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[–] Saleh 4 points 1 month ago (5 children)

I am a bit confused. In Germany there is no x years for murder. The only punishment for murder is life long imprisonment, with the possibility to get out on parole after 15 years.

There is also Manslaughter with 5 to life.

[–] Saleh 7 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Ich habe leider keinen Artikel bisher gefunden, der nicht aus von Axel-Springer kommt oder hinter einer Paywall steht.

Unabhängig wie man zu der Frage von Völkermord in Gaza steht, ist dieses Vorgehen exemplarisch für die Deutsche Psychose im Umgang mit Israel. (Ohne damit psychisch Erkrankte beleidigen zu wollen, mir fällt leider kein anderer Begriff für diesen Wahnsinn ein)

Zu glauben, dass jemand der Völkermord begeht, sich an so einen Verpflichtung hält ist wahnwitzig, genauso wie überhaupt einem Völkermörder irgendwas zu liefern.

Wenn man dagegen nicht glaubt, dass Israel einen Völkermord begehe, wie der Tagesspiegel, dann ist es logisch, dass es eine solche Erklärung nicht braucht.

[–] Saleh 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I wonder how the people in Vietnam and Cambodia feel, watching people burning alive After being bombed again.

[–] Saleh -1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Trump pulled most troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Sure he doesnt care about the soldiers life, but he isnt committed to being a war hawk. He just does random stuff.

[–] Saleh 14 points 1 month ago

I think we will see instead that the US will let its support for Ukraine dry up, as it focuses on helping Israel blow up the entire West Asia region.

As it stands Europe will get fucked double as Russia will capture most of Ukraine, displacing another 10-20 Million Ukrainians and the great war in West Asia will bring another 100-200 Million refugees.

The global economy will freefall as the Oil price will skyrocket, but this helps both the US and Russia to keep their war chest filled, as the US has increased its Oil and Gas production capabilities.

[–] Saleh 0 points 1 month ago (4 children)

So the one says it out loud, the other just keeps the intention quiet.

Both are equally sending weapons.

However with Trump we saw that he pulled American soldiers out of the region and he is much more unstable. So when American soldiers die, he could just decide to fold the whole thing again.

[–] Saleh 21 points 1 month ago

Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for the attack, which it said targeted a training camp of the Israeli Defence Forces' (IDF) Golani Brigade in the area, which is based between Tel Aviv and Haifa.

The armed group's media office said the strike was in response to Israeli attacks in southern Lebanon and Beirut on Thursday.

The group said it targeted the camp in northern Israel using a "swarm of drones".

Israeli censorship rules prevent media outlets saying exactly where or what was targeted, but some media outlets say the location was hit by a low-level drone launched from Lebanon - a relatively unsophisticated weapon that appears not to have activated early warning alarms.

Would be nice if Israel let Journalists do their job. This way the only source on the targets is Hezbollah. Given the type of attack it seems probable though that they hit the claimed military base. If civilians were attacked i would be surprised, if the information would be under censorship.

[–] Saleh 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Die IDF behauptet UNFIL würde von der Hisbollah als menschliche Schutzschilde genutzt werden. Diese Behauptung kennen wir schon zur Genüge aus Gaza.

ich habe mir die Pressestatements auf der UNFIl website aus den letzten Monate angesehen. Dort wird kritisiert, dass die IDF sich direkt neben UNFIl aufgebaut hat, was als "nutzen als Schutzschild" gewertet werden kann/sollte. Ähnliche Vorwürfe an die Hisbollah konnte ich in den Statements nicht finden.

UNIFIL is deeply concerned by recent activities by the IDF immediately adjacent to the Mission’s position 6-52, southeast of Marun ar Ras (Sector West), inside Lebanese territory. The IDF has been repeatedly informed of this ongoing situation through regular channels.

This is an extremely dangerous development. It is unacceptable to compromise the safety of UN peacekeepers carrying out their Security Council-mandated tasks.

UNIFIL urgently reminds all actors of their obligations to protect UN personnel and property.

Das letzte mal, dass UNFIL über Angriffe auf seine Positionen vor den jüngsten israelischen Angriffen berichtete war am 28/29. Oktober 2023. Ebenso ein Raketentreffer am 15. Oktober 2023. Für keine der Angriffe wurde der Angreifer attribuiert.

[–] Saleh 10 points 1 month ago

Both also like forced labor of incarcerated people.

[–] Saleh 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

UNIFIL Mandate

According to Security Council resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978) of 19 March 1978, UNIFIL was established to:

  • Confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon.
  • Restore international peace and security.
  • Assist the Government of Lebanon in ensuring the return of its effective authority in the area.

According to Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) of 11 August 2006, UNIFIL, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 and 426, shall:

  • Monitor the cessation of hostilities.
  • Accompany and support the Lebanese armed forces as they deploy throughout the South, including along the Blue Line, as Israel withdraws its armed forces from Lebanon.
  • Coordinate its activities referred to in the preceding paragraph (above) with the Government of Lebanon and the Government of Israel.
  • Extend its assistance to help ensure humanitarian access to civilian populations and the voluntary and safe return of displaced persons.
  • Assist the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) in taking steps towards the establishment between the Blue Line and the Litani river of an area free of any armed personnel, assets and weapons other than those of the Government of Lebanon and of UNIFIL deployed in this area.
  • Assist the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points to prevent the entry in Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.

By this resolution, the Council also authorized UNIFIL to take all necessary action in areas of deployment of its forces and as it deems within its capabilities, to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities of any kind; to resist attempts by forceful means to prevent it from discharging its duties under the mandate of the Security Council; and to protect United Nations personnel, facilities, installations and equipment, ensure the security and freedom of movement of United Nations personnel, humanitarian workers and, without prejudice to the responsibility of the Government of Lebanon, to protect civilians under imminent threat of physical violence. In its resolution 1773 (2007), the Security Council acknowledged the role played by UNIFIL and the LAF in helping to establish a new strategic environment in southern Lebanon and looked forward to increased cooperation between the two forces in the discharge of UNIFIL’s mandate. In resolution 2373 (2017), the Security Council called for an “accelerated” and “durable” deployment of the LAF in southern Lebanon and the territorial waters of Lebanon, and increased support of and coordination with the LAF. It also asked for enhanced reporting to the Council on UNIFIL’s activities. In line with resolutions 2433 (2018) and 2485 (2019), LAF and UNIFIL efforts in the framework of the Strategic Dialogue are currently focused on the deployment of the LAF Model Regiment in UNIFIL’s area of operation and the development of a strategy for a phased transition of the responsibilities of Maritime Task Force to the Lebanese Navy.

At the request of the Government of Lebanon, the UNIFIL mandate is renewed annually by the Security Council.

Ich denke der wesentliche Punkt ist, dass UNFIL die libanesische Armee unterstützen sollte. Durch den Bürgerkrieg in Syrien und die anhaltende Wirtschafts und zuletzt Staatskrise war Libanon aber nie in der Lage, die eigenen Aktivitäten dafür durchzuführen.

Ansonsten ist UNFIL eben auch ein klassisches "Meathshield", unter der Annahme, dass die Weltgemeinschaft entsprechende Attacken auf UNFIL ahnden würde. Die Hisbollah hat m.W. UNFIL bisher nicht angegriffen. Die IDF fühlt sich offensichtlich sicher genug das zu tun.

[–] Saleh 8 points 1 month ago (7 children)

Die Bundesnetzagentur erklärte die Preissteigerungen auch mit gesunkener Nachfrage nach Gas. »In einigen Regionen sind signifikantere Mengenrückgänge zu verzeichnen, die zu Entgeltsteigerungen führen«, sagte ein Sprecher der Behörde den Funke-Zeitungen. Die Kosten für das Netz müssen demnach nun also von weniger angeschlossenen Verbrauchern getragen werden. Auch wenn die Mengen wegen sparsameren Verhaltens oder neuen effizienteren Gasheizungen zurückgehen, steigen auf der anderen Seite die Netzentgelte.

Genau deswegen ist es sinnvoll, dass durch staatliche Regulierung der Umstieg auf Wärmepumpen forciert wird. Die Leute in dem glauben zu lassen, dass sie einfach weiter mit Gastherme stabil fahren, und das riesige Netz für immer weniger Leute weiterbetrieben werden muss, ist politisch unverantwortlich. Genauso der Quatsch mit Wasserstof zum Heizen im Gasnetz. (Wasserstoffversprödung, Elektrolyse-Kosten, geringer Wirkungsgrad gegenüber Wärmepumpen)

Idealerweise würde man gezielt die ganzen Häuser an einem Strang auf Wärmepumpe umstellen, und dann gleich den ganzen Strang stillegen. Aber ich schätze bei der hysterischen "Debatte", wie sie von CDU, AfD und FDP, sowie Springer-Medien & co. um Heizungsgesetz und Wärmeplanung geschürt wurde, wäre das nicht durchsetzbar gewesen.

[–] Saleh 7 points 1 month ago

Je nachdem wieviel das Fahrrad davor benutzt wurde, kann es auch sein, dass die Zahnkränze runtergeschliffen sind. Das Problem hatte ich bei mir. die neue Kette ist ständig aus den zwei Gängen gesprungen, die ich am meisten benutzt hatte.

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