
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

This is mind-bogglingly weird. I’ll never understand it.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (5 children)

That’s not bright of you. You going to clutch your pearls as Trump is inaugurated?

How about when he carries you off to a camp?

[–] 11 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Bet she also “urges” withdrawing support from Ukraine.

[–] 34 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Last night’s CNN interviews with undecided PA voters made me want to weep for the electorate.

So many of them really were clueless.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

You can get all the way to LR4 without leveling a single K-drive. I did.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

Always keep in mind that ideally, you should be doing two things at once when you’re doing something. Working lich murmurs? Be sure to do the excavation mission for cryotic to get that Sibear. Grinding XP in ESO? Be sure to stay to wave 8’s end, to get a chance at Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal.

And on a different note, to avoid burnout don’t do the same void-damned thing over and over and over. When grinding for Old Mate standing with Fortuna, I’d start each day with a bounty, and end the day with another. If a clan mate wanted to run some of them during the day, great, I’d do that. But I did not spend 3 hours running the same bounty over and over.

If the only sensible place to get something means you have to grind the same mission over and over, vary the gear you use for it so it becomes more interesting. This is what I did grinding for Harrow Systems back when its best drop chance was a dismally low number from Saturn Defection. You hate the game going to the same mission with the same gear over and over. So I tried most every frame to see if things that weren’t the meta for defection would work, and to my delight discovered that several are quite good at it.

And finally, I hope you have a good, social clan that likes helping. If you don’t, maybe I can fix that.

[–] 8 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Seems fitting here to remind people just getting used to modding that Heavy Caliber should almost never be used. And should NEVER be used along with Serration in the same build.

The only use for HC is when you want to spread damage widely. Mutalist Cernos or Ogris. And that’s about it.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I’m not talking about a long-ago problem. I’m talking about a current install of Ubuntu.

[–] 39 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I’m a very casual Linux user and in my experience, I’ve NEVER had a problem with a documented solution that didn’t require going down a rabbit hole of other references.

Something like this: “To get the trackpad to work with Ubuntu, make sure you’ve installed the hergelbergelXX package.” (No link, find it on your own!)

Visit the HergelBergelXX page. To install Hergelbergel on Ubuntu, you must install the framisPortistan Package Manager. (No link!)

On the FramisPortistan GitHub readme, we discover it requires the JUJU3 database system to be installed. “JUJU3 may cause conflicts with installed USB devices under Ubuntu” JUJU2, which shipped with Ubuntu, is no longer supported. Also we recommend Archie&Jughead Linux over other distributions.

And this essentially never stops.

All of this is comparatively a happy result—I actually DID post a question on linuxnoobs about getting my trackpad to work with Ubuntu… and have not had a single reply. I have no idea how to find out how to make it work.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I wish I could say this is great, but it’s an unreadable mess. Looks like EEDT.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

He’s especially good vs. the Murmur, since most of them have huge health and no armor. Sow+Reap go BOOOOM.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Zoom in and look at the roofs. They look cartoonish.


Pretty much the title. I’ve got an old (circa 2012) MacBook Pro with no screen that’s running Ubuntu, but since day one of the install it has never recognized the touchpad. I’ve been using it with an external mouse, which works, but it’s much less convenient and elegant than if I had even basic touchpad use.

Any ideas on how I might make this work?


I think I've done my research, but damn if I can find what I'm looking for in the US. Even talked to my installer, who had nothing.

From what I can tell, my sole option for V2H, using the vehicle's batteries to back up the house, is the Ford Lightning. Maybe the Mach-E?

In fact, what I'd actually like is a CAR. Not a crossover, not a SUV. An actual CAR.

  • The Lightning is WAAAY too much "car" for me.
  • Best I can tell, Polestar is only "testing" V2anything.
  • Kia/Hyundai only has V2L.
  • Volkswagen ID4? I'm unclear.
  • Mini has nothing.
  • Leaf has something, but leaf is too little for being useful in terms of KwH.

Again, I'm in the US. And I already have an Enphase solar install, so I can't totally switch to some other sort of turnkey soup to nuts solution. I don't have batteries for the house, and want a vehicle that can be that as well as a mode of transport.

I'm also not an electrical engineer, so what that guy in this forum who built his own rack of components to make V2H work with his Ioniq is not something I can do.

Any help?


I have tried this multiple times, and it seems like I’m missing something. Explanations are all doing a bit of hand waving where they say “put the account in the search field.”

What search field??? The one at

Because that’s the only one I can find. And it doesn’t return anything when I enter any version of something that would identify the mastodon account I want to follow here.


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