
joined 11 months ago
[–] PugJesus@lemmy.world 1 points 2 minutes ago

The far-right won big in elections for the EU.

Macron called a snap election for the FRENCH legislature in the hopes of using "Far right is winning, SUPPORT THE NON-FAR-RIGHT" (implicitly, Macron's centrists) to renew his mandate to rule.

However, the far-right won big in the first round of elections, sending everyone into a panic, since they were projected to get close to or an actual majority in the French legislature.

Macron and the Left then agreed that in races where both of their candidates were competitive, the weaker of the candidates in each of the races would drop out to bolster the other, because as much as they hate each other, they hate the far-right more.

[–] PugJesus@lemmy.world 9 points 11 minutes ago (1 children)

The French Left and Macron's centrists both agreed to drop out of competitive races and support each other's candidates. With that, many of the races that were previously considered to be in the far-right's favor changed to favor the left, no longer having to split the vote with the centrists.

[–] PugJesus@lemmy.world 10 points 43 minutes ago

Good news, finally.

[–] PugJesus@lemmy.world 2 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

This made my day.

[–] PugJesus@lemmy.world 6 points 1 hour ago (1 children)


"I ain't gotta do SHIT before 6 AM you prick. MINUTEman not MORNINGman."

[–] PugJesus@lemmy.world 1 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

This is what you said

this u?

Are you saying Prussia isn’t a Germanic-derived state?

... yes...? That is me asking if you meant what you just said. Jesus Christ.

They were culturally still european, otherwise, your enlightenment point wouldn’t make sense, either.

"Americans are not allowed to take from the European Enlightenment that I specifically cited as coming from Europe and which no serious historian doubts was instrumental in the thinking of the Founding Fathers and the founding documents of the US; an Enlightenment that arose independently of Native American polities and thinking - also something no serious academic disputes."

Okay buddy. We're done here.

[–] PugJesus@lemmy.world 1 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (3 children)

lol, things in Prussia, ok.

This is what you said

Wait a second… are you suggesting that prussia could be considered a “germanic” country back then?

But it seems to be too much to ask of you that you remember your own claims.

Are you claiming the founding fathers weren’t european?

All seven were born and raised in the Americas.

Again, this is what YOU said

This framing is very cynical, since the european upper class probably got those concepts from the native Americans which the US displaced/genocided.

I can't believe I have to remind you of what you said over and over again, and that you still don't seem to recognize it. Do I need to underline it? Find a highlighter?

[–] PugJesus@lemmy.world 4 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Again, not popular anymore at that point.

It was literally at the peak of the Bund's popularity - which is pretty damning for anyone claiming that they were popular.

To prove the point you seem to ba making, you’d need to find a quote that backs the notion they were never popular

So when someone claims that the Bund was popular, citing an event, and I cite the actual details of that same event showing that the accusation of popularity is highly dubious, the burden of proof is on me.

Is that what you're saying?

Op claims they were popular for a while and then not. You seem to take evidence from the “then not” part of the story and seemingly use it to prove they were never popular

I didn't realize "When the biggest event they ever manage to have is outnumbered by counterprotesters 5-1 maybe they just aren't that popular in the country" was such a huge leap of logic.

[–] PugJesus@lemmy.world 2 points 4 hours ago (5 children)

Wait a second… are you suggesting that prussia could be considered a “germanic” country back then?

Are you saying Prussia isn't a Germanic-derived state? Do I... do I have to educate you on Christian colonialism in Europe now too?

Do you think they had things in saxony? Lol ^^

No, they had Diets.

Our notion that democracy was spear-headed in athens is highly romanticized.

... okay...?

Ahem… “Philosophy is when you are uninterested in the biggest anthropological discovery of the last two centuries. The less interest you have, the more philosophic it is.”.

Sorry that you were aware of early modern European racism two comments ago, but have seemingly entirely forgotten it now.

What? I thought it was…

This you?

This framing is very cynical, since the european upper class probably got those concepts from the native Americans which the US displaced/genocided.

Because I'm pretty sure this is the third time I've mentioned that this is what I'm refuting. It's getting kind of tedious reminding you of what you just said a few comments ago. Are you even trying, or just keeping up the conversation so you don't have to confront how monumentally incorrect your statement was?

[–] PugJesus@lemmy.world 8 points 4 hours ago

But his accounts of other episodes are bolstered by his contemporaneous notes, video footage and text messages exchanged by members of the unit and reviewed by The Times.

[–] PugJesus@lemmy.world 4 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (3 children)

While Madison Square Garden had prepared itself for the presence of the German Bund, many around New York City considered the Nazi sect less welcome in their city. About 100,000 anti-Nazi protesters gathered around the arena in protest of the Bund, carrying signs stating "Smash Anti-Semitism" and "Drive the Nazis Out of New York".[6] A total of three attempts were made to break the arm-linking lines of police, the first of these, a group of World War One Veterans, wrapped in Stars and Stripes, were held off by police on mounted horseback, the next, a "burly man carrying an American flag" and finally, a Trotskyist group known as the Socialist Workers Party, who like those before, had their efforts halted by police.[4]

If you gather a crowd of 100,000 counter-protesters, several times larger than your own rally, not sure how 'popular' you are.

[–] PugJesus@lemmy.world 2 points 6 hours ago

The point is about the concepts of the European Enlightenment being derived from Native Americans (which is absurd), not that the Founding Fathers specifically understood and owe some debt to Native American forms of governance (which is controversial but mainstream and backed by evidence).


by Centurii chan

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