitspielt.
According to German media, the guy came from Saudi Arabia in 2006, but is "ex-muslim", "anti islamic" and supporter of German far right party AfD, some years ago he tweeted that he will take "revenge" for the treatment of Saudis seeking asylum in Germany. Thus, it is concluded that his motives were not djihadist.
https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/magdeburg-faq-100.html (in German):
The arrested man is known as an activist critical of Islam who describes himself as an ex-Muslim. In social media, on Islamophobic websites and in interviews, he recently levelled accusations against the German authorities. Among other things, he accused them of not doing enough to combat Islamism and feared the Islamisation of Germany.
On the online service X, he expressed his sympathy for the AfD and dreamed of a joint project with the far-right party: an academy for ex-Muslims.
After going public years ago with his support for Saudi women fleeing their home country, he later wrote on his website in English and Arabic: "My advice: don't ask for asylum in Germany." According to the Reuters news agency, an insider from Saudi Arabia said that Saudi Arabia had warned the German authorities about the attacker.
More and more information is now known about the alleged perpetrator. According to MDR information, the man wrote around a year ago in a now deleted post on the platform "X" that the German state was persecuting refugees from Saudi Arabia in order to destroy their lives. He is said to have announced "imminent revenge", the newspaper "Welt" reported on Friday.
*Durer or better Dürer. Albrecht Durer was one of the best painters of his time. His self esteem made him the first marking his works with a trademark like monograph (AD) or depicting himself in a manner that would have usually be common for Jesus Christ.
It's not the fault of TB itself. E.g. on Unity desktop, as far as I can remember, the menu bar was merged into the title bar and KDE 5.x has the option to have the menu items as an expanding 'hamburger' menu in the title bar (which isn't that nice, but at least something).
Man muss die Betonblöcke schon zu einer Gesamtsperre verbinden. Einzeln sind sie relativ wirkungsschwach. Aber, dass sie zum Geschoss würden, kann ich im Video nicht erkennen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FecrBTFZn3s
So eine Ich-Hasse-Fußgänger-Ampel kenne ich auch.