
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Cure wounds could easily be interpreted as

It could far easier be interpreted as healing what the caster or their god perceives to be a wound, since IT'S THEM THAT DOES THE DAMN CURING.

I get inclusion, I really do. And if you wanna go there, the guy playing the cleric is a prick if he's doing this to a disabled guy's character. But you're not escaping this with logic, because disabled guy is also a prick.

You're in a universe of immortal gods, magic, amazing tech and telling stories. Don't you dare pretend there's any ailment that can't be healed by some random cleric of Waukeen or Kol Korran, both being deities of wealth that would approve of their priests being basically traveling salesmen, exchanging healing for money. You can cure anything for the right amount of gold, and let's not all act like we wouldn't want our walking/eyesight/hearing/whatever restored, and actively work to pay for one of these services.

Some of the traits we want to give our characters just don't translate into this magical world, and there's no ruling where a DM can still have it make sense if the cleric is in character when doing this. What you want to ask yourself before you get to this situation is, would this guy have seriously been crippled all his life and was never able to raise the few hundred gold for a healing spell? And would an adventuring party even want him on?

This should've been nixed at session 0 if not all players agree that this setting allows for incurable disabilities/diseases. Cause I for sure don't want a cleric in my party that "isn't allowed" to remove curses or heal. Oh, he's wheelchair-bound? The party exits the pub, you are unable to catch up to them as there are some stairs in the way. This is life without wheelchair ramps, better get used to some boring sessions ahead. Unless you wanna explore a dungeon and see if falling down stairs while stuck in a chair is gonna be easy to survive for your lvl1 wizard.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I second this, OP. I have a sebo, I'm very happy with it.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Of course law doesn't work that way. Law is inherently complicated because it needs to be abused only by those with the proper resources. Also - literally nobody fucking cares how the law works unless it's a step between where you are and where you need to go. At which point rich people will hire others to get over the step, and poor people will just jump over the step. Rich people will get away with it and get a slap on the wrist, and poor people will suffer the full wrath of the system, to make sure everyone else knows it's for real and doesn't question the authority of those in charge. Rich people are free, poor people are held hostage within the system and cannot break out. Law doesn't establish morality of actions or justice, it doesn't prevent or punish what society deems evil, it just separates those who can get away with their actions from those who can't.

Kill your masters.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Hey, man... I like playing devil's advocate as much as the next guy, but maybe Jimmy's got enough money to hire his own, yeah? Not to mention that the stuff you come up with is pretty weak.

Should everyone on the sex offender registry be jobless forever, or what is the point?

Should I be hired as a mechanic if I've ever tampered with cars before? Should I be hired in finance if I ran a ponzi scheme? Should I be hired producing content for children if I raped an 11 year old? Yeah, some questions are absolute mysteries.

There is tons of people criticizing him and I only heard about one cease and desist.

The man literally has you sign an NDA to work for him. That's attempt to silence.

That DogPack guy seems to have created his YouTube channel solely to attack MrBeast, do we have anyone more trusted?

I trust a labrador retriever to retrieve better than other dogs. Who would you like to have on Jimmy's heels? The pope? Trump? There's nobody that can't be discredited or dismissed with a "that guy's just a trying to hurt MrBeast.“

I have a feeling the DogPack guy has an agenda and isn't offering an objective view.

Oh, great. What an objective assessment to go on - your feeling. Listen, unless it's a third party that is not involved in the situation, that is incorruptible and that is tamper proof, you won't find objective reality. All you'll find is a subjective view of past events. Consume both sides of the argument and make up your mind where exactly the truth is, cause it's probably somewhere in-between everyone's claims. Or don't, there is no reason to get involved in the subject.

That being said - I am willing to believe someone who films themselves giving money to homeless people and uses it to get more money and views is a total fucking asshole whose basic mechanism of shame has been overridden by whatever type of greed made him turn into this soulless husk in the first place.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Does this really qualify as a diagram?

[–] 31 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (10 children)

As someone who doesn't speak native English, is $40mm

  • 40 millimeters of dollars?
  • 40 milliMillion dollars? Or rather, $40k?
  • 40 million million dollars? Or rather, 4 trillion?
  • 40 milliom dollars?
  • 40 morții mă-tii dollars? This one's a longshot
[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

while you apparently can transform from human corpse to a drake

Did you just assume my species?

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

First - pretty movie vampires were pretty humans before they got vampired. Second - why in the fuck would a necromancer raise a vampire with free will? Face it 'pretty' boy, you'll be stuck in a cave trying to kill adventurers who never visit. You'll be talking to rats after the first month of solitude. You'll lose your undeath virginity to a lost mountain goat. The first time a girl will be around your cave, she'll notice how it smells like a homeless man who hasn't changed his underwear in years and avoid the cave entirely. You'll feel like spiking yourself in the heart because you had gotten used to the smell, but you won't even be able to do that - you're a necromancer's minion. You have no choice in how you live or die. You're just a smelly guardian of an uninteresting cave.

I'll take undead drake. I'm doing some epic shit before I die, not just guarding some cave.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

That's fucking rich, let me tell you. Because I'm an unwilling crowdstrike user who just today had another issue - we received a company-wide email that our PCs will be slowed down because crowdstrike is experiencing another botched update that makes it take up too much memory/CPU to do it's shady fucking background work.

I'm getting 5 second delays trying to snap a screenshot and they have the gall to complain about commentary. Here's some fucking commentary for you: I've hired interns who were more principled than your entire company when it comes to pushing to production. Wanna try doing the same for like, 30 consecutive days? Or are you branching out into selling "it has been X days since the last global incident" t-shirts? Cause at least that'd be one useful product climbing out of that shithole of a company.

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