I suppose the theme song is quite a while out?
Republicans think Trump holds conservative values because he regurgitated their speaking points. Like most politicians on any side but to an extreme level, Trump holds no values except those that he thinks will lead to more money or power for him.
I like the art... and the use as DM in RPGs looks promising.
What part has you stumped?
Value of the hand is ranked like poker. Each hand is worth a number of chips and a multiplier. The face value of cards scored add to the number of chips. You have a set number of times you can discard per round and you use those to throw away cards and redraw trying to get a good hand. You have so many hands per round to try to reach the goal score. Everything else tweaks those variables to get higher scores per hand, which is necessary because the round goal quickly becomes impossible with the base deck and scores.
After 30 minutes I suppose you know all that...
After my first 30 minutes I was hooked and barely able to play anything else for the next month.
Isn't an air missile accident called getting shot down by a missile?
AI is pretty over-rated but the Anti-AI forces way overblow the problems associated with AI.
I wonder where people can go. Wikipedia maybe. ChatGPT is better than google for answering most questions where getting the answer wrong won't have catastrophic consequences. It is also a good place to get started in researching something. Unfortunately, most people don't know how to assess the potential problems. Those people will also have trouble if they try googling the answer, as they will choose some biased information source if it's a controversial topic, usually picking a source that matches their leaning. There aren't too many great sources of information on the internet anymore, it's all tainted by partisans or locked behind pay-walls. Even if you could get a free source for studies, many are weighted to favor whatever result the researcher wanted. It's a pretty bleak world out there for good information.
Years ago, when I picked up Agricola we played it every night for months. It started me on my board game collection. Now, unfortunately, I sort of doubt that I've played half of the games I own and Agricola hasn't hit the table in a couple years... I do get Wingspan to the table quite a bit since it is a satisfying game for gamers and one that I can teach easily to non-gamers with a theme that has wide appeal. Everdale caught my fancy when my friends who live out of state bought it and we got a game in before I had to come home. I have since gotten it on steam so I haven't bothered to get the physical game.